Parkwood P2/FP-CS 860813 GENERAL HOMES 304 Phillips Drive COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 / / Mr. Dell.'Greer Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VI Natural & Technological Hazards Division Federal Center Denton, Texas 76201 SUBJECT: Request for Letter of Map Amendment General Homes Corp. Coppell, Dallas Co., Texas Community No. 480170 Dear Mr. Greer: In behalf of Mr. & Mrs. James R. Gilbert, we hereby request your review in order that you might issue a Letter of Map Amendment for the following residential lot and structure. Municipal No. 437 Phillips Drive Lot 30, Block 7, Section 2 Parkwood Subdivision Coppell, Dallas Co., Texas You will find enclosed the Request for Letter of Map Amendment, Subdivision Plat, ownership deed, property survey, copy of the elevation certificate, and copy of letter from City of Coppell to the Federal Housing Administration. Yours very truly, Division Manager -~cc: Ed Powell, City Engineer w/enclosures P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Federal Emerg'ency .... - ..... A ency The follo~tng Infor=_a,~- -- . . .... == as: · P ( ...... } ar :loud r -~-ncz -~-a e- . ~tv Of COoDell Dalla nsuran=- ~ ~ ~, __ . 480170 c =p (_~) [~' ~ (~) T°Pograph~c Info~acion, lnciud!ng contours and e!evac!ons ~f !owes: floor (including ~asemen=). s=~c:ure an~ zhe Planimecric info~ion indicating ~he ioca=~on ~ s=~c:ures on :he proper:y~ _ . Cer:ifi~a~io~ by a registered Profe~ona! engineer or !icon,ed land mu~zeyor indi~=~ing ~he ~Tpe ~f m~:~re, whether ~ =m e~eva~ed on po~s. pters, ~r wa!!~, an~ ~he~her ~. i~ buiI~ ~n a berrie- sand dune. Ocher (please Letter from City of Coppell to Federal Housing Administration The above statements and aTT documents subm~_..~ed in support of chis appeal are c~r cc -' 7 : Co the best of my knu~!edge. ~ unders=~nd c~ac any false be punishable by fane ~c l=Prisonmen= under Tic!e 18 of .the United States Code. By: · -g acur~ o~. General Homes Corporation ELEVATION CERTIFICATE STATE'FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM This formq~s to be used for: 1) New/Emerg~ncy Program construction in Special Flood Hazard Areas~; 2) Pre-FtRi construction after September 3fl, 1982; 3) Post-FIRM construction; and, 4) Other buildings rated as Posf-FtRM rules. BUILDING OWNER~ Name _ Gilber~ James {PI.,F...ASE PRINT} ' LA,~T NAME Address_ 43~ 'Phillips NUMBER ANO '~TREET PROPERTY LOCATION Lot and Block Numbers T,nr 3(~ Address flR~'T N~t,IE Coopell CiTY OR TOWN~HIp B1 nr~ 7 437 Phillips Texas STA~ 75O19 ELEVATION CERTIFICATION (Certified by a Local Community Permit Official or a Registered Professional Engineer, Architect, or Surveyor.) I certify that the building at the property location described above has elevations as follows: All Zones .................... ' ~ase flood elevation = 456.5 _ feet NGVD (Ag Zone - use depth) FiRM Zones A1-A3O .......... FIRM Zones V, Vl-V30 ........ FiRM Zones A, A99, AH, Ag .and Emergency Program ... "~owest floor (including basement) = ~ ' 459.4 Average grade at building site = Bottom of 10west floor beam =... Average grade at building site =. Lowest floor = feet NGVD 460.1 feet NGVD feet NGVD feet NGVD feet NGVD Highest adiacent grade next to building = ~ feet NGVD - ~OFING CERTIFICATION (Certification by a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect) ,FI_~_M~:,Z..O._N_ .~O, Ag, AH and V'-V20: Certified Roodproofed E}evation is .. feet, (NGVD). I certify to the best o-"f"trr~'-EaDwledge, information, and belief, that the building is designed so that the building is wate~~'~'~;~eable to the passage of water and structural components having the ~~~/;3-a~ic loads and effects of buoyancy that would be caused by the fl~~;;;;~L~sociated with the base flood. . ~~~;"c~;roofing be achieved with human intervention ? ~~~'~[z;iding when floods up to the base flood nt entry of water (e.g., bolting floor must be completed and certified instead Complete both the ele~atlon and floodproof[ng certificates. ! lowest CERTIFIER I certify that the information on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement m~y be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. code, Section 1001. Name and License No. Title Dan ['t. Dowde¥ - part:ne~ (or affix seal) 21433-To×as · Address 16250 Dallas Pkwy.. Suite 1OO, Dallas, Texas 75248 Company Ph(3ne Name_ T~read§ill_- Dowde¥ and Assocf-aces _Number.(214) 931-0694 ~Q6r~t.' Please attach original copy to application an(3 sendto Re~iona! Office. TO ~LL PARTIES TNTERESTED IN PREMISES SURVEYED: This is to certify that I have, this date, made a care£u! and accurate survey on the gro'und of property located at 437 Phillips Drive , in the city of Coppell , Dallas County, Texas, described as follows: BEING LOT TH£RTY (30) , BLOCK SEVEN (7) ,CITY BLOCK of PARKWOOD, SECTION 3~0, an addition to the City of Coppeli , Dallas County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 84232 at page 1938 of the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas. Subject property is not within the 1,imits of a special-flood hazard area according to H.U.D./ F.I.A. G,,,,~ity Panel No. 480 170-005C, Revised 2/~5/84. Base flood elevation = 456.5 feet NGVD (AO Zone - Use depth) Low'cst iioor (xncl'udzng basement) :: 460.1 feec NGVD Aver:~go gr:la~ .:,t h. i ldi,-,g -qit~ ~ 4_50_4 t'~,~t ~GVf} 20' ~, Ilex LOT 29 I 5' b/I 7.7' ONE ~;, 4' woo d fence1 LOT .'50 ',q. - BLK. 7 STORY BRICK. 60' -. 'Phi i ._. il ps Drive LOT $1 SCALE : 1" = 20' SLAB SURVEY : March 11, 1986 FINAL SURVEY: June LI, 1986 M & M SURVEYORS P.O.Box 276, ROCKWALL, TEXAS 75087 Phones: (214) 226-2896 (Office) or (214) 450-8113 (Mobile~ ~e plat hereon is a true, correct and accurate representation of the property as dete~-mlnmd by survey; the lines and dimensions of said property being as indicated by the plat; the size, locatibn and type of buildings and improvements are as shown, all improvements being within the boundaries of the property, set back from property lines the distances indict. THERE ARE NO VISIBLE EASEMENTS, ENCROACHMENTS, CONFLICTS OR PROTRUSIONS EXCEPT AS SHOWN. NOTE: Not for construction purposes unless staked: w/f denotes wooden fence,.~..~..,-,.,-~ ,,.:,;..t..? .~...r.~ '"" .._ ...... : .............. :"" k:.