Pecan Hollow/FP-CS 900521May 21, 1990 Mr. Doyle Cameron Pecan Hollow Joint Venture 16250 Dallas Parkway Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75248 RE: Request for Drainage Easements from ABQ; Pecan Hollow Development; Coppell Texas Dear Mr. Cameron: Pursuant to your request for three drainage easements on our property in the Parks of Coppell which were received by our engineer, Jerry Parche', on April 5, 1990, this letter is provided in order to summarize our requirements prior to processing the easement documents. It is our understanding that your engineers have provided a hydraulic analysis of two channel improvement alternatives. These improvements will permit proposed filling for house pads on Lots 1-10, Block C of Pecan Hollow while not increasing design water surface levels in the adjacent channel. These alternatives are described as follows. Alternative No. 1 - Channel Wideninq and 4:1 Sideslopn This alternative includes widening the channel bottom and construction of a 4:1 sideslope on the south bank. The following table provides the ~hannel bottom width and location of the south sideslope at three cross sections adjacent to Pecan Hollow, from information provided by your engineer. CHANNEL CROSS SECTION TOTAL BOTTOM WIDTH FT. LOCATION OF TOE OF SOUTH CHANNEL SIDESLOPE W.R.T. PECAN HOLLOW PROPERTY LINE 19+50 29 6.5' NORTH 22+00 33 3.4' NORTH 24+50 34 2.5' NORTH The 4:1 south sideslope can be extended upwards by filling on a 4:1 slope, subsequent to the initial channel excavation, at the option of the homeowner of builder. Doyle Cameron may 21, 1990 Page 2 Alternative No. 2 - Vertical Wall on South Sideslop~ Alternative No. 2 is established to provide homeowners of builders an opportunity to extend the depth of their lot above design channel flood levels as far north as possible. This limit is located 15 feet south of the north property line of Pecan Hollow. At this point, the homeowner can construct a vertical wall, however the bottom of the wall must be approximately only one foot above the channel bottom elevation. The area between the wall and the property line must then be excavated to provide conveyance area to offset conveyance area lost due to filling behind (south of) the wall, as shown on the cross sections. Our engineer has reviewed computer models of both alternatives described above and has no objections to either. We note, however, in your letter to our engineer of May 2, 1990, transmitting the computer models that you state that "the builder/homeowner can create a 4:1 slope section within Pecan Hollow." The channel bottom widening and 4:1 slope section in Pecan Hollow is necessary to offset proposed filling for house pads, which we understand will be performed by the developer. Therefore, the channel improvements must be performed by the developer in conjunction with filling for house pads. In order to prevent any misunderstanding regarding proposed channel construction within ABQ property and Pecan Hollow, please provide the following information. Written confirmation from Pecan Hollow that the excavation for widening the channel and constructing a 4:1 sideslope as described in Alternative No. 1 above will be performed by the developer in conjunction with filling for lot pads in Lots 1-10, Block C of Pecan Hollow. Construction plans for proposed channel improvements signed by a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas. These plans should define proposed construction for Alternative No. 1, excluding permissible filling that can be performed by the homeowner, and should include: ae Proposed grades in the channel including transitions to the existing channel. Location of drawn cross sections should also be indicated. Location, type, and size of headwalls. Location of requested easement areas. Channel cross sections. Doyle Cameron may 21, 1990 Page 3 Upon receipt of the two items listed above and acceptance by ABQ and our engineer, ABQ agrees to grant the requested easements subject to: Agreement by Pecan Hollow and ABQ on the easement language. o Any prior agreements that affect the easement areas. As we have verbally advised you previously, ABQ and Univest have entered into a Mutual Drainage Easement which affects the requested easement areas. Execution of an agreement between pecan Hollow and ABQ addressing verification of grading, liabilities, time frames for construction, insurance requirements, etc., as recommended by our attorney. Confirmation by our attorney that covenants in the Pecan Hollow Deed Restrictions or Homeowners Association Agreement prevent further encroachments and construction of fences in the channel area. If you have any questions, please call either myself or Mary Hicks at ABQ or Jerry Parche'. Sincerely, / stan Strickman Vice President cc: Jerry Parche', P.E./Jerry Parche' Consulting Engineers Bill Anderson, P.E./Dan Dowdey & Associates Gary Sieb/City of Coppell Alan Ratliff/City of Coppell Wayne Ginn, P.E./Ginn, Inc. Jim Schell,Esquire/ Law, Snakard & Gambill