Parkview/PP-CS 870327UNIVIS1' DEVELOPMENT COMPANY March 27, 1987 Mr. Frank Trando Assistant City Manager City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Be: Contract;~t - [ors Frontin~on Parkway Boulevard Dear Frank: I received a telephone call frcm Mr. Hammond Heath of Warren Clark and Associates who purchased a piece of pro[~rty in the Parks of Coppell in 1986. Clark is in the process of platting their land and recently had a staff meeting at which they were told they should not plat their lots fronting on Parkway Boulevard. As ~ will recall, our contract with the City of C~pell allows lots fronting on Parkway Boulevard provided they are served by alleys. This is also ~onsistent with the way the lots were platted in the Sherwood Park addition developed b~General Homes. The specific references in the oontract ar~ as follows: 1. In the original Contract of Sale - Article IV, Paragraph 2 (b) (Copy Enclosed). e Also in the recently executed Amendment to Contract of Sale - ParaGraph 22. (Copy Enclosed). Please cc~m~icate this information Thank you for your cooperation. Yours wry truly, L~IVEST DE~,I. OI~iENT GCMPANY Michael R. Allen, President ~f~/sjp cc: Dean Wilkerso~ ~ Hazmond Heath appropriate staff members.