Pecan Hollow/FP-CS 900329DRC DATE: REVIEW OF: CITY OF COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION BY: Shore Daneshmand, Phone ~ 462-8495 FINAL PLAT AND PLANS: 3) 6) ?) Please make the following additions and/or corrections on final plat as marke(l: - Name of the p~()posed subdivision must be consistent on the plat and all pages of the construction plans, etc. - Location . . Width . . . and the name of all existing or recorde~ s'L'reets intersecting the boundary of 'the tract. Delineate the existing and proposed zoning of the site and the surrou]Lding properties. - The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use with the purpose indicated ~/~ there on. Fir(~ lanes must be shown on final plats. Certification by a registered Public Surveyor to the effect that thr) plat represents a survey made by him. - Delineate utili, ty signature block on the final plat. - Per FlOodPlain Management Ordinance #87390 (Art. 5, Sec. C, Item 4, Pag~ 34), all subdivision proposals must have the following note placed on the preliminary and final plats: "Floodplain De"zelopment Permit Application No. ham been filed with the City of Coppe].l Floodplain Administrator, on , 19. ." (Floodplain Administrator) No Comment. Page 1/3 ( Da're ) 1) 2) 4) 6) 7) The following in for.~na't ion, as marked, is required to be contained in i:he final constructio'n plans of the above project z Provide ~//" final, construction plans, simultaneously w.i.th final plat submittal. Final plans must have a cov.~r sheet, detailed design plans, and~'i~ndard detail sheet's. - A cover sheet, for final construction plans shall include the following: Name of the project Owner's name and address Engineer's uame and address Architect's name and address Vicinity map Index list, covering all pages included in the set "Plan Approval Paragraph", see attached Detailed final construction plans shall contain the following: * Ail requiredatreet paving, plans and profile sheets. * ~All required storm drainage p].ans and profile sheets. * Ail required alley paving plans an([ profile sheets. * A complet~ and accurate drainage area map and detail grading plan. * All required letters of permision from adjacent property owners. * All required water and sewer engineering plans. Provide barricading plans. Provide trench safety, sealed by a registered engineer in the State of Texas. Delineate propo:~ed and existing water distribution system and pipe sizes. De].ineate proposed and existing sewage collection system and pipe sizes Provide a DraiDage Area Map covering two parts: a) show On-site. Drainage Map, on a scale of 1" = 20', 40' ...50' etc. , .. ' with ali. details as required in the Subdivi~{ion Ordinance; b) show the Off-site Drainage Map, on a scale 1" = 100', 200', etc . . . Delineate the project's boundary on it, plus the less deta.i, led drainage sys'tem, ~:o clearly demonstrate the affect of such ac'~ivJ, t.Les, drainage outfalls, o~ th~ adjacent properties and the Drainage Master Plan. 9) 10) 1.3 ) 14) 15) _/ all storm sewer systems must be designed for 100-year design frequenc:y. Technical Paper 40 should be used to compute, rainfall intensities, as per the Subdivision Ordinance, (Appendix "A", Page 30). 'Show the hydraulic calculations for each portion of the storm system on the profile, such as pipe size, Q100 (cfs), Qc (cfs), S, v (FPS) etc. . Ail lots withiq or adjacent to the 100-year Floodplain shall have the lowest floor elevation for each building site shown on the site grading plans. A'permanent bench mark must be established with in a subdivision development, see attached Floodplain Development checklist. Each sheet of the plans shall contain a title block and .consistent page numbers. All appropriate fees as per subdivision ordinance must be paid. Delineate a Revision block on each sheet. Revision dates must be shown on each sheet with Engineer's initials next to them. All above comments must be addressed, prior to Staff's recommendatiou for approval of the final plat and plans. Provide a written response on all comments with explanations provided on items not addressed as requested above. DRC/COMMENTS/ENG/FINAL SD/bb Page 3/3 A PLAT/PLAN REVIEW MEMORANDUM DRC DATE: 3/29/90 SUBDIVISION/PROJECT: PECAN HOLLOW ADDITION - Final Plat and Plans BY: ENGINEERING/PUBLIC HOP, KS DEPAR'FMENT ADDITIONAL REVIEW COMMENTS ('Supplemental to preprinted comments): FINAL PLAT: o Include north arrow arid scale on Final Plat. Minimum allowable radius of street centerline curves is 425 feet. Curves C5, C6, C12, C15, C21, C22, C23, C28, C32 and C34 are not in compli~nce with minimum radius requirement as shown on the marred up copy of the Final Plat transmitted herewi t h. Provide Surveyor's Se,"~l and Signature. Show all street cornel, visibility easements to be dedicated. Address the area betv.,een lots ? & 8, Block C. What is its purpose? Show all drainage, floodplain/floodway, utility, and access easements 'which ar~¢: required to be dedicated by the Subdivision and Flood!'~]aln Management Ordinances. All lots in block "C"'must be front entry. ENGINEERING PLANS: Paving Plans o 7. 8. 9. Engineer's seal on original plans shall be original with engineer's original signature and date in close proximity to seal as required by Grate Law. Blue line prints indicate non-compliance with S~:ate Law. Show inlets on the paving plans. Minimum street centerline curve radius is 425 feet. Revise plans accordingly. Minimum street gradr~ is 0.50%. Revise Plans accordingly. Vertical curves with a minimum length of 100 feet shall be used at grade changers in excess of 1~. Revise plans as marked. Alleys seem tnordtnatr~ly long. Revise plans to provide permanent driveways for' existing private homes on lodgc~ road. All fill shall be compacted to a minimum of 95% Standard Proctor Density. Median planters in cul-de-sac are unacceptable unless maintained by a homeowners association. Water and Sewer: No curves allowed in s,anttary sewers. Minimum grades for the 8" sanitary sewers on sheets 2, 3, and 5 shall provide minimum flow velocity of 2 'Feet per second. Revise accordingly. Show all required drainage, utility and access easements required. Sanitary sewer depths too shallow in some areas. Use 4' O" minimum depth to top o~ pipe. Drainage Plans: Use TP-40 with a minim,~m Tc of 10 Minutes for computation of onstte stormwater rL~noff' and 15 minutes for offslte stormwater runoff as r~qulred by the Subdivision Ordinance. Dedicate all easements shown on marked plans and otherwise required. Furnlsh positive overflow as indicated on the plans. Furnish details of col'lection of offsite storm water runoff. Establish, indicate and maintain minimum vertical clearance of sanitary crossings as marked on sheets 2, 3, 4,' 6, and 7. Furnish detall deslgfas of storm sewer outfall from the subject property and furnish documentation indfcattng the downstream proper~y owf~ers know and approve of the manner In whlch site and offsite drainage is being hand,ed. PLAIq APPROVAL 'f'ARi\GRAPII Fc, r CLty l-.rngineeJ~. RE: Plans RF_: Speo. i{~iea.~on.~ Pit. epa/ted She. e~t , o{~ I.c~.(: Ye.v.iAiott Th.e. above ,&lO.n.,'t,i.l~ied plctr~.6 arid er)r~,Ottted t~ ctpp/toutc[ .o~ ,'the eon,'.ep.t ~o~t ~he ~o)'~/~,'C~tu¢'t~Orl. ('la.treLlis o~ ;/:l',e proposed ea~er/ by on. /c~9~rtg ~tottl ,'the. ~:~or~,'Ut. ut~'Cion o~ improvemeri.'t~ ~hcc~ no:C paoeeed urlcC8[ ;the (~une..'c hc~ e~eo.t:e(:t eomp.t.,(.a.rtee to. bdt rct. E o.'Che~t app. Li. eal>le. tin llin. Any chan.qe3 mt~.t, be ctpp/~.ovoM by '(:he. app/t. Olg~t.&c'C.e n.e..Ou.t'.a.'t:orU n. geno~L{,~s c~ cos ,(:he C.bt.t./ I-:rt.(linee~t. A(v't;eJt, .'(.he 'l)e_ve.l~ofJ{',~t's Pe~.,.i. gn /:'rtfj.Lrte. ept. app/t, oue2, el'tango_, £he C.~y'~ c~s.i..Orted Eng.('ne.~ci. ng 'lrtspe~tor si'Icc(;[ be e-or~.'lztcf..'Ce.t.l who w.i..gr, e~i. tho.,,t app/toue, and/or seattle 'appJtouccf. fl,.om the C,L't:t,_/ l~ngineot., ccc &One a supp. f. emenXct.[ plan app/[ovcd. [o.L~.[ be a(~{vi..~e.d .'Co ,the app/tovcd p,f.m~.',, and /te.l~,~,to..need in. ct ~upp.f. emer,.tcc& a. pf,rovcc[ .~.e,'t.t:cv~. by .Ch.e.C..L'tt.l En.g./.ne.e~t.. A.t.e~ w,glLf, be ,i. rte.f, uded irt .tl~e "As-BLcLC.t" plar~ .'~o be s(.d~m.gt;re.d 30 days a~.'/:e~. C '1 'I'Y E~G'I I, IEI_:R 'OATI:' FLOODPT,AIN DEVEI~OPblI'~I,IT CIIECKI. IST The following Items represent ;, brief outline of items required by the Cit,/ of Coppeli In order to develop lrsa floodplait~, References are taken from Ordinaace B7390. Reference item Arc. 4C-2 Att mo(leis mu:;t refer to uhe ?. ,/r, 100 yr exh;th'sL,, [00 yr ultimnr(.., and Iow flow. Art. 4C-2(n) Art. 4C-2(b) Art. ,IC-2(c) Art. 4C-2(e) Art. 4C-2(f) Art. ,tC-2(g) Lowe:;t floor ,nut:t be Isigher than I'IVI'~ .,. 2' and 100 yr (UL'I?.) -,- 1'. ExistlnL, and fully developed 100-year floodplain lfltl:gt be delineated. I')etermlne fh'.od storage Io::.'; V. Iood levels caused by the development plu~. any nnticlpated future developments must be legg than the tO0 yr (ULT) and tim 1980 B l: E + 1'. Any changes in tile' floodplnin must be submitted to lr:F. MA according to cl~eir procedures. Must show ev;dence of all necessary permits; Local, ,,tate° and Feclernl. Art. 5B-I,2 Art. 5B-1-2 I'.'.levntion of lowest floor of ::hnltow flooding areas mu:;t be greater tl~i~r~ hll;he.,;t ,'tdjac(.',~t Static: .,- 2' os' ehe. ctruc, t'urc must bt'. fie)od protected. All work taus:, be certified by a P.17.. or R.P.S. Art. 5C-,t The followln;/, special hock: rnu:;r be included on the plat "l;loodplnin Development P,:rmlt Application No.___ h~u; been flied with the City of Coppell Floodplala Administrator on , IQ__, f:loodphiin Administrator Date. Arr. 5C-5 A rt. 5C-6 13oundr,/'s of Floodplain nncl floodway mucc be shown on Lowest floo,' .elevations for each. loc mu:;t be. shown ors plan. ,, site grading Art. 5C-7 A. perrnp, nCl':~ bench Ill;tr}'. mu,a[ bc c.';cabllzbcd ',vlt'hin a subdlvi.,:iosl development, Art. 5C-8 -'^ followin{| ~:pecial no~e rnu:;t bc included on the plat. ."'the developer,, builder, seller or agent shall inform in writing, each j'prospective buye'r or subdiv.isi6{~ lots'or property loc~k'ed'~'wlthjn special flood hazard areas of this site that such property is in an identified flood Iulz;trd area alld Elint all developmeri[ inugt conform provisions; of'the 'City of COplx:ll l:loodphtin Ma{lage{nent'Otdinnnce. '..The written notice shall be fried for record in the County deed records and a coFy of the notice muse accompany ' the application for development' permit." above Items are only a b:ief checkll,.;t of item,'; need to cornPly with Ordlnnnce B7390, a tie,ailed review o~ [~{~ Or(llnal~Ce 1~ necessary In orcler to fully untler~and Any submittal In connection with a floodplain development must include the above Items. This submittal must as a minima, tm also include the following: Text describing whe~:: the basic data was obtained, what is intended, and tile results, all tn sufficiencY: derail'so that it is fully understandable and supportable. Exhibits must be prescr~ted that clarify data. These muet taclude: Water surface' p:~flles, cross sections, work maps, floodplain anti floodway. delineations for both e×istlng and improved conditions. Comparisons must be shown betwe~:n existing and proposed conditions for velocities, water surface elevation::° storage, and an}, oilier Impacts. Computer models m::st be presented In detail, Not Just Input and/or summary printouts. July 27, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: RE: Russell R. Doyle, P.E., City Engineer Larry Davis, Constr'~ction Inspector PERMITTING PROCESS ',ITY OF COPPELL'- ENGINEERING DEI~ARTMENT 1) 2) 3) Approved Engineering Pl:~ns Required - Stamped & Signed by the City Engineer Approved Site. Plan for [;<cavation Pre-Construction Confe~ < '~,¥ce With The Enoineering Inspector Required ['rlo]' to Start of Construction 4) Excavation Permit Requir~.zd 5) Utility Construction Permit Required 6) Pavin~ Construction Per",~it Required 7) Additional Permitting May Be Required - Other State, County and Feder<~l 8) Early Rough Grading Musl De Approved S'eDarately LD/lsg Construction City Departments, PERMTNG CITY OF COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS ~'~ATER UTILITIES DIVISION FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS DRC Date: Review of: By: Howard Pafford,. Water Utilities Super.~ntendent Phone Water/San].tary_~, ewer Plans: Please make the following adclitions and/or corrections as marked: . 1) Show eXisting water/sanitary sewer lines as ].ocat~"~d in tile area where they exist. 2) Show proposed water/sanitary sewer lines. (mini:~um sizes are 8") 3) 4) Show proposed placement of valves, manholes, fire hydrants, clean out, water services, and sewer services. Show sanitary sewer line profiles as rela'ted to e~isting and finished grade. 5) Show all necessary easements as 20 ft. unless the proposed easement is located between two lots, then 15 f't. is allowed. If any off site easements are necessary, all documents concerning that easement s~all be finalized prior 'to Council approval of the final plat. 6) If the development is anything other than resi¢lential, the building area shall be noted on the plans. Per Subdivision Ordinance Section XVI, Item "B", Page 20, the following listed fees must be paid nine '(9) working days prior 'to CC meeting:, water and sewer availability. . . wate~: tap. fee. . and sewer tap fee. Page 1/2 0) 9) General Notes: All Construction material will confor~n to the City of Coppell Standard Construction Detail and Subdivision Ordinance. Ail construction will conform to the City of Coppell Standard Construction Detail and the North Central Council of Government Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. Additional Notes: All residential service lines shall be 1" type "k °' copper. All materials shall be furnished by the Contractor. See attached requirements on water services· 'See attached requirements for "Meter Application Standards". All above comments must be addressed, prior to staff's recommendation for approval of the final plat and plans. Provide a written response on all comments, with explanations provided on items not addressed as requested above. 14) - No comment. DRC / COMMENTS/WA'i'/F I NAL SD/HP/pd Page 2/2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMI'PTEE Street Department PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST DRC Datez Development: / / Reviewed By~ Per Bi~dsall., Street Superintendent Deficiencies / St?eets A. [ ] Conforms to Thoro~ghfare Plan B. [ ] Through Traffic D?scouraged C. [ ] Arterial Streets i~intersect at 90 angle D. [ ] No Half Streets E. [ ] Street Alignments 125 feet offset minimum F. [ ] Culdesac No Longe~' Than 600 feet with 80 foot turn around G. [ ] Median Opening in Existing Boulevard H. [ ] Alley Required 10~ with 15' Right-Of-Way I. [ ] No Direct Access 'i~o Lots from Collectors or Arterial J. [ ] Block Lengths 120!)' maximum K. [ ] Additional Right-~)f-Way for Streets on Thoroughfare Plan L. [ ] Escrows for Adjac,~nt Streets Intersection Radius Major 'to Major 40'' Major to Mino~i' 30' Major to Loca.~. 30' Minor to Mino3~ 25' Minor to Loca.]. 25' Local to Loca~. 20' M. [ ] Median Openings 4~'.0-1300 feet 100' Landscaped Area Page 1/3 N. [ ] Opening Widths 60-120 feet O. [ ] Left Turn Lane Low Volume High Volume Signalized Width Transition Reverse Curve 60 ft. i00 ft. h50 ft. 10.-13 ft. 9'~. 5 ft. 250 ft. P. [ ] Median Width 14 ft. Q. [ ] Lane Width 11-~12 ft. R. [ ] Driveways Commercial Width 20-30 (15 1-way) Right Turn. Radius' 10-20 1-Way Drive 45 angle S. [ ] Alleys Do Not Int(~rsect major thoroughfares T. [ '] Intersection Visi],ility U. [ ] Pavement Thicknes~- 6" curb V. [ ] Alleys next to wa~.l- 12" wide abut wall W. [ ] Alleys other than Residential 24' Industrial 20-40 25 45 angle Deficiencies / Dr,~inage A. [ ] Headwalls- Brick ~r Stone facing B. [ ] Headwalls- Safety Grate C. [ ] Storm Sewer D. [ ] Sidewalks- AdJace~t to Walls 5' against wall E. [ ] Erosion Protectio~ F. [ ] Channels 4:1- Con~i~rete Pilot G. [ ] Drainage Easement 10'-Flat Bottom with Access On Site - Off site Page 2/3 H. [ ] Floodway . vs Drainage Easement I. [ ] No Street Pavement Warping allowing cross street surface drainage Deficiencies / Miscellaneous A. [ ] Street Light Escrow B. [ ] Sign Assessment C. [ ] Sidewalks at Con, on Areas D. [ ] Barrier Free- Sidewalks and crossings E. [ ] Pavement Markings F. [ ] Screening Wall ? Homeowners Association ~Decific Item Description (if not self explanatory) (not llsted~_ [ ] No Comment Any questions, please contact Per Birdsall, Street Superintendent 732 DeForest 462-8495 Page 3/3