ParkW CC-1/FP-CS 900214~~Y CO~CE~ The Final ~iat fop ~opth Lake i905. The applicant ~as notifie~ ppio~to ~he Ci~ Council Duming the Council meeting, the appiica~, ~. ~a~k Co~,eii, D~ive, ~ouid ~e flied ~ith the i have pesea~ched the flies of vapious depa~tments~ and have been una~ie ~o ideate the a~ove mentio~e~ ie~te~ of cpe~it. Total fmon~ footage along Wpangiep Dm ......... 3, ~i3.60· Tc~ai escr-ow amour~ due .................... ~38~, 380. O0 Duming the platting stage fop Pa~k West ~ommepce Oentep, staf~ i~,forz, eO the Uevelop~ of his ~esp~,sibiii~y f~ She future moadNay impmovemen~s. ~ip. Mi~aei Tu~kep, Vi~e gpesident of ~en~iss Pmope~ies, meques~eP ~ha~ ~he Ci~ n~ mequi~e him ~o piaee a iamDe sum of money in es~poN a~ ~he ~ime of final pia~$ing~ so ~ha% thei~ funds ~ouie be b~ u~ i iizeO fop i a~,ds~api~,D and o%hep i mp~ovemer,% s ~o the devei opmen%. The oNz,~s of Pa~k West Comme~e C~,~ NJ ii ~ ~equimeo ~o piace papcei ai~,D Wma~,gi~ D~ive. The fi~,ai Plat fo~ Pa~k ~est Comme~e Cen~e~ was app~ove~ Ap~ii To~ai fpont footage aio~,g ~angie~ ~ ......... J, 6~3.73~ Total esc~o~ amount due .................... $58~, 5~5. ~-3 As ~equiped b~ the Subdivision ~eguiatio~s~ if the p~opose~ subdivision is located aion§ only one side of a substandapd poad, an~ if the Cit~ Council's det~mines that it is not feasiDie to pe~onstpu~t the substandapd poad duping deveiopment of said subdivisiorl, Cou~lcii ma]~ aiiow the D~veioper to pay an amount equal ~o ~he Deveiope~s sha~e o~ ~he cos~ o~ said imp~~ as a c~,Uliior, for the appp~ai of the fi~,ai plat of ~he su~divisio~ . The e~isting school site has ~ot ~een piatted, and remains as a ~ivisioz, of ia~, desoribe~ ~ a~ aDstrac~ ~um~e~, u~r the Daiias County Records. As a property owner with ~rontage aiong Wrangler Drive, ~he school ~istric~ is aiso ~esp~sibie ~o Tc~ai froT,t footage aic~,g W~ar~gie~ Dr ...... i, iT5~ Total escrow a;~ount due ............... ~ii~, 500. O0 655 AdOi~i~. The ~s of Pm~k Wes~ Co~ce C~t~ m~O No~h Lake 6~5 AOOi~ion, r~ust provide ~he fu?,ds ?~ecessa~ to co~s~puc~ ~angi~ ~ive o~ pave ~he road i~, i~s ~i~e ~i~th, ~ich is a · otai of 4--ia?~es, u?,divided. According to the of~iciai Daiias Cour~ pia~s, ~he 60~?ight--of--way necessa~ ~o ~o~,s~uc~ ~ngie~ Drive, has bee?~ dedicated _ II I