Pecan Hollow/FP-DR 900329 (3)~EVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Date: Taryon Bow~.an, Plan~ing & Zoning Coordinator Ma~ch 29, 1990 Ir,clude the ~lames orl the fi~,al plat above eac-n r-espective Joe Munsch, P & Z Chairynan; Mark Wolfe, Mayor-. Indica%e %crtal ~uTnb~r of lots a'r~ at~ach developTne~dc r-estrictions c,?~ the face of this plat. A~e %here a?~ ?,ew plans for the s~reet cons~uction along Mr. Free~a?~'s property on Lodge Road? Please su~it fou~ (4) correc-te~ folded plans pr-ic~ to 12 Mo?~da]~, April 2, I990. Review will co?,tinue at the ~ext me~i~g to be held o?~ Thu'rsdaye April 5~ 1990 at This it~n is scheduled fc~ the Plar~ing a'r~d Zc,~i~g Co~m~ission meeting on Thursday, April 19, 1~0 a~ 7:30 p.m. and also for the City Council o'n Tuesday, May B, at 7:00 p.~n. in the Towr~ Center- Counci 1 ChamOers. A rep~esentat ire ~nust be present at both mee~ iz~gs.