Pecan Valley/PP-DR 901025DEVELOP~E~T REVIEW C[~NITTEE PLAteN I~5 DE ~8T~ENT Revi ew of D~, e: Please i~dicate the to~al nu~ebep of lots i~ ~he Do, tom ~lght ha~d ~o'pz~e~ o~ this pla~. ~as the oeYelop~ i~i~iatea a'r~ discussion,s wi~h aejoinir~g p~ope~y owners ~ega~ding imppovements to Lc~ge Rd.~ ail the way to 5a~ey Lake Re.? Please sub,nit it to the PubIi~ ~o~ks depa~ne~ fo~ ~evlem p~io~ to NoYe~nbe~ i= The hea~ir, g for cc, z~sieeratior! ar~o ~eview by :he Plar~r~ir~g ar~e Zor, i~g C~mnlssio~, is s~heOuied on Thu~sOay~ ~ovembe~ ~ 1990 7:50 p.~n. az~O by ~he Ci~ Cour~ll or~ TuesOay~ Oe:~nb~ li~ i~ at 7:00 p.m. Both ~eapi~gs will be conducted i~, ~ne Council Chamb~s a~ Ci~F Mail. R ~ep~es~a~lve f~- ~his ~po3ec~ mus~ I !