Princeton Pk/FP-CS 970820TAX CERTIFICATE REQUESTED BY~ Tom Wouters - Realty Capita~ corpoFat~on PROPERTY ONNER= Parks Of Coopell TFust PROPERTY ACCOWRTNO. I 65143006010021200 PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS LOt BlOCk A55iton 2.1255 Acres Abst. 1430 Tract 2.12 Descrpt. SA & MG RR Sur This is to certify that all taxes are paid on the above described property to and including 19 96 . 19 96 taxes are paid in the amount of $ 1.28 . The following taxes on the above described property are due and payable to the City of Coppell: ATTY. YEAR TAX PEN. & INT. FEES TOTAL AMOUNT ROLLBACK TAX WILL BE DUE UPON CHANGE OF USE (If applicable) The above described property has/is receiving special valuation based on its use, and additional rollback taxes may become due based on the provisions of the special valuation. August 20, %997 Date of Tax Certificate Stephanie Tumlxson, RTA Tax Assessor/Collector