ParkW CC-1/FP-DR 900123 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PLANNING DEPARTmeNT PARKWEST COMMERCE CENTER, PRELI~ilNARY PLAT (FORMERLY GATEWAY PARK AT COPPEL~) Depmrt~me'rPc lc, cared at the Service Ce'~,Ze~ or, DeForest Rc~a~ p~io'~ ~o sub~issi~ of ~he fi'~,ai pia~ +--o %t,e Plm'r.~ir,g Depar-zzne'r,%. Re¥ie~ wil 1 cc,r~%i~ue o~ce t~e Er~gir;ee~i~r~g Depa~er~t p~as k, ao c,~ c, ppo~u~ity to ~evi~w ~he ~'r~gi'r~ee~i°r~g pia'~s. This i~e~n is scheduled ~ee~ i~ c.~ Thu'r-sd~y,