Nlake WE P10C/FP-CS 941101'~)4 J, 6:~,4 ]D:TIPTON ENGINEERING II994 ENGI ][I~[N~NG · 8UltV~YING · PLANNING 6330 BeltLine Roacl , SuiteC · Garland, Texes ~5043 - 12141226-2967 · /=AX 226-1946 November 1, 1994 Mt.. Troy Gltdewell, Fi~ Marshall CITY OF COIVELL 255 Parkway Boulevard CoppeH, Texas 75019 NORTH LAKE WOOD~ EAST NO. 10, PIL~SE C COPP~!_.~ TEXAS We a~e ~ th~ followi~ stre~ mines for your tevi~.w and approval which reptt~ the Pkaae let us know if the new nnn~s are acceptable. PA:ea