Parkway Blvd/PP-CS 880817ABQ Development Corporation 625 Silver SW Suite 200 Albuqerque, NM 87102 505-242-3330 CITY OF COPPELL SUBDI¥1SION APPLICATION Date Auaust 17 , 1988 Subdivision Name . Park~a¥_Bouleva,rd (West) 2. Preliminary' Plat . xx - -=-~- -- -? Applican.t ABQ Development Corporation Address Phone . i 625 Silver SW, Suite 200, Albuqerque, NM 87102 Str ee t City S La ~e 505/242-3330 Zip Firm'Preparing Plat Jerry Parche' Consulting Engineers Address 6001W. Interstate 20, Suite 209, Arlington, TX Street- City State .PhOne ~ 817/572-3458 ~roperty Owner. Same as applicant 76016 .Zip · Address · Phone ~ '6. Develo r $ tree t City S tate Zip Same as applicant Address Phone StreeC City S race All Correspondence relative, to this app!£catio~ should be directed to whom: .. Name Address Jerry Parche' 6001 W. Interstate 20, Suite 209, LB 32 ~" - City, State, 'Zip Arlington, -Tx ~6016 · ' ' " ~ -~bone ! '81 7/572-3458 General Location of Property West Side of Parkway Boulevard Denton Tap .Road at Land Use ........ Dup)ex Mul t ~-ram~ 1y Comme rc.i ~ Condominium (specify new er converson) What is the present Zoning Dis~rict? TC& MF-2 Are you requesting any zonin9 change? No If yes, what ts the Case File No;? N/A ' Zoning district requested? N/A , Propose~ Subdivision Contains: NO, of'Lots or Units Ac~es {~or each use) Tota 1