Pecan Hollow/FP-CS 900413dP Jerry Parch& Consulting Engineers April 13, 1990 Mr. William Anderson, P.E. Dan M. Dowdey & Associates 16250 Dallas Parkway Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75248-2684 214/931-0694 RE: JP No. 88009; Request for Drainage Easements; Parks of Coppell; Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Anderson: On April 5, 1990, our office received a request from you for three drainage easements in property owned by ABQ Development Corporation adjacent to the north boundary of the proposed Pecan Hollow development. In addition to the legal descriptions and exhibits of each of the easements, you also provided a copy of the final plat of Pecan Hollow, a drainage area map, and plan and profile sheets showing the design of each storm drain, Lines A, B, and C, which will discharge in the requested easement areas. Our client, ABQ Development Corporation, has asked us to review plans of your proposed construction on their property and evaluate impacts on flooding and future channel improvements in the drainageway. You and I have discussed our concerns in a telephone conversation yesterday and I also discussed our concerns with your client, Mr. Doyle Cameron. This letter will summarize our discussions. You have informed me that you determined the 100-year flood water surface elevations in the drainage channel (as shown in your plans) at the proposed storm drain discharge points by assuming a hydraulic gradient elevation at the street low point approximately 1.5 feet below proposed top of curb elevation. The hydraulic gradient was then calculated in the proposed pipe downstream to the discharge point at the channel. The ensuing hydraulic gradient elevation at the discharge point is labelled as the local WS~00 on the plans. We are not in agreement with this method~ of calculating the hydraulic gradient since it disregards concurrent flow in the channel as well as the channel cross section, slope and downstream conditions which together will determine the flood level in the channel. Regarding ABQ property, our concerns for the 100-year flood levels shown in the drainage channel on your plans are as follows. 320 ~(/estway Place, Suite 501 · Arlington, Texas 76018 · Metro (817) 467-2418 · (817) 465~)259 Mr. William Anderson, P.E. JP No. 88009 April 13, 1990 PaGe 2 of 4 At the time ultimate channel improvements are designed, the City of Coppell or residents 'in Pecan Hollow may insist that channel improvements yield 100-year flood levels that do not exceed the levels shown on the Pecan Hollow plans, since these were the levels used to design the storm sewers in Pecan Hollow. Since existing ground levels on proposed lots in Pecan Hollow abutting the drainage channel are lower than 100-year flood elevation in the channel, this area presently conveys a portion of the 100-year flood in the channel. The proposed fill shown on these lots in your plans will remove flood conveyance area and force more of the flow onto ABQ property. Also, without drainage easements on the rear of lots in Pecan Hollow, residents may construct fences, vertical walls, or structures up to or along the rear property line further depleting flood conveyance. In the design of Heartz Road between Parkway Boulevard and Sandy Lake Road, our firm had designed interim improvements in the subject channel from the southwest corner of Parkview Addition to the proposed culvert in Heartz Road. Sheet Numbers 26 and 27 of the Heartz Road Plans showing these proposed channel improvements are enclosed. Adjacent to Pecan Hollow these improvements Generally consist of lowering the channel bottom approximately one foot and widening the channel bottom and constructing four to one sideslopes. The plans for this interim channel were approved by the City of Coppell. 100-year flood levels shown on the improved channel plans for Heartz Road are based on a fully developed watershed and the channel improvements discussed above. These 100-year flood levels adjacent to Pecan Hollow range from elevation 461.4 at the southwest corner of the Parkview Addition to elevation 461.7 at the northwest corner of Pecan Hollow. All proposed improvements consist of excavation. 100-year flood levels in the drainage channel shown on the Pecan Hollow Plans you provided range from elevation 460.0 at the southwest corner of Parkview Addition to elevation 460.3 near the northwest corner of Pecan ~ollow. These elevations are approximately 1.4 feet less than the elevations we determined with proposed channel improvements. Following from the information presented above, our concerns and recommendations to resolve these issues are summarized below. Mr. William Anderson, P.E. JP No. 88009 April 13, 1990 Page 3 of 4 Any improvements adjacent to the subject drainage channel should not increase water surface elevations higher than elevations shown on the Heartz Road improvement plans. Therefore, this 100-year flood level can be used for extending drainage improvements into and setting minimum finished floor levels in adjacent property. This water surface elevation should be shown on any plans of improvements adjacent to the channel in order to promote an understanding and establish guidelines for future development adjacent to the channel among residents, city officials and developers. Please provide hydraulic models which demonstrate that proposed filling in Pecan Hollow will not increase 100-year flood levels above the elevations shown for the improved channel in the Heartz Road improvement plans. Proposed ground levels used in portions of cross sections through Pecan Hollow in your model will be used to establish fill limits in the rear of lots abutting the channel. Since the south bank of the ultimate channel improvements will extend into the rear of the lots backing onto the channel in Pecan Hollow, a drainage easement sufficient in width to include the flood carrying area on these lots should be dedicated to the City of Coppell. This will give the City authority over any construction in the ehsement area and help preserve the flood conveyance. The designed flowline (bottom) elevation of the proposed storm sewers at the drainage channel matches the existing channel bottom elevation. The channel bottom elevation in the improved interim channel designed for Heartz Road improvements is lower than the existing channel bottom. Since the proposed storm sewers are substantial structures, the pipe bottom elevation should match the bottom elevation of th~ proposed improved channel. The existing channel should be deepened to accept these storm sewers. This will eliminate the need for lowering the storm sewer discharge structures when the channel is improved. Permanent headwalls should be constructed at the discharge points of proposed storm sewers to retard erosion. No headwalls are proposed in the plans provided to us. Additionally, flow exiting bines B and C should be directed downstream as shown on the drainage area map provided to us. The plans indicate flow exiting Storm Sewers B and C will be perpendicular to the flow in the channel. Mr. William Anderson, P.E. JP No. 88009 April 13, 1990 Page 4 of 4 We have requested Dowdey Engineers realign proposed Beechwood Drive (in Pecan Hollow) at the intersection with ABQ's east property line to conform to the curve in the drainage channel and to permit us to plat 120 foot deep lots backing up to the channel next to Pecan Hollow. I provided you our requested adjusted alignment of Beechwood Lane by telephone facsimile on March 12, 1990. On April 3, 1990, you sent me a possible alignment adjustment that would require small radius reverse curves in Beechwood Lane when the street is extended westward. Approximately two lots between Beechwood Lane and the channel would have approximately only 100 feet of depth. ABQ is very concerned about the lot depth that will be available north of Beechwood Lane due to the proximity of the channel and the filling that will be required due to existing low elevations in this area. On behalf of ABQ, we still request adjustment of the alignment of Beechwood Lane as shown in my March 12, 1990 facsimile to you. With resolution of the issues presented above, approval of the requested easements can be recommended by our firm. However, by copy of this letter, we advise ABQ to consider other possible impacts on marketing, liability, financial, etc., as well as requirements due to previous agreements that have been made associated with this property, if any. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, //~ errParch'e ' P.E. JP:ch Enclosures: Sheet Nos. 26 & 27 - Heartz Road Plans cc: Ms. Mary Hicks/ABQ Development Corporation Mr. Gary Sieb/City of Coppell Mr. Alan Ratliff/City of Coppell Mr. Wayne Ginn, P.E./Ginn, Inc. Mr. Jim Schell/Law, Snakard & Gambill