River Ridge/FP-AG 931214CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA REQUEST FORM December 14, 1993 ITEM NUMBER ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of a final plat for River Ridge Addition, located south of Sandy Lake Road, west of Riverchase Boulevard, at the request of C.C.M. Engineering Corp. SUBMITTED BY: DATE; EVALUATION OF ITEM: Date of P&Z Meeting: November 18, 1993 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approval (7-0) with the following conditions: 1) A minimum street radius of 200' be allowed; 2) allow a cul-de-sac length of 789'; 3) no alleys on Lots 1 - 18, Block A and Lot 11, Block D; 4) there will be an escrow in the amount of roughly $160/square foot that would be required before the plat could be released; 5) tie to the Texas State Plane Coordinate System; 6) a floodplain development permit is required; 7) brick screening wall be placed within a portion of the Riverchase Boulevard right-of-way; and 8) a note regarding the Homeowners' Association responsibilities be noted on the face of the plat and in LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM REVISED 2/93 the closing documents. AMT. AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY~~ REVIEWED BY CM: ~ / BUDGET AMT. +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: CASE #: P & Z HEARING DATE: C. C. HEARING DATE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT River Ridge Addition, Final Plat November 18, 1993 December 14, 1993 LOCATION: South of Sandy Lake Road, west of Riverchase Drive. SIZE OF AREA: 18.578 acre CURRENT SF-7 ZONING: REQUEST: Approval of a final plat reflecting 61 lots (3.3 du/ac.) and variances. 1) A minimum street radius of 200'; 2) A cul-de-sac length of 789'; 3) No alleys to Lots 1 - 18, Block A and Lot 11, Block D. APPLICANT: HISTORY: R.B.R. Properties, Inc. (owner) P. O. Box 796303 Dallas, TX 75379 (214) 788-0797 C.C.M. Engineering Corp. (Engineer) 1120 Empire Central Place Suite 308 Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 630-5200 In the early history of Coppell as a City (mid 1980's), this property was zoned SF-12. By the late 80's, and the introduction of the Riverchase development, this parcel was rezoned to lVlF-2. In late 1991, the property was rczoned again, this time to SF-7. The final plat presented in this packet reflects SF-7 development. Item 5 Page 2 of 3 TRANSPORTATION: Riverchase Boulevard is an existing four lane undivided street contained within a 60-foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Undeveloped PD SF-7; developing SF-7 South - Riverchase Golf Course; SF-12, S.IJ.P. East - Developing residential; SF-7 West - Utility line R.O.W., undeveloped land; PD SF-7 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The existing Comprehensive Plan shows multi-family development; the Plan under revision suggests single-family use as most appropriate for this parcel. ANALYSIS: This property is adjacent on the west to a 130 foot T.U. Electric easement, and the lotting arrangement at first glance appears to be somewhat unusual. It is recognized that this plat attempts to place a few lots along the common utility easement by extending the cul-de-sacs to the easement line. On the other hand, by extending the cul-de-sacs to that line, one's focal point from the street into a rather unsightly and aesthotically displeasing easement right-of-way are not blocked by structures. Five- foot wide common landscaped areas, maintained by a homeowner's association between the street right-of-way and the utility easement have been added to the final plat and should serve to screen an unattractive view, at the street level. Another issue to be addressed is that the overall Riverchase development plan has advocated screening walls and landscaping adjacent to Riverchase Boulevard. Not only does this development propose a screening wall adjacent to the lots along Riverchase, the northern 400 feet (near Sandy Lake Road) now includes a common area (#1) which is to be maintained by the homeowner association. Future placement of this wall will provide continuity of screening walls and landscaping in the Riverchase development. Page 3 of 3 Finally, there are two engineering concerns that must be addressed including: 1. A floodplain development permit is required; 2. escrow for Sandy Lake frontage (approximately $1,600) is required. The developer has also agreed to build a brick screening wall along Riverchase Blvd. and is currently working with the city and TU Electric to obtain an easement to construct the Riverchase wall. If the developer addresses these issues to the satisfaction of staff, approval of the final plat along with variances, would be in order. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the final plat. 2) Deny the final plat. 3) Modify the final plat. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final plat document Office on Aging/Senior Citizens -- Councilmember Stahly stated that the Office on Aging would like to thank the Coppell Rotary for delivering Thanksgiving meals to the senior households. Councilmember Stahly informed the Council that the Office on Aging will be looking at budget revisions as there is a shortfall in federal funding for the Office on Aging. Neighborhood Integrity Ordinance Committee -- Councilmember Stahly announced that there is a preliminary date for the Neighborhood Integrity Ordinance Committee meeting which is January 4, 1993. YMCA -- Councilmember Stahly invited everyone out to the new YMCA and stated that they have over 700 members. Councilmember Weaver inquired as to whether Paragon was permitted under the franchise agreement to assess $3.00 per month as a late fee. Councilmember Weaver also reminded everyone that there would be a recycling of Christmas trees in Andrew Brown Park. Council adjourned back into Executive Session under Item 2 at this time. See Item 2 above for minutes. Consent Agenda 24. Consider approval of the following consent agenda item~: A. Consider approval of minutes: November 9, 1993. Be Consideration and approval to award Bid Q-1193-02 for Cleaning and Related Services in the amount of $25,035.12 to North Star Services for a period of one (1) year commencing February 1, 1994 through January 31, 1995. Ce Consideration and approval to award the Banking Services and Depository Contract to 1st Bank for the two-year period beginning December 1, 1993 and ending November 30, 1995, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of an ordinance regulating water wells in the City of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of a recommendation by the Parks and Recreation Board to approve park development projects utilizing up to $80,000 in funding approved by Council on September 14, 1993. Consideration and approval to direct staff to authorize the design and advertisement to bid the installation of athletic lighting to two (2) small soccer fields at Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park, west of Denton Tap Road. Consideration and approval to award Bid Q-1093-04 for a palletized street striping unit to Kelley-Creswell in the amount of $25,440.00. Consideration and approval of a resolution authorizing and directing staff to proceed with the execution of a grant for participation in the Clean Cities 2000 Program in cooperation with the Cities of Colleyville, Southlake, and Grapevine. CM121493 Page 7 oflO Consideration and approval of the Agreement for Media Consultant Services between Kay Tiller and the City of Coppell, for $12,000.00, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Je Consideration and approval of a f'mai plat for River Ridge Addition, located south of Sandy Lake Road, west of Riverchase Boulevard, at the request of C.C.M. Engineering Corp. Ratification and approval of the Developer's Agreement for Southwestern Boulevard, executed by The Prentiss/Copley Investment Group, with regard to Park West Commerce Center, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. L® Consideration and approval of a Final Plat for Latter Day Saints Addition, located along the south side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 700 feet east of Samuel Boulevard, at the request of Dowdey Anderson & Associates. Me Consideration and approval of an ordinance approving a Franchise Agreement between the City of Coppell and GTE Southwest, Incorporated, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration of accepting the resignation of Robert Brinkman, Alternate Commi~ioner on the Board of Adjustment. e Consideration of appointing George W. Nichols as a replacement to fill the un-expired term of resigning Board of Adjustment Alternate Commissioner Robert Brinkman (term expires October 1995). Oe Consideration of a request by the Lakes of CoppeH Homeowners Association for the City to begin maintenance of the Mac. Arthur Boulevard median from Sandy Lake Road northward to DeForest Road effective January, 1994. Pe Consideration and approval of an agreement with the City of Carrollton allowing the Dallas Gun Club, located in the City of Carrollton, to be supplied water from the CoppeH water system, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval of an agreement with Dallas Gun Club associated with water service and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Qe Consideration of a variance from Section 10-8-3 B of the Sign Ordinance regarding size of signs in residentially zoned districts which concerns real estate signs. The variance, from the allowable 6 square feet to 32 square feet, is requested by Mr. Dennis K. Winzeler of Vista Properties, Inc. for the Woodridge property on MacArthur Boulevard in Coppell. Re Consideration to support the design of a new rate-of-flow control facility by Dallas Water Utilities and acknowledgement to fund the construction of the facility once the design is complete. CM121493 Page 8 oflO Consideration of expressing grave, written concern to the agencies and individuals involved in placing low-income housing in certain locationally troublesome areas of the City, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Ye Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of CoppeH by adding Article 16-5, providing for Trinity River Corridor Development Certification, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval to grant a thirty (30) foot easement agreement to the CoppeH Municipal Utility District No. 1 along Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park, east of Denton Tap Road, and authorize the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval to award contract to Rodlmm Excavation, Inc. for the construction of Phase H improvements to Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park, east of Denton Tap Road, in the amount of $8~9,361 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Consideration and approval to authorize a change order in the amount of $13,000 to be deducted from Rodmau Excavation, Inc. for reduction of landscaping for Phase H improvements to Andrew Brown Jr. Community Park, east of Denton Tap Road. Items 24 E, F, M, S, T and V were pulled for further consideration. Items 24 A, B, C, D, G, H, I, J, K, L, N, O, P, Q, R and U -- Councilmember Garrison moved to approve Items 24 A, B, C, D carrying Ordinance No. 93632, G, H carrying Resolution No. 121493.1, I, J, K, L, N, O, P, Q, R and U. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Items 24 E and F -- Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Items 24 E and F. Councilmember Garrison seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Item M -- After discussion, Councilmember Mayo moved to approve Item 24 M carrying Ordinance No. 93633, authorizing the Mayor to sign, that the franchise fee be set at approximately $60,000 and that any collections over $60,000 will be paid to the City and that there be an annual review of Appendix A of the Franchise Agreement. Councilmember Watson seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-2 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Stahly, Watson, Mayo, voting in favor of the motion and Councilmembers Weaver and Garrison voting against the motion. Item 24 S -- After discussion, Councilmember Stahly moved to form a committee to compose a letter addressing the City's concerns, said committee to be comprised of two Councilmembers and two citizens and the City Manager and to meet within two days. Councilmember Weaver seconded CM121493 Page 9 ofl0