Parkwood P1/FP-CS 830601 (2)HOGAN & RASOR, ,n=. Engineers · I~lanners · 0onsultanCs June 1, 1983 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Coppell 616 S. Coppell Road P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Subdivision Review Sherwood Park Section One Coppell, Texas Gentlemen and Mrs. Thompson: As per the request af Mr. Scott Barnett, we have completed our review of the above referenced subdivision to determine its compliance with the existing Subdivision Ordinance, the requirements of the Texas Department of Health, and do hereby offer the following: The Preliminary Plat for the above referenced subdivision was neither reviewed nor approved by this office. Final Plat 1. Contours with intervals of 2 feet or less, need to be shown on plat. 2. Engineers seal needs to be put on plat. 3. Location, type of material and approximate size of all monuments need to be indicated on plat. 4. Designation of the proposed uses of land within the sub- division needs to be indicated on plat. Pavin~ A. Plate No. 2 1. The angle of centerline of street intersections need to be shown on the plan. 2. The proposed half pavement width of 14.50 feet for Lodge Road is not wide enough to accommodate two-way traffic. Need to provide wider pavement section. 3. Show flow arrows on plan to indicate direction of storm water flow. 4. Concrete sidewalks having a width of not less than four (.4) feet and a thickness of not less than four (4) inches shall be constructed of 2000 P.S.I. concrete on both sides of all streets one (1) foot from the property line and Sui~;e 800 One (-~elleria Tower 1335,~ NOel f~oad 214/3-q2-4600 Oallas, Texas 75240 Drainage A. Be within the street right-of-way. Barrier free ramps shall be provided at all street and alley intersections. Provide verticle curves at centerline stations 3+00 and 10+00. Verticle curves shall be provided whenever the algebraic difference in the grades is 1.0% or greater. B. Plates No. 3, 4, 5 and 6 Same as comments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for Plate No. 2. Where part of a residential street is being dedicated along a common property line, the first dedication shall be one-half on the proposed street right-of-way plus 5 feet. C. Plate No. 7 1. Same as comments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for Plate 2. 2. Provide 135' Verticle curve at centerline station 1+40. 3. Provide 100' verticle curve at centerline station 5+00. D. Plate No. 8 Provide drainage easement for concrete flume between lots 34 and 35. Also show drainage easement on plat. E. Plates No. 9, 10, 11 and 12 1. Show angle of centerline of alley intersections. F. Plate No. 13 1. Show angle of centerline of alley intersection. 2. Provide drainage easement for flume discharge at low point centerline station 17+65.90. Plate No. 14 1. Need to show on drainage area map limits of drainage area contributing run-off into subdivision. 2. Need to show arrows for direction of storm waterflow. 3. The storm water carrying capacity of all alleys within the proposed subdivision is exceeded. Need to provide storm sewers or add curbs to increase carrying capacity of alleys. 4. Provide drainage easements for all storm sewers lOcated outside of dedicated street or alley right-of-way. B. Plate No. 15 1. Indicate on profile, hydrauli~c gradient line keeping in mind that hydraulic gradient line must be at least 1.5 feet below proposed gutter line. 2. With the storm water carrying capacity of all alleys being exceeded, additional laterals may be required along storm sewer. C. Plate No. 16 Same comments as Plate No. 15 D. Plate No. 17 1. According to subdivision regulations the subdivider shall dedicate right-of-way on all concrete lined channels of sufficient width to provide for excavation of the open channel of proper width, plus ten (10) feet on each side to permit ingress and egress for maintenance. 2. 450 Skewed headwalls could possibly be used in lieu of standard headwalls being proposed for the multiple 60" R.C.P. 3. Recommend the use of guardrails on both Sides of Moore Road to prevent cars from falling down embankment. 4. Recommend the use of 6" reinforced concrete channel lining instead of 4" concrete channel lining. Water and Sewer A. Plate No. 18 1. The location of the proposed water and sanitary sewer main in relation to either the centerline of street or right-of-way, needs to be indicated on the plans. 2. The fire hydrant coverage for Lot 18, Block 2 and Lot 95, Block I appears to be inadequate. This needs to be checked to insure required coverage. 3. The manhole spacing for Line "J" is too far apart. Provide additional manhole at approximate centerline station 3+35. 4. Additional water valves need to be provided as indicated in red on the plan. B. Plate No. 19 At all sanitary sewer manhole locations, provide a mini- mum of 0.10 feet difference in flowline elevations between the incoming pipe and the outgoing pipe. 3 Others 1. Plans do not include details for paving, storm sewers, water or sanitary sewer improvements. These details need to be a part of the plans. 2. The plan profile sheets for the paving improvements need to show all the proposed, or existing improvements on the plan. Such as, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer improvements. 3. Other comments have been noted on the plans. We appreciate the opportunity to assist the City in this matter and please advise us if we can assist you further. Very truly yours, HOGAN & RASOR, INC. Eduardo H. Pe~a 4