Pecan Ridge/PP-DR 901025 (3)Park West Commerce Center - REPLAT Blocks ? and 8 PLAT: Unable to co. fete review since plans al not complete· Paving Plans: 1. No paving plans were included for Wrangler Drive On Sheet 1 of 3 the connection of Enterprise Drive to Wrangler Drive must be shown on profiles. Improve Wrangler Drive or escrow funds for its improvements ($100/FF x $2,108.72 FF = $210,872.70) Drainage Plans: There is not a drainage area map or runoff calculation data included with this submittal. Therefore a complete review of the plat and plans is not possible at this time. On all Drainage Sheets the following items need to be addressed: ae Pipe profile grade data and proposed pavement cover must be shown All hydraulic data, supporting proposed pipe size and slope must be shown (including the plotting of the }{GL) On sheets 2 and 3 the profiles of the laterals must be shown with hydraulic data and depth of cover indicated as specified above. Water and Sewer Plans There were none submitted and therefore review of Plans and REPLAT cannot be completed at this time. Pecan Valley Addition Pecan Ridge Estates Addition - Preliminary Plats Preliminary Plats: Pecan Ridge Estates shall escrow $142,634.00 for future improvement of Sandy Lake Road. Due to the expected increased traffic loadings on Lodge Road as a consequence of these proposed developments, Lodge Road should be improved all of the way to Sandy Lake Road. 3. Show Owner's/Developer's name and address