Parkway Blvd/PP-AG 881025-SUBMI~S~.~ ON DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Monday - 8 Days Preceding City Council Meeting Rev.: Effective 1/20/88 AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October ZS~ 1988 I. REF/FILE NUMBER : Parkway Boulevard - West II. ITEM CAPTION : To consider approval of a preliminary plat and agreements for the Parkway Boulevard - West Addition, located west of Denton Tap Road, at the request of ABQ Development. III. ACTION RECOMMENDED : Date of Planning & Zoning Meeting: September 19, 1988 Decision of Planning & Zoning Commission: Approved (6-0) with the condition that the Right-of-Way within three hundred hundred five feet. feet of Denton Tap Road be chan~ed to one IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE STAF~ - Taryon Bowman, P&Z (~oordinator B: OTH~.~- V. NOTIFICATION TO VI. DATE FINANCIAL REVIEW : METHOD OF CONTACT : Letter : 10-7-88 1. BUDGETED ITEM 2. BUDGET AMOUNT 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UNDER BUDGET 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS (Series or year authorized) OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) OTHER AGENDA REQUEST FORM DMEMOI APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER : ITEM NUMBER~~.~ : N/A _YES : NO : YES NO SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION FOR AGENDA ITEM ,~************~******~***********~*~*** * DATE RECEIVED * * TIME * * To be completed by City Manager Dept.* **************************************** SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED MEMORANDUMS ....................... : LETTERS ........................... : REPORTS~~r~..,~~ ~- · . : BID ............................... : CONTRACT/AGREEMENT ................ : MINUTES ........................... : ORDINANCE ......................... ; RESOLUTION ........................ : PROCLAMATION ...................... : MAPS .............................. : ZONING PLANS ...................... : PRELIMINARY PLATS ................. : FINAL PLATS ....................... : SITE PLANS ........................ : LANDSCAPE PLANS ................... : ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS .......... : OTHER ............................. : REVIEWED BY (If applicable) CITY ATTORNEY ..................... : FINANCE DIRECTOR .................. : OTHER ............................. : SUBMITTED BY DEPARTMENT ........................ : DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ............... : APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER ...................... : DENIED BY CITY MANAGER ...................... : AMOUNT PER/SET NO. OF PAGES DATE SUBMITTED SIGNATURE DATE REVIEWED SIGNATURE DATE SUBMITTED DATE APPROVED SIGNATURE SIGNATURE Additional documentation required Need for further discussion Submitted after deadline At the request of ACENDA FOP~ 2ND SIDE (Name) Hinutes of September 19, 1988 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 2 The public hearing was then closed. Following discussion, Commissioner Weaver moved to approve Case ~S-1037, as submitted vith all variances. Commissioner Green seconded the motion; motion carried (4-2) vith Chairman HunsCh and Commissioners Green, Thomas and Weaver voting in favor of the motion, and Commissioners Pope and Tunnel1 voting against the motion. PLATTING Item 6: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 3, Block I, located at the southvest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road, at the request of Exxon. P&Z Coordinator Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the Commission. She stated that all Development Reviev Committee comments had been addressed. Hr. Wayne Bart of Hamill and HcKinney was present to represent this item before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Folloving discussion, Commissioner Tunnel1 moved to approve the preliminary plat for the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 3, Block 1 as submitted. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0), vith Chairman Hunsch and Commissioners Green, Pope, Thomas, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 7: To consider approval of a preliminary plat for the Parkway Boulevard-West Addition, located vest of Denton Tap Road, at the request of ABQ Development. Again Taryon Bovman introduced the item to the Commission. Jerry Parche of Jerry Parche Consulting Engineer vas present to represent this item. ~tem 8: Folloving discussion, Commissioner Weaver moved to approve the preliminary plat for Parkway Boulevard-West vith the condition that the Right-of-ray vithin three hundred (300) feet of Denton Tap Road be changed to one hundred five (105) feet. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) vith Chairman Hunsch and Commissioners Green, Pope, Thomas, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. To consider approval of a map revision to the official zoning map of the City of Coppe11, on a parcel located at the south- east corner of Denton Tap Road and Headovcreek Road, at the request of the City of Coppell. Taryon Bovman introduced this item and stated that an inadvertant error vas made vhen the Comprehensive Zoning CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT Date: October 25, 1988 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT RE: Case t: Parkway Boulevard-West, Preliminary Plat LOCAT ION: West of Denton Tap Road REQUEST: Approval of a preliminary plat, and setback agreements in regards to additional right-of-way for Denton Tap Road. SUMMARY: ANALYSIS: Applicant is requesting approval of a preliminary plat for the future construction of Parkway Boulevard, west of Denton Tap Road. (This will also enable the Coppell I.S.D. to gain proper access onto Parkway Boulevard). ABQ Development has agreed to dedicate additional Right-of-Way as requested by Ginn, Inc., if Coppell agrees to the following conditions: (1.) Building and landscape setbacks adjacent to Denton Tap Road will be measured from the easterly limits of the area dedicated as right-of-way; and (2.) The area dedicated as right-of-way for Denton Tap Road can be used as part of adjacent land currently owned by ABQ Development for computing project densities of future developments. Staff has no objections. All DRC comments have been addressed at this time. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended that the developer be required to change the right-of-way within 300' of Denton Tap Road to 125'. The developer has agreed to provide the additional right-of-way as required. City staff will be sure it is sho%m on the final plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the preliminary plat and agreements, and a condition that the right-of-way within 300t feet of Denton Tap Road be changed to 125~ and be shosm on the final plat. 2. Approve the preliminary plat and deny agreements. 3. Deny the prel/minary plat. STF.REPORT/FORH PZAGN2 GINN, INC. July 29, 1988 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Mr. Jay Chester ABQ Development Corporation 625 Silver SW, Suite 200 P.O. Box 25625 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Re: Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Chester: The purpose of this letter is to respond to your letter of July 18, 1988 and to document a meeting held July 25, 1988 in Coppell, Texas. The conceptual plan of the proposed Parkway Boulevard as presented by Jerry Parche is acceptable to the City of Coppell. It is our understanding that you will plat the R.O.W. for Parkway Boulevard, the street to serve the new high school, and the 3 or -4 feet of R.O.W. along Denton Tap. This will clear up discrepancies between the Dallas County R.O.W. records and ABQ records. This should all be on one plat with references to the boundaries of the entire ABQ tract. The proposed alignment of Parkway Boulevard is much more desirable than having a tee-intersection as was shown on the park submittal. At the time of final plat submittal and review, we will recommend to Planning and Zoning and the City Council that ABQ Development be allowed to use the 3 or 4 feet dedicated for R.O.W. as the point of reference for future setbacks and that the amount of R.O.W. dedicated (est. approx. 5,000 sf) be used in the gross acreage for compiling project densities. please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. Sin er 1 , · H. Wayne Gxnn, P.E. HWG/dsp cc: Alan D. Ratliff Russell Doyle Jerry Parche Dr. Stanfield, CISD Steve Goram File 379, 88241 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas. Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 SALLINGER, NICHOLS, JACKSON, KIRK & DILLARD (Formerly Saner, Jack, Sallinger & Nichols) Attorneys & Counselors at Law 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 N. Akerd Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 954-3333 Facsimile (214) 954-3334 October 7, 1988 PRESTON CENTER OFFICE 8~2'~ I)m~hs Ave. S~iM Dsllm, Toz~ 75225 i214) 692-1218 ROBSNT L. OILLANO. JR. OF COUNSKL Ms. Taryon Bowman Planning and Zoning Coordinator City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: ABQ Dedication of Right-of-Way on Denton Tap Road and Variances Parkway Boulevard (West), Preliminary Plat Our File No. 300 Dear Taryon: This is in reference to your previous request concerning the above mentioned matter. It is my understanding that the city is in need of additional right-of-way width adjacent to ABQ property on the west side of Denton Tap Road and ABQ has agreed to dedicate this right-of-way to the city if Coppe]l agrees to the following conditions: Building and landscape setbacks adjacent to Denton Tap Road will be measured from the easterly limits of the area dedicated as right-of-way. ¸2. The area dedicated as right-of-way for Denton Tap Road can be used as part of adjacent land currently owned by ABQ for computing project densities of future developments. Wayne Ginn's letter of July 29 recommends approval of this settlement which in my opinion should be addressed by the City Council as a part of the platting process. The two conditions should be shown on the final plat with a follow-up letter from the city to ABQ noting approval of the conditions. It is my understanding that Mr. Jim Schell, attorney for ABQ, will be submitting a letter offering the dedication in exchange for approval of the two conditions. Since the conditions form a part of ABQ's offer to dedicate and are not sought as variances based Upon hardship, approval should be addressed by the City Council as opposed to being considered by the Board of Adjustment. LWJ/sb If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, SALLINGER, NICHOLS, JACKSON, KIRK & DILLARD Lawre]](c~. ~aekson dP Jerry Parch& Consulting Engin e ¢.i August 25, 1988 Ms. Taryon Bowman Planning Coordinator City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Re.. JP No. 88009; Right-of-Way for Denton Tap Road; Coppell, Texas Dear Taryon: On July 25, 1988, Mr. Jay Chester of ABQ Development Corporation; Mr. Wayne Ginn of Ginn, Inc., Consulting Engineers for the City of Coppell; Mr. Russell Doyle, City Engineer; and myself met to discuss apparent discrepancies in the Right-of-Way of Denton Tap Road adjacent to property owned by ABQ. These discrepencies resulted from conflicting documentation of existing Right-of-Way and indicate that there may be a deficiency in Right-of-Way width adjacent to the ABQ Property on the west side of Denton Tap Road of 3 to 4 feet. In an effort to resolve this matter and avoid delays in the construction of roadway improvements in Denton Tap Road, which are currently underway, ABQ Development Corporation has offered to dedicate the disputed area to the city as street Right-of-Way. In consideration of this, ABQ has requested that the City of Coppell agree to the following: Building and Landscape setbacks adjacent to Denton Tap Road will be measured from the easterly limits of the area dedicated as Right-of-Way. The area dedicated as Right-of-Way for Denton Tap Road can be used as part of adjacent land currently owned by ABQ for computing project densities of future developments. A letter is attached from Mr. Wayne Ginn, P.E., stating his support for the offer by ABQ to plat the 3 to 4 feet of property adjacent to Denton Tap Road as Right-of-Way and to recommend acceptance of the two requests by ABQ, as listed above, to the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission. ABQ has recently submitted a Preliminary Plat to the City which includes the aforementioned dedication. 6001 W. Interstate 20, Suite 209, LB 32 · Arlington, Texas 76016 · Metro J817) 572-3458 · (817) 561-2108 Ms. Tary°n'Bowman JP No. 88009 August 25, 1988 Page 2 of 2 On behalf of ABQ Development Corporation, please inform me of the proper procedures necessary to secure acceptance-from the City of Coppell of the two requests made by ABQ, as listed above, in consideration for ABQ's offer to dedicate Right-of-Way for Denton Tap Road. JJerry Parche, P.E. Jp:Ch Enclosure:. Letter from Mr. Wayne Ginn dated July 29, 1988 cc: Mr. Wayne Ginn, P.E./Ginn, Inc. Mr. Jay Chester/ABQ Development Corporation Mr. Jim Schell/Law, Snakard & Gambill Consider approval of a map correction to the official zoning map of the City of Coppell on a parcel located at the southeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Meadowcreek Road at the request of the City of Coppell. Date of P&Z Meeting: Sept. 19, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) Councilman Morton moved to approve a map correction to the official zoning map of the City of Coppell on a parcel located at the southeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Meadowcreek Road at the request of the City of Coppell. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen PettiJohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Stem 20: Consider approval of a preliminary plat and agreements for the Parkway Boulevard - West Addition, located west of Denton Tap Road at the request of ABQ Development. Date of P&Z Meeting: Sept. 19, 1988 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with the condition that the Right-o/- Way within 300' of Denton Tap Road be changed to 105' Councilman Smothermon moved to approve preliminary plat and agreements for the Parkway Boulevard - West Addition, located west of Denton Tap Road at the request of ABQ Development with the stipulation that the should be right-of-way 300 feet of the Denton Tap intersection .. m Morton seconded the motion; motio~ cart 105 feet. Cou,~fl~an _ -~,~cilmen PettiJonn, ~vLt , ~-o Tem Wflkerson, ~ .... - ~ .... of the motion. with Mayor ~ r, ,,-~ ~-d Nelson voting in ~a~u- Smothermon, ~owman, wo~ ~-- Item 21: Consider approval of a preliminary plat for the Sandy Lake Crossing Addition, Lot 3, Block 1, located at the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road at the request of Exxon Corporation. Date of P&Z Meeting: Sept. 19, 1988 Decision of p&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) Planning and Zoning Coordinator ~aryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. Following discussion Councilman Smothermon moved to approve preliminary b ect to that nothing on the plat may be in contradiction to the Special Use Permit" as approved. If said contradiction exists the "SUP" Special Use Permit takes precedence- Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Peril]ohm, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Nelson voting in favor of the motion. Item 22: Discussion and consideration of approval of preparation o!~ Director of Public Works f a y a City of Coppell will not assess the St. Louls Southwestern Beltline Road improvements from Mac_Arthur ~ou~evaru Trinity River and au~horiz~n$ the Mayor to sxSn. Mayor Du$$an ~nformed the Council ~hat the above~ stipulated itom was vi~hdravn.