Pecan Hollow/FP-CS 921214e
~9/~4792 16:18 CITY OF COPPELL
Phone { ~ /~_
Firm Preparinl Pl~t
' 8 rme~ City /8~at~ Zip
Phone {.
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~1~ Correspo~en~ r~la~lwe ~o ~his eRplicatton should
City, State, 2i~~~ 0~/'
Genial i,Ocet io~
What is the present Zoninq District?
any zoning change? t/O.
File # ..... Z~ing district
10. Proposed Suixlivlsion Contains:
NO. of Bots or Unit~
Are you requesting
yss, what is the Case
Acres (for ea. use)_