ParkW CC-1/PP-DR 891024DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PLR~ I NG DE P/~RTflENT Rev i e~ed by: Dar e: Ta~yc~l Bo~nan, Pla~i~g & Zoning Coc~dir~a%o~ Oc~obe~ 24, 1989 Whatzca~e the p~oposed ~gh%s-of--ways fo~ South~ester~rl E~chang~i~D~iYe~ and plat. Plat needs to be ame~ded ~o ~ead P~eli~nina~ Plat Fi~al Plat. instead of Name of Plarmin§ ar,d Zcrr~ing Cc~mnission chair~a~, is Joe Mur~sch. Please sut~it you enginee~i~g plaz,s directly to the Er~gi~ee~ing Depa~r~e~rt located at ~he Service Ce~ce~ on DeFcr~est Road. Please submit t~o (P-) condec%ed folded plans prio~ to Moz~day, Oc~obe~ 5~, 1989. R~vie~ ,iii cor~i~ue at ~nee~iz~g to be held on Tuesday, Octobep 3i, 1989 a% 8:~5 a.m. This i%~e is scheduled for the Placating and Zc~,ing Co~m~ission mee%ing on Thursday, NoYembe~ 16, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. and also fo~ the City Council c~n Tuesday, Decembe~ I2, I989 at 7:00 p.~. in the To~n Cente~Council Chambers.