Prestwick Crt/FP-CS00112211/16/00 THU 1~:4~ F~ 972931953~ Subdivision Applkatiou (::iq, of Cop~c~,U 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppcfl, TX 75219 Phone: (9'/2) 3043678 lax: (972) 304-3570 DOWDEY ANDERSON ASSOC Preliminary Plat Final Plat Minor Plat (4 lot~ or less on ~xisti~ street) Am~ndmg Plat Mi~or Amending Plat (4 lots or less) x Name of Applicam: ,~. A. v. Address:.P..O, Box 1829 Filing Date: B.A.V. Development, Ltd. AddiAon, Texas 75001 11-22-2000 Telephone N-tuber: 972-248-2250 Fax Number: 972-380-5492 F~p~e~Qgpht:_D0wde¥, Anderson and Apsociates, Inc. Add~: 5225 Villa~e...C~k Drive Suite ~QQ Planot Texas. 75093..____ Telephone Number: 972-933.-0.694 Fax Number: 972-931-9538 All Correspondence relative to thiz application should be directed to: Name: Dowdev~ Anderson and Associates. Inc_ Contact; Mark Donaldson Addrcss: 5225 Village cr_~Dk_E~rive Suite 20Q ?lano, Texas 75093 T¢lcpho~ Number: 972-931-0694 ,,m r 972-931-9538 FaxN be: ......... Name of Subdivision:_Prestwick C.~en~Location of l~'opert~: Northeast c~rn~r,,of ~efor~st & MacAr~hur Present Zoning: SF-12 Proposed Subdivision Covtni.n: Owner's Signature: /, ........ , --/ / --- /- [~003