Rejoice/PP-CS 941011REJOICE
October 11, 1994
Dear Mayor Morton and Members of the Council,
Kenneth W. Hovland, Pastor
720 Michelle Place
Coppell, Texas 75019
In response to the comment of the Development and Review Committee, we at Rejoice
Lutheran Church respectfully request a waiver the requirement to construct solid
masonry screening fences on the north and west property lines. The reasons that we seek
this waiver are due to the cost of the fence; that there is already an eight foot screening
fence on the north side ~roperty; our desire to keep the property open, visible and
accessible; and the desire to keep our options open as the property to our west develops.
The congregation and I will be very happy to address any comments or questions that you
may have. "THANK YOU" for your consideration!
Kenneth Wayne Hovland, Pastor
Rejoice Lutheran Church
"Rejoice, 0 pilgrim throng! Rejoice, give thanks, and sing;
our festal banner wave on high, The cross of Christ your king."
Lutheran Book o! Worship, No. 553,Text: Edward H. Plumptre. 1821-1891, alt.