Pecan Hollow/FP-CS 900424 (2)GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Date: To: From: Re: PLAT/PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM April 24, 1990 Public Works Department/DRC Department John C. Karlsruher, P.E. ~~ Review Comments for the Final Plat and Engineering Plans for the Pecan Hollow Addition FINAL PLAT: Add variance request for a minimum depth of less than 4' for the sanitary sewer main serving Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block B. Public Works/Engineering wishes to review the proposed Homeowners Association documents prior to City Council consideration of the Final Plat. PAVING PLANS: Sheet 6/22 uses vertical curves at Station 3+50 and Station 7+00. The Street Department requests that a one foot width of the edge of the existing Lodge Road concrete pavement be removed to allow for lime stabilization of the subgrade in this area. This will help to eliminate a weak joint caused by the previous exposure of the edge of the existing pavement to the elements. This will apply to the entire frontage of the Owner's property along Lodge Road. Sheet 10/22 - Vertical curves required at Station 5+60 Dogwood Trail Sheet 15/22 - Alley "A" . Identify size of inlet at Station 8+21.61 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER PLANS: 1. Sheet 1/5: Use City of Coppell Standard Detail for fire hydrant installation details. Eliminate use of "6" lead pipe" in detail to avoid confusion. Pa~,e lof 4 17103 Preston Road · Suite lif0 · LBil8 ® Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 Relocate block valve in 8" water line in front of Lot 16, Block B as shown on marked print. Furnish centerline curve data for curved sections of sanitary sewer lines. E. No reverse curves allowed in sanitary sewers. 6" water lines not allowed in Holly Tree Court and Cedar Ridge Court. Use 8" lines. Ge Show existing fire hydrants along east side of Lodge Road. Sheet 2/5 - Use D.I. pipe with concrete encasement at Station 9+35, Line "A" crossing beneath storm sewer line "C". 3. Sheet 3/5 - Explain stubout at upstream end of Line "B". DRAINAGE AREA MAP AND STORM SEWERS: Sheet 1 of 7 - Show details of proposed use of existing 54" RCP through retaining wall behind Lots 19 and 20, Block C. Sheet 2 of 7 - Type "C" headwalls required for permanent storm sewer outfall into channel. Provide details for temporary outfalls if unable to acquire easements or written permission to build permanent facilities in drainage channel. Use ultimate development Q100 and water surface elevations in channel developed by Jerry Parche Consulting Engineers for the Heartz Road project. Show these elevations on plans. Revise storm sewer hydraulics accordingly. 3. Sheet 3/7 - Same as note 2 above. Sheet 4/7 - Junction box required at intersection of lines B-l, B-2, and B-3. Existing sanitary sewer must be D.I. pipe at inlet ends of lines B-2 and B-3 to be allowed temporarily to remain in conflict with storm sewer extension to the south. Sheet 6 of 7 - Same as note 2 above. Show details of disposition of existing 54" RCP in Parkview Addition. Junction box required at intersection of Line C-2, Line C-l, and Line C. Sheet 7 of 7 - line C-2. Use transition junction box Station 1+64 Page 2 of 4 LOT GRADING PLANS: Sheet 1 of 4 - No concrete flumes allowed. grass swales. Use natural Sheet 2 of 4 - No concrete flumes allowed. Use natural grass swales. Provide for permanent drainage along the rear areas of Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, Block C, for the drainage from Freeman tract as well as Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23. FEES DUE: ae Water and Sewer Availability Fee @ $440/unit 1/2 due prior to City Council consideration 202 lots x $440/lot = $88,880.00 1/2 = $44,440.00 due now Water Tap Fee @ $100/meter Due prior to issue of building permits 202 lots x $100/lot = $20,200.00 Sewer Connection Fee @ $100/sewer connection 100% due prior to issue of building permits 202 lots x $100/lot = $20,200.00 D. Construction Permit Fee First deposit @ $500 + $20/lot = $500 + $20 x 202 = $4,540.00 due now Second deposit in an amount equal to 1.5% of the estimated construction cost of the items proposed to be dedicated to the City. This is due prior to issuance of a construction permit. Park Fund @ $150/$F home 100% due prior to final plat approval 202 lots x $150/lot = $30,300.00 Fe Street Light Fee @ $292.60 per light for every 200 feet of roadway. This fee is due prior to final acceptance of the subdivision. Review with Coppell Public Works Street Department. Ge Street Sign Fee as required by the Street Department in accordance with attached guidelines. Due prior to building permits being issued. Review with Coppell Public Works Street Department. TOTAL OF FEES DUE AT THIS TIME = $79,280.00 Page 3 of 4 For questions regarding comments made by Public Works or Engineering Department staff contact the following: Water and Sewer - Water Superintendent, Mr. Howard Pafford, at 214-462-8495. Streets - Streets Superintendent, Mr. Per Birdsall, at 214- 462-8495. Parks - Parks Superintendent, Mr. Richard Diano, at 214-462- 8495. 4. Engineering - John C. Karlsruher, P.E., Ginn, Consulting Engineers at 214-248-4900. Inc. Should there be further questions on policy or disputes which may need to be resolved, please contact Mr. Steve Goram, Director of Public Works, at 214-462-8495. Page 4 of 4