Parkway Blvd/FP-CS 890106 (2)GINN, INC.
January 6, 1989
Taryon Bowman
City of Coppell
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, TX 75019
Re: Parkway Blvd. (West)
Final Plat and Construction Plans
DRC - Engineering
Dear Taryon:
We have reviewed the above referenced subject and offer the
following comments.
Sub-Division Ordinance requires a minimum centerline street
radius of 425'. High School Drive currently shows 360',
therefore, either the layout needs revised or a variance
requested. Due to the close proximity of this curve
to the T-intersection with Parkway Blvd., however, we have
no objections to the layout as shown since vehicles shall
either be in a stopping or turning motion at relatively low
speed (ie., less than 30 mph) in these curve locations.
Applicant is currently making needed revisions to the
construction drawings as requested by the engineering
department. We shall verify all items are appropriately
addressed prior to the plans being stamped "Approved for
Per the Sub-Division Ordinance the applicant must escrow
with the city $35,307.75 for their portion of the extension
of a 16" water main across Denton Tap Road and Parkway Blvd.
This water main extension is part of the City's 24"
Crosstown Waterline and Miscellaneous Waterlines CIP
Project. The extension is in the City's CIP project to
provide water to the west side of Denton Tap Road. Their
cost represents the cost for them to extend a 12" water main
across the road and the city's cost ($11,769.25) is to cover
the oversizing per the Sub-Division Ordinance. Backup
material on this issue is provided herein.
ROW corner clips (25'x 25') are needed at the intersection
of Denton Tap Road and Parkway Blvd. to accomodate permanent
traffic signals at this intersection. Separate Easement
Dedication instruments at this time, however, would
accomodate the Denton Tap CIP project for the present,
17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900
provided, applicant would agree in writing at the time of
final platting that when the adjacent ABQ properties
develop, right of way dedications would be provided on those
Please call if you have any questions.
Sincerely, ~
Kevin Peif~e~, P.E.
cc: File 89305