Nlake 635(11)/SP-DR 980430 (4)05/01×98 09:54 CITY OF COPPELL a CITY OF COPPELL N0o159 ~10 II I I I · II DEVELOPMENT REV/EW COMM/~E LEI$IIRE $£R VICES CO~ ITEM: NortMake 635 Business Park, Minor Plat !!! !i! I~A¥ . . -I 1998 DRC DATE: April 30, 1998 a.d May 7, 1998 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landscape Manager III CO~ STATtI$: ._.~PR~LIMINAR¥ ,~, No Comment Should ~ere be any questions by committee members or representatives of the proposed development regarding these comments, please feel free to contact Brad Reid at 304 -3561. DRC43098i '