ParkW CC-3/Re-DR 990225 (2)FEB 2 6 1999
ITEM: Park West Commerce Center, Replat of Lot 1R-1 and Lot 1R-2, Block 2, to
allow the subdivision ora 48.87 acre tract of land into 2 separate lots, located
on the north side of Airline Drive, apprOXimately 2,100' west of Beltline
Road, at the request of Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc.
DRC DATE: February25, 1999 and March 4, 1999
CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (972-304-3679)
COMMENT STATUS: ,/PRELIMINAR Y ~vrn~ .~r A~.~r ~.~° rz~,~r, zrzr~,..~,_..
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1. Show the limits and elevation of the adjacent floodplain.
2. Show finished floor elevations for each lot.
3. Provide note on plat that sidewalks along Airline Drive will be built when required by City