ParkW CC-7/Re-CS 971223 (2)DALLAS COUNTY CLERK EARL BULLOCK PLAT MAP RECORDING SHEET INSTRUMENT # S U~BDIVISION NAME.~. ['~ - ~ 12/23/97 Haps ;=>/-.4E~O.-?- 10 7893~0 $26.00 FILE DATE Any pmvisio,~ herein which restricts the sale, r~lltM, ~ Use et tl~ desclibed real propert3~ because of col~ or f~a il imalid and u,enfo;ceabie under federal law. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAU. AS I hereby ced. ih/ this instrument was filed on the date and time s*.;tmped he~on by me and was duly recorded in the volume and pa~e cf the ,amed records of Dallaa Count~, Texas es stamped hereon by me. DEC 23 1997 ; ga :11 WV-!'¢~ 330 L6 VOLUME & PAGE OF RECORDED PLAT MAP 0003