River Ridge/PP-AG 931109AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MISlaYING November 9, 1993 ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of River Ridge Addition, Preliminary Plat, located at the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Riverchase Drive, at the request of CCM Engineering. SUBMITTED BY: Tr's S~gnaiure) STAFF R~'~''~) ~or of Plan~inE & Comm. ~ OTHER REP.: DATE; EVALUATION OF ITEM: Date of Planning and Zoning Commission: October 21, 1993 Decision of Planning and Zoning Commission: Approval (7-0) BUDGET AMT. AMT. +/- BUDGET AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY COMMENTS: LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM REVISED 2/93 REVIEWED BY CM'--~'" CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE #: River Ridge Addition Preliminary Plat P & Z HEARING DATE: September 16, 1993 (Original date) October 21, 1993 (reset date) C. C. HEARING DATE: October 12, 1993 (plat denied, reset for November 9, 1993) LOCATION: South of Sandy Lake Road, west of Riverchase Drive. SIZE OF AREA: 18.578 acre CURRENT SF-7 ZONING: REQUEST: Preliminary plat reflecting 61 lots (3.3 du/ac.) APPLICANT: R.B.R. Properties, Inc. (owner) P. O. Box 796303 Dallas, TX 75379 (214) 788-0797 C.C.M. Engineering Corp. (Engineer) 1120 Empire Central Place Suite 308 Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 630-5200 HISTORY: In the early history of Coppell as a City (mid 1980's), this property was zoned SF-12. By the late 80's, and the introduction of the Riverchase development, this parcel was rezoned to MF-2. In late 1991, the property was rezoned again, this time to SF-7. The plat being considered reflects SF-7 development. TRANSPORTATION: Riverchase Boulevard is an existing four lane undivided street contained within a 60-foot fight-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - undeveloped PD SF-7; developing SF-7 South - Riverchase Golf Course; SF-12, S.U.P. East developing residential; SF-7 West - utility line R.O.W., undeveloped land; PD SF-7 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The existing Comprehensive Plan shows multi-family development; the Plan under revision suggests single-family use as most appropriate for this parcel. ANALYSIS: Although at first blush this plat appears to conform to our platting and zoning regulations, there are several issues that bear additional discussion. First, this property is adjacent on the west to a 130 foot T.U. Electric easement, and concerns expressed by Commission in the past relative to electromagnetic fields (the discussion regarding Mr. Lebowitz's PD), needs further comment. Although there are no universal conclusions regarding the harmful effects of EMF's - the research and popular documentation argue different conclusions, i.e., EMF's are harmful; they are not harmful - it is recognized that this plat attempts to place few lots along the common utility easement by extending the cul-de-sacs to the easement line. On the other hand, by extending the cul-de-sacs to that line, views from the street into a rather unsightly and aesthetically displeasing easement fight-of-way are not blocked by structures. Perhaps common, landscaped areas maintained by a homeowner's association between the street right-of-way and the utility easement could serve to screen at street level an unattractive view. Second, the overall Riverchase development plan has advocated screening walls and landscaping adjacent to the Boulevard. Although this development proposes a screening wall adjacent to the lots along Riverchase, the northern 400 feet or so contains no wall. For continuity of development, an extension of the screening wall with landscaping seems appropriate. Finally, there are several engineering concerns that must be addressed including: 10. drainage plans and contour information needs to be provided; widths of lots 16 and 17, Block A, appear narrow; drainage and utility easements need to be shown -- lots 8 and 9, Block A, will necessitate an off-site 20-foot easement from the golf course; a floodplain development permit is required; the floodplain needs to be dimensioned; minimum finished floors need to be shown for lots 1-18, Block A; a 15' landscape easement adjacent to Riverchase Boulevard needs to be shown; Floodplain Administrator's signature block needs to be added to plat; off-site easements will be required by T.U. Electric between lot 18, Block A, and lot 11, Block B, and between lot 8, Block D, and lot 12, Block B; and escrow for Sandy Lake frontage (approximately $1,600) is required. If the developer addresses these issues to the satisfaction of staff, approval would be in order. At the September 16 Planning Commission meeting this case was denied. Since that time, the applicant has added landscaped screening at the ends of his cul-de-sacs (he will have exhibits to depict the landscaping at the public hearing), he has agreed to create a homeowners association to maintain these areas, and has addressed Engineering's concerns. He has also agreed to build a brick screening wall along Riverchase Blvd. and is currently working with the city and TU Electric to obtain an easement to construct the Riverchase wall. A final concern of staff relates to the "buildability" of several of the lots. We understand that exhibits will be shown at the public hearing demonstrating the lot dimensions will accommodate houses. That being the case, staff would recommend approval of the plat. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the plat 2) Deny the plat 3) Modify the plat ATTACHMENTS: 1) preliminary plat document 13. Discussion and consideration to award bid for the construction and installation of soccer lighting at Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park, west of Denton Tap Road. This item and the bid tabulation was discussed during Work Session. Following further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to award the bid for the construction and installation of soccer lighting at Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park to Dean Electric, Inc. in the amount of $79,660.00. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 14. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of S-1070(R), Special Use Permit for a drive-thru restaurant located near the southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road, at the request of Boston Chicken. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Morton opened the Public Heating and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. The Public Heating will be held open until December 14, 1993 and continued at that time. 15. Discussion and consideration of River Ridge Addition, Preliminary Plat, located at the southwest corner of Sandy Lake Road and Riverchase Drive, at the request of CCM Engineering. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Bobby Rollings, representing the owner of the site, addressed the Council. Peter G. Smith, City Attorney, was asked to research the possibility of an ordinance regarding homeowner's associations. After discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve River Ridge Addition, Preliminary Plat, located at the southwest corner of Sandy lake Road and Riverchase Drive with the following three (3) conditions: 1) alleys on 19 lots be waived; 2) the maximum cul-de-sac length on Bradford Drive be waived and 3) minimum street radius requirement be waived. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carded 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 16. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session. There was no action on this item. 17. Interim City Manager's Report Frank Trando, Interim City Manager, reminded Council of the City Thanksgiving Luncheon to be held on November 24, 1993. 18. Mayor's Report Mayor Morton stated that the Trinity River Public Workshop will have a meeting on Monday, December 13, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. in Coppell City Council Chambers. Mayor Morton also addressed the memo from Ken Griffin, City Engineer, to Frank Trando, Interim City Manager, regarding the Grapevine Creek sewer main. Mayor Morton announced that the City Staff would be putting together the Coppell Christmas Parade and the lighting of the City Hail and Christmas Tree. He asked for citizen volunteers to come forward to participate in these events. CMl10993 Page 3 of 5