Pecan Hollow/PP-CS 911125BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print or Type in a Clear, Legible Manner Job Address : / Lot: B,ock:// Subdivision Address: Date: Phase or Section Number: Contractor:/~j~.j~,~,,.. ON/~.-F.e~c.,.~'c.,.~ddress:~,~L.~O~t F.<~r~.u~,,~/ j~o ~'P--R~'~- t't?~,~-t.~..[''''c '"["'J~ Description of Work to be Done Class of Work: I~1' New [] Addition [] Alteration Phone [] Repair [] Demolition Area of Building in Square Feet First Floor Second Floor Garage Other Value of Work to be Performed For Office Use Only NOTICE Th'.~ permit becomes null and void if work or oonstruction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, or construction on work is suspended or abandoned Zoning District lot a period o! 180 days at any time after work is commenced. I hereby cattily that I have read and examined this application and know the same Approved By to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this typeol work wilt be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting o! a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other federal, state or local law regulating construction or the performance o! .......................... Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Electrical Conlractor Plumbing Contractor Mechanical Contractor ' BIR:I (12/8g) Date: 0 0 I-).G'l ' [,,..,~2.o 197 HOLLOWTREE COURT (50' R.O.W.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 28, Block H, Pecan Hollow, an Addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, according to the }tap or Plat thereof recorded in Volume , Page , >lap Records, Dallas County, Texas. 197 Hollowtree Court American Surveying Company 6728 L.I..L FrNw~', Suite 210 Dalim. lexm 7S2d0 ( 214 ) 239..43~9 DRAWN BY ~- · Zone C i~ not o l~oocl h~zo~cl oreo. SuDject i~operly i~ tocateO ~ Z~ . ~c~ ~o ~e ~ol ~o~e ~ogr~ R~ ~o~e Rote ~p. C~m~- P~ N~. BUrR The unOerslgnea aloes hereDy certify/nat the foregoing pla/correctly re~e~en/s on occurote survey moOe on ore no vlsll~e conflicts, encroocl"~'nents, overlapping Of Improvements or easements except as shown; /his plat correclly ref.:~esents tl~e Dour~or~es os tounct or lacoTecl on ~ grounO wt11~ respect 1o tl~e recofOecl reterences ~r~own oncl 1'ne ore~, If show~, correclly tel:xesenl~ The oreo enclo~:~ Dy solcl Douncl~ies. Thls p~operty I"~as access to oncl from o Oeclicotecl rooawoy. the 197 HOLLOWTREE COURT (50' R.o.w.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 2fl, Block 1], Pecan llol[ow, an Aclctiti,m tel tilL' City of Co'.,!~,'ll, r)allas County, Texa~, ac('ordinK tt) th,.. 'I.~:~ .)r PI;it thi,reof r,.,-,,rd,,d in VoLume , Page , Hap RccorJ~, :).~llas CounLv, q't.:.. ,~. 197 Hollowtree Court American Surveying Company &J"JJ IJ.J. Freewcw, Suite 210 Dollol, Texa~ 7S~0 ( 214 ) 229-d~S9 ,SCALE It~: '£O ' DRAWN BY ~ ~ nO! 0 floO~ hQzorcl o~eo I~ooerty 1~ IocoleO in Zone occo~c~n0 to flhe Feoe~ol A~r~ ~h~a~ flooO ~o~e ~Ogr~ ~l~a ~once ~ate ~O ,C~',~' ~ N~Dot GF NO J o NO 1- BUYER The u~cler#gneCl oleos hereOy Certify t~t ~ f~e~ ~ c~ecW r~e~n~ an occ~ate ~ey mode on ~ ~0 eno m~e ~e no ~e C~ffiCtl, ~c~enls, over~pp~g of im~ovements o~ eo~ents except os ~o~. ~s ~ot co-~y .c~re~ts ~e ~rl~ 0S f~d ~ located on ~o grou~ ~ fe~ect to the r~or~ refer~cos mo~ and ~o of~. If ~ co, oozy fo~e~n~ ~ area ~ Dy ~ ~O~ies. ~ ~ope~ ~s occeu to o~ ff~ o ~atoO red.ay Pool Steel .,~-x/O Skimmer I~,lcl.~p~%~_ Decks - or Wire Rebar q MERMAID POOLS OF TEXAS, INCORPORATED Decking ~n is for illu~ration ONLY. Cumome~ unde~ands ~ey are to r~eive ~ ~. ~. of ~ki~ ~ ~r c~t~t. X PERMIT REQUIREf~NTS DISTANCE TO PROPERTY LINES (FROM WATER LINE AND BACK OF BOARD.) DISTANCE TO ELECTRIC (OVE~IEAD OR UNDERGROUND). DISTANCE TO HOUSE. LOCATION OF WATER BIB.