Nlake 635(11)/SP-CS 980512 MAY-12-1998 12:25 CITY OF COPPELL 14 P.02 / " 1203 Crestside Drive / ' ~ OF ~ELL aDDRESS INSPECTION DEPA~ENT ®f Nov. 5 __,~8 6 C~ell, Texas ~i~i~ Is mO~ fO ~ ~ Offl~ol of ~e Gffy ~ ~pell, Texas, um of~~ ~ldl~ of~20~ .~~e D~v~_~ Street, * . * NoT, lake 635 Business Park __. ~ ~ ·. __ . . light industrial complex .~,~ u~: New . Approvol recommended Moiling Addrels __ Tho e~e desert~ light industrial ¢omal-x ~g I. lipht industrial Zorn and ho~ ~n ~vly In~ct~ and f~ to comply wlt~ the m~/s~s of the Zoning ~din~e of t~ City ~ ~p~ll ~ wl~ of/ buNdl~g a~ h~l~ ~dlno~l pertain~g t~re ~. I do ~eee~y, ~ and issue t~ ~flficot. of OC~po~Y OS o~ted for obove. DATED June 2g, 1 g87 * - See at~ached legal ~IC[: NO c~.~ is to be ~e m any ~lldi~ or in the ng or pre ith the ~tiflcate of O~upa~. ~ - ~ ........... ;~:.~.~z~-~ ......... ..~. · , ~ a · ._~ ~ ~ .... ~. ~ ~*- , ~....--. .... . ........ . . . ......... ~.;~.~,~,~... · .... .. ,z, ....-,~ - ~-.. · .~ .~.- ~ . _ · ' ' ' ........ ' .................................... . ?... . - . . L... . .... , .,.., .. ......,..,. - -.. -_. , . - ~. · .-*? . .,. .,... .... - .: - . ---. 1.-....[,: , TOTAL P.02