Pecan Hollow/PP-DR 900123 (2) DEVELOP~,~ENT REVIEW COMM~.T-FEE PLANN! r4G DEPARTMENT PECAN HOLLOW PRELZhlZNA.,RY PLAT Reviewed by: Tar-yo'~] Bc,~mar;, Pla'rrr~ir~_O & Zor;ir~_~ Coo~dir~atof Date: Ja'r, uar~ 2~? iS~O Char~ge sti-eet r~ame ~ickc,r~y Hollow Large to Peca~ Hollow D'rive. i-r~dicate f~o~t 'ya-rds c,~ ai 1 cor.r,er lc~s. Preiimir, a'ry oiat fee of ~9!6.00 is Oue ~oday. Deveiop~er~t data which ir~dicates the ave'rage grea~er ~har, 9,000 squa're fee~ is misieadir,~; mt at eme'nt. Free;nar~' s p~ope'pt-y or, Lodge Roao? lot size to ~e o!ease delete the c.-c,'rs st 'F-U c~ i or~ a ! c,r~ P~'r-. Please so,mit two .~8) cur-retted fo!oed Dlar~s p'rior, to Mcm~oay, Jar, uary 2_9, 19~0. Review wiil cor~t ir, ue at the r~ext meetir, g to be held or, Tuesda~, Jar~uary 30, i990 at 8:45 Be sur-e to ir~ciude revisior, da~es or~ all plats ar,d plar,s. rs O This item is scheduleO for- the Plarrr,ir~g ar,O Zo'r, ir, g Co~nmissior~ ;neetir:g o'r~ Thursday, February !5, !990 at 7:30 p.m. ar, O also for- the City Coup,cji or, Tuesday, ~ta'rch I3, i990 at 7:00 p.m. ir~ the Towr; Cer~te'r Cc, ur, mi 1 Chmmber-s. A r-ep'resentat ire must be pr-eser,t at both meeti'ngs.