Pecan Hollow/PP-CS 900206DRC DATE: REVIEW OF: BY: CITY OF PUBLIC ENGINEERING Shohre Daneshmand, Phone ~ 4:2-~495 PRELIMINARY Pr=AT AND PLANS: Please make the following additions and/or corrections 'to the preliminary plat, as marked: 2) 3) 4) The names and zoning of adjacent properties, names on record of owners of adjoining parcels. The location, widths and names of all exisTi~g and proposed streets, easements, fire lane.~ or othec ways within or adjacent 'to the Existing and proposed zoning o[ the s£te surrounding properties. and the Topography of the site (intervals of 5 feet or ].ess, referred to sea level datum). Per Floodplain Manage~en-t Ordinance :tt87390, (Art. 5, Sec. C, Item 4, Page 34), all subdiv.i, sLon proposals ~,~ust have the following note placed on the prelim_Lnary a~c[ plats. "Floodplain Development Permit App].ica't:Lon No. has been filed with 'the Ciuy of Coppell Administrator on , 19__.. 6) (Floodplain Administrator) (Date) - No Comment. The following informa~ion~ as ma:rked, is requi:~d to be contained in the preliminary engineering plans. - Submit prelimJ, nary engineering p kans. - The plans shall show exis'~inq s'tructures, ut~il~.t:ies~ sewers, water mains, culverts t ~ow,:r .~).l.~s, 'ke].QphonQ Page ]./2 3) 5) 6) lines, gas lines, and other u'nderground structures wJ.thJ. T~ the tract and immediately adjacent 'thereto with pipe sizes and locations. Provide dimension controls for utilities and right-of-ways. On appropriate plans, provide a legend iden'tkfving thc~ utilities, such as water, sewer, gas [k.kne, stoo_un sewer · . . etc Preliminary plans of proposed water disuribu'tio~ system . . sewage collection system . and their rela'uion to the existing utilities in 'the area, and 'to the Utility Master Plan. Provide a Drainage Area Map, coveri~g two parts: a) show On-site Drainage Map, on a sca].e of 1"=20', 40', 50', etc. .; with all deta[ls ~s requir~d in the Subdivision. Ordinance. J b) show the Off-site Drainage Map, on . a scale 'of 1"=100', 200', etc . . . Delineate the project's boundary on it, plus the less detaLled drainage system, to clearly demonstrate the a~fect of such activities, drainage outfa]~ls, on the adjacent properties and the Drainage Master Plan. If the applicant is requesning ~ any varLance ta~ the Subdivision Ordinance, he/she mu s'~% suhm i_t a. iette c specifically outlining his respective req~ests. 'L'h.~ s letter shall be submitted along wi'Lb corrected plan. Show the boundaries of the 100-year Floodplain and Floodway clearly on the preliminary and final plats. AIl above comments must be addressed, prior to ~l:aff's recommendation for approval of the prelmminary plat and plans. 9) - Provide a .written response on all conune~.ts j explanations provided on items not addressed as ]~equested above. ~&ge 2/2