River Ridge/PP-CS 9308185 10. SUBAPP C I TY ._ O_~F_CO? PELL SUBD,,I~VI$IO~....A?PLICATilO... ____. ~ DATE:~August 18,1993 ~ R~vercn~sa Estates ~ Subdf vfsfon N~e ......... xx Pre]{mi{~azy Plat .... F{NAL PLAT REPLAT. Appl icant Donald A. Berg, Inc. Address 13760 Noel Road S{]-it~ 6~20 Dallas, TX. 75240 Street City State Zip PI)one #. (_2.14)_.7.880797 CCM ~ngineering ~i~m Preparing Plat~.~i~e~~ ~O8~X. 75247 Street ~' Cfty State Zip Psoperty Owner RepubliC. P,~.~~ G~ Address _~.40 Wal.~~ll ~ane ~800 Dallas, TX. .~231 8tre~t City State Zip Phone ~..~2..~.4.~ 692-5233 Developer RBR ...P. roper tie .s.z_~nc. Address P.O._. Box.,_7..963~)_3__ Dallas, TX 75379 Street ~ City State Zip Phone #. ~.{.2 14.~__.~_8- 0 7 9 7 All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to whom: Name_ Bobby. Rollings ~ RBR Properties, Inc. Addre~,~ .... P.O. Box 796303 City, State, Zip Dallas, Texas 7_5379 Phone #__!..214) 788-0797 General Lucation of Property. Southwest corner of S~.~_dy Lake Road and Riverchase Drive What is the present Zoning District? si-7 Are you requs~tlng any zoning change? no If yes, what ~s the Case File #__ Zonin9 district "Rei-ue~ted? Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use Multi-Family I__ndu~tri~l Public NO, of bots or Units Acres (for ea. uss) 61 i 18.5786 TOTAL: ~PPc. m ?_~ 'T~ Received From 0O18434 Dollars $, ,~"~,~