Pecan Valley/FP-CS 921120REJOICE LUTHERAN CHURCH November 20, 1992 Kenneth W. Hovland, Pastor 720 Michelle Place Coppell, Texas 75019 214-393-5776 Mr. Mike Harper Gateway Development Company 10751 Maple Ridge Drive Dallas, TX 75238 Dear Mr. Harper, I recently received the enclosed letter from Pastor Orlo Espeland, our Mission Director for this area, stating the position of our national church body on the easement in question. As you can see, they are in favor of lending our support in your action to have the easement removed. Also, I feel that our congregational leadership is in agreement with this action. We wish you well as you continue to work with the city on having this easement removed and selling the property that you are developing. I have written a letter to Gary Seib, Coppell City Planner, to inform him of what we have decided. Hopefully, that will be all that you need in taking care of this item of business. Please let me know if there are any other questions or ways that we can be of service to you. Sincerely, Kenneth Wayne Hovland, Pastor Rejoice Lutheran Church Enclosure "Rejoice, 0 pilgrim throng/ Rejoice, give thanks, and sing; our festal banner wave on high, The cross of Christ your king." Lutheran Book of Worship, No. 553,Text: Edward H. Plump~e, 1821-1891, alt. NORTHERN TEXAS NORTHERN LOUISIANA SYNOD P.O. BOX 560587 · Dallas, Texas 75356-0587 1230 River Bend, Suite 105 · Dallas, Texas 75247-4912 (214) 637-6B65 (NTNL) ,, FAX (214) 637-4805 Orlo G. Espeland Mission Director November 16, 1992 Kenneth Hovland Rejoice Lutheran Church 720 Michelle Place Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Pastor Hovland, This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation this morning when we discussed the easement that is on the future site for your congregation. It is the Division for Outreach position that it would be very acceptable for you as a congregation to forgive the easement and notify the city of Coppell of that action. Sincerely, Rev. Orlo G. Espeland OGE:amw