Pecan Hollow/FP-CS 930610'-,',ELECT >!~ N~EM.E:',iT !')ECAN HCLLDi,..; HGA _<iC-N i>.i ~HEET Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all business transactions necessary to convey the above mentioned property. flAME SIGNATURE 200 '- ,~ eec. 204 ;-3eec nu~ooc ~08 ~eec n~.,~oo~ 2i3 ~eecnwoom 2i6 ~eecnwoo~ 217 8eecnwoom 220 8eecnwood 22~ 8eecnwood 224 ~eecnwood '~°~ ~ec~wooQ 228 8eecnwoo~ 229 ~eecnwood 232 8ee~nwoom 233 8eecn~oo~ 236 8eechwoo~ 237 ~eec ~oo~ ~00 ~eecnwoom 301 Geec~wood 304 8eecn~oo~ )OS 8eecn~oom ~,08 8eec~woo~ 309 ~eecnwood ".:, u i i i v a n. ,": i: n,3 :? .[ Tracy, 5ouqias Tankersiey. Trotter, Timothy Johnson, Blake & 81anion. John ~ Janice Oeveneau, i,lichael ~. & Barbara Teresa Holland. R./chara & Katnieen Wang, David & Fen Beck, dre~ory & Kimberiy Shelby. 3ob & Karia aec~. i_ee & Laura Moifese. Robert & Care_ Prebis~. i'~ark & Nora Cuinn, Tom & Peggy ~Richards, ~rian &Gai' t Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 h:iDDF;:E E 3'_~-' c~,eec ,woocI ~25 Beec m.4ood 328 Beecnwood 929 Beecn~ood 332 ~eecm~ooo ~33 Reecm~ood 3:36 ;3eecn.4oo~ 337 340 ,3 .ec :m'.4ood 344 ,3eecn~4ood '348 Beecnwood t3L Cedar RLdge LS5 Cedar' ~Ldge L89 CedaY ~dge '73 Coday R~dge tO7 Cedar' :tOL "~d~:' R~dCe .205 Cedat' ~dge Page 2 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all business transactions necessary to convey the above mentioned property. NAME Lessner, George Tolen, .John (Tia~; & Carol Hobby, _yle & Jean Waldschmiot, Tony & Margaret Cavalie. ~iii 'i Peggy Martin. Reginald & Ena Mani. Philip & Comfort. $chnurman, M. & Selle. 8all, Dale & Libby Williams, Barry & Yvette Lee, Edward & Karen Moran, E. & FLores-Moran. C. Bres,lin, Frank & Susan Maddox, Lane & Karen ~oger, Thomas & Thomas, Michael & Susan Findley, Lane & Naomi Mertenstein. Dean & Virginia Kienzle, Charles & Caroline ' Babin, Michael Dooiittle, William & Pamela Rice, Russell & Donna 3ames. Richard & Ellen 3ones, John & Suzanne Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 202 .... 203 S:~ir:,-.~vrv ~ay .206 ChL;:.~3o"r'/ Nay 207 ~"~" -c~vry ~4ay 296 3OO :304 '308 3O9 Page 3 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all business transactions necessary to convey the above mentioned Gray, .H£chael & Cindy Lusnia, Michael & Micheile Hys].oP, :~Ivin ;~ '~ane Myers, Oonaid ,.~ Connie Troiani, Steven & Cyn%h, ia Goiwaila, Feroze Bond, Robert & 5ilen Bandemev.Jv. ,Char Les Reichens%ein. ¢dike & Perry, Scott R. ~ u~. ~y. :'4¢~NE HobOay, 3ames ::, Susa,, ff - ~ / ~ S ~ ~' ~'"~ .................. ~d rn, John.~ ,o,aco. Michae~ & Sharon PoLLenger, %revert ,¢, r4ar,/ Kiiieen,Jr., Michael RoDbins, Sco~ "~ O'Tooie, Vincent & Gill, C. Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 .::~ O D R E $ $ :340:3,,).cl. wood 344 :?:,.-~g~ood :345 Dogwood 34G 3:53 ?oowood 439 ;'-. ace 451 ':'ace 4:35 '~'ace Page 4 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all business transactions necessary to convey the above mentioned prc, pc,'ty. ~AME L.Jake. J:-:-ff :::., Weiner, Mark & A~ex R e ~ is ...~ r , 3,. -; c .h.a r C :?, ;~ 8uehr~a, Ken ;~, Lynn :4ili2~ms. 7..~ , Ann Alll.son, Robert & Denise Kingston, Debra & Mark Teel, Steven & Denise HcDaniel, Tom & 3ulie Mitchell, ~illiam & Melanie Ricciardelli, Joe & Donna SIGNATURE $canlan, Mark & Roseanne Singer, Mary Pfneisei, Ctto Faerber, Chuck & Kym ClarK, Duke & Mary Kendall, ¥ow nse nd. Zohnson, Gary Finn, Kerry [_ezon, ~tanley Smith, David & Greet & Susan David & Janis & Klm & Kathryn Chery 1 Dykstra, Richard & Perez, M. ~ai.'---.h, Michael & Katherine Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 "::: O D R E $ S; ', .:~! '...)w Tree :'~3 :~,)~.',...,w Tree ',' .:,']~_C'W ~':'~e iOl Pecan :.05 Pecan 1 109 Pecan ii7 Pecan il8 Pecan 221 Pecan Holio~ · oo Pecan Hollow [2S Pecan Hollow 126 Pecan Hoilo~ [29 Pecan Hollow  130 Pecan Hollow '33 Pecan ~34 Pecan HolLow ~3~ Pecan Hoiiow ].38 Pecan HoLLow ~41 Pecan Hollow Page 5 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all business transactions necessary to convey the above mentioned :fia,/:s , ::" ' ' NAME '!'~ J,i ne lverett. Eric NeYer. 2~y ~, Kar~ 3urc!aga, ,Zdwar,d & Susan Smibh, James & Commesso, Young, Reynalso & Lucia Forbes. Rick & Nanci Scott. Wayne & 3ulie Ma. Khe Tai % Yuan-Hsiang Rooney, Patrick & Sara ~ Flood, George & Sharon Ewasko. Randy & Melissa Hurst, Treasure T. 8artz, Donald & Catherine Smith, Fred & Karen 8eaupre. Gary & Nancy Ellicott, Michael & Pamela Fur~ueie. 3anis Sanson, Norman & Chris SIGNATURE Conveyance Resol~ion 7/1/93 FECAl; . _L£'.J .--:':.k 061 i :::., ()DF4 E $ S, 142 ?,+can Hollow 145 ::'ecan Hollow 146 P~can Hollow L ..", 9 :-c-a n HoLio~ ' '50 ~:..-~,-..~ ~53 ~ecan ~57 ;:'eta n i61 Pecan Hoilow 201 Pecan Hoilo~ ,.205 Pecan Hollo~ 208 Pecan Hollo~ 209 ~ecan 213 Pecan Hollow 216 F'ecan Hol 217 Gecan Hollow 220 Pecan Hollo~ 221 Pecan 224 ~ca m 225 Pecan 302 !~can Hollow 303 ,-Oecan Hollow 306 ¢>ecan 307 Pecan Hollo~ Page 6 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all business transactions necessary to convey the above mentioned ~,, ~,~, ~ · VestY! , Greq & lean Koester, Gar'/ .:~ Lisa McFarLand, i~ev£n ;~ Carrie Keane. Maurice & Mary :5teCnosK £ , Lewis. Ottis & Rotha Meiendez. Cesor & Carmen Troval!i, Michael & Donna Saheb, Ralph & Barbara Walsh, Thomas & Janice 8oodee, John ~'~J~7/~ Johnston, Paul & ~arren, Gill, David & Kay , ....... Pack. Norman & Theresa ,-- - , ~~, F~~~/ ;~--~ .... :--z-~~ Clayton, Gveg Houston. Mark Casbon, Tom & Nelda Cooper, Thomas & Nancy Heller. John & Sandra Smith, Jr.. Nenneth M/M Chen, Mei-Chen Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 O,.S/' L .3LO Pecan Hollo~ Pecan Hollo~ Pecan HolLo~ P~can HoLLo~ Si9 P~can Hollo~ 322 Pecan Hoilo~ 323 Pecan Hollow 326 Pecan Hollo~ 327 Pecan :330 Pecan 331 Pecan Hollo~ 334 P~can 335 P~can Hollo~ 338 Pecan Hollo~ ~39 Pecan 342 Pecan Hollow 343 Pecan Hollow 346 Pecan :347 P~can Hollow '350 ~7,~can Hollow 351 :Oecan Hollow 210 ~ainut Grove 214 Nalnut Grove Page 7 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (othenNise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the currant Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all business transactions necessary to convey the above mentioned prcpc,-.;'. Nofsinger, b, irk ,il Brown. 'Stephen & Hell.sa Gerome, Frank & Carol OeFil~ipp~ A. & Shardon, L -' 'Tare, Stephen & Andrea - ,Losole. Nicholas F. ]Wright, John &Debbie MacKinney, Jeff & Carol Peterson, Jack &Linda Frey, James Verret, Oavid& Lisa Reimer. Tom & Michelie Dare. H£chael & Denice Lecody, Peter ~ettes, Tom & Judy Doelling. 3ohn & Kathrwn ¢?rt, Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 . .-.' .-.r T ;"!ANAGE?!ENT :ZGN L."l SHEET Page 8 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all ,50b wainu~ ~&rove ~o/ wainu~ ~arove 3i0 wainu~ Grove .z~l ~ainu~ brove ~[4 Wail]U~ trove ~l~ wainu~ ~rove .3L'~ wainLi~ (3rove 322 Walnu~ Grove ~33 [~a2nuC Grove 326 Natnut Grove .3Z7 L,Ja/I]U~ (&Fore :]~0 ~aznu~ Grove 331 WaII'IL~ Grove 334 Nainut Grove business trun~i~utlulla nuuea~[ y Lu uu, lvey Lt property .... i~ M E h'rancis, R~. ~ ~ r,1/~' Jordan, ~zrDy a K~m A~te, ACUi & Jay uhang, hu Tung ~aumgarten, l'nomas ~ ~ODDle Stewart, Joe ~ Juazt~ 5ires, CYalg ~ maxlne ~r[cKson, Kevzn & lerr~ Ciccone, Jr. ,RoDer% ~ ~ngela Hertz[g, Joseph & Lauren ~c~ilc~ter, Paui& ~everiy ~aams, Oon & Lavonne SzafransK1, Mar~ &Ana ~anGas, Jeanne A. Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 i: .;8 339 ,342 350 354 355 i,,.~ ~_ '-:..:-_ .:~-ove t.-J~ L i IL: :L L,~ z ;-:,; .-_ L4az nuc Grove ~4a ~ nub Grove ~8 L IqL; ~ Grove Page 9 of 14 Resolved that the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association convey by Special Warranty Deed, its common area property on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and Margaret Mike (owners of Lot 9, 232 Beechwood); and that the Contract Amount, due the Association be determined by fair market appraisal methods; and that the current Board of Directors is hereby empowered by the Association to conduct all property. ' NAME , ~, i GNA TURE Marsna~, Rooert- & Aar:~enne i Szmpson RoE)err. & Lynn '"~ ~ ' ;Manuel , RoDerr~ & ,~r ~r. en i £~l.lDln , Ctlar LeS & Nancy .... -- ;L4L£1].ams, .2'~' . , i~oIDe~ r. Cole ; 3olnnst_on, ;_ance ~ ,Janet_ ....... ;Nat_~.on$, Mary '. DtBene. $,epne. & L~.nn - -~- ~ ~-~ -~~~-~ i ',Gooclrzcn, Cia¥~ & Nary Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 Page 10 of 14 EXHIBIT "A" Ail that certain tract of real property situated in Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of that certain Common Area situated between Lots 8 and 9, Block C, Pecan Hollow Subdivision, according to the Map or Plat thereof, recorded in Volume 90139, Page 2914 of the Map Records, Dallas County, Texas, and described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the tract conveyed herein, on the North margin of Beechwood Lane and at the Southeast corner of Lot No. 8, Block C of the Pecan Hollow Subdivision; THENCE with the Eastern boundary of Lot No. 8 North 0° 56' 25" West 123.35 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 8; THENCE from the Northeast corner of Lot No. 8, North 89° 03' 35" East 20 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot No. 9; THENCE from the Northwest corner of Lot No. 9, South 0° 56' 25" East 125.47 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot No. 9 and the North margin of Beechwood Lane to a corner; THENCE along the Northern margin of Beechwood Lane in a West- Northwesterly direction, 20.11 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and containing 2,488.2 square feet, more or less. pcmZ/pocn~olo.cloc Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 Page11 of 14 SPECIAL WARR/kNTY DEED STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: PECAN HOLLOW HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC., a Texas Non-Profit Corporation, duly organized under the laws of the State of Texas, with offices located in the State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, acting by and through its duly authorized President, pursuant to one certain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for PECAN HOLLOW recorded in Volume 91045, Page 3769 of the Real Property Records, Dallas County, Texas, has granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does hereby grant, sell and convey unto , Grantees, all the property listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes. This conveyance is given and accepted subject to restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions, rights-of-way, easements, municipal and other governmental zoning laws, regulations and ordinances, and any other items, if any, of record in Dallas County affecting the hereindescribed property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described property, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging to the said Grantees, Grantees' successors and assigns forever and the said Grantor does hereby bind itself, and its successors and assigns to Warrant and Forever Defend, all and singular the said premises unto the said Grantees, Grantees' successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same or in any part thereof by, through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. EXECUTED this day of , 1993. PECAN HOLLOW HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. ACCEPTED this day of , 1993. Its President Seal of the Pecan Hollow Homeowner's Association, Inc. By: and By: Its Secretary Grantees Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 Page 12 of 14 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS This instrument was acknowledged before me on the of , 1993, by President of PECAN HOLLOW HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION,INC. day , the Notary Public State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS of This instrument was acknowledged before me on the , 1993, by day Notary Public State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS of This instrument was acknowledged before me on the , 1993, by day Notary Public State of Texas After Recording Return To: pcm2/pecrtholo.d,o¢ Conveyance Resolution 7/1/93 Page 13 of 14 PECAN HOLLOW HOMEOWNERS ' ASSOCIATION , INC. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PECAN HOLLOW HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. Pursuant to Article IV, Section 4.4 of the Bylaws of Pecan Hol]o~,' Homeowners' Association, Inc., Larry Hiller, President of the Association hereby provides notice that a Special Meeting will be held on July 1, 1993, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the cafeteria of Austin Elementary School. 161 S. bloore Road, Coppell, Texas, for the purposes of transacting the following business: 1. Election of Board of Directors; 2. Vote on conveying the Common Area on Beechwood Lane between Lots 8 and 9, Block C (otherwise known as 228 and 232 Beechwood), to Arthur and ,~argaret Hike (o~,'ners of Lot 9, 232 Beech,rood); 3. To transact any other business of the Association brought forth in the proper manner and form at this Special Meeting. P~ox¥ c~v£~ TO PROXY The unOersigned, a ~omeowne~ in gooO stanOing ~n the Pecan Hollow Homeowners' Association, Inc., hereby appoints as ~roxy holder, with full power o¢ substitution, to vote for the undersigneO at the above-stated meeting, to be bela on July 1, 1993, on any business which may properly come.before the meeting in such a manner as the proxy holder determines to ~e in the best interest of the Association; hereby revoking any proxy cr proxies ~eretofors 9ivsn by t~e undersigned. THIS PROXY ~$ REVOCABLE AT AllY TII.IE BEFORE IT I5 EXERCISED. Dated (Address) (Signature of Unit Owners) The City With A Beautiful Future June 30, 1993 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 Ms. Peggy Quinn 305 Beechwood Lane Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Ms. Quinn: Based on your request of June 22 regarding the common area easement along Beechwood Lane in the Pecan Hollow subdivision, this letter offers the following information: The referenced easement between 232 and 228 Beechwood Lane was created for access to the area immediately north of these properties for both Pecan Hollow residents and the City of Coppell. This twenty foot common area extends to the north property line of Pecan Hollow. On the other side of the drainage area is a 5.8 acre parcel of ground zoned for multi-family uses. City staff has looked at the common area and has no objection to its abandonment as we now have additional access to the drainage channel. In addition, I have had conversations with Mr. Arthur Kranz, whom I understand has purchased the home located at 232 Beechwood. Mr. Krantz and Ms. Mike have submitted to me a letter indicating their interest in purchasing and landscaping the twenty foot common area if the easement is abandoned. Because the City does not own the common area (we only have an easement over the parcel), any sale would between the property owner adjacent-in this case, Mr. Krantz and Ms. Mike- and the Homeowners Association, the owner of the ground. I believe these statements address all the points of your June 22 correspondence. If, however, additional information is needed, please contact me at your convenience. ~t~; Soife~ann~in g' ~' Community Services GLS/pf