Peninsulas/PP-CS 940418COPPELL PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 18, 1994 Present: ITEM i. ITEM 2. ITEM 3. ITEM Chairperson Amy Smith, Secretary Timothy Higgins, Cheryl Colmery, Kart Guderian, and Alternates Lanse Fullinwider and Bob Mathis. Also present were Staff Liaison Rick Wieland, and Park Representative Dennis Slayton. Absent: Vice Chairman Bill Markham~ Candy Si~echan, Billy Faught, Council Liaison Lanny Mayo and Mirth R~itman. Chairman Smith called thc meeting to order at. 7:02 p.m. and asked AIternates Bob Mathis and Lanse Fullinwider to sit on the board for absent members Markham, She. ehan and Faught. Secretary Timothy Higgins gave tlm invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Parks and Recreation Board will conduct a Public Hearing to solicit comment on the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Mas~er Plan. Chairperson Smith called the Public Hearing open and asked for any comments regarding the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Seeing no one approach the podium, Chairperson Smith closed the public hearing and moved to the next order of business. Parks and Recreation Board will discuss a proposal by Mr, Tim Hollse representing thc MacArthur Park Subdivision, to provide a hike and Dike la-ail easement to tl~e City of Copl~li. Mr. Tim House addressed the Parks and Recreation Board with his proposal to provide a thirty foot hike and bike trail tease~ment along the northern portions of tl~e MacArthur Park subdivision along the channelizafion of Denton Creek both east and west of MacArthur Boulevard. Mr. House indicated that he was not proposing to provide a trail ea~emenl, along the southeril portions of his subdivision that. followed the original Denton Creek channel. Mr. House felt that the northern paralneters of the subdivision provided the needed components for the linkage park trail that the Board would require. Staff informed the Parks and Recreation Board that it would be staff's recommendation that the MacArthur Park Subdivision provide a ten foot (10') hike and bike trail easement on the east side of MacA~;thur Boulevard, both on the northern and southern portions of his property. These easements would be required at. the top of the creek bank and into the platted property. This recommendation by staff was consistent with the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan, Paths amd lht~ 1]~rd April i~, Ig~l g,~et',i~,~ Minute~ Afar a discussion by the Parks and R~J'¢ation Board r¢sardlng this issue, Tim~y Hi.ins made a motion to r~omll}¢tld that th~ MacArthur Park 8u~ivision follow the Parks, R~r~atiOn and O]~n Spac~ Maser Plan in ~viding a trail easement along tho norfl~rn and ~uthern portions of thc $u~ivision. ~nae Fullinwider s~ond~ the motion. Th~ motion pass~ with un~imous vot~ with S~rcta]'y Higgins, Oudc]'ian, Colmcry~ Fullinwider~ and Ma~is voting in favor (5-0). AI~N3L~MENT: Cheryl Colmery made a motion for adjourqment, Timothy Hil~gins secondexl the motion. The motion to adjourn was passed with a unanimous vote with Secretary Higgins, Ouderian, Cohncry, FuIlinwider, and Mathis voting in favor (5-0). Thc meeting was adjourned at 7:35p. m.