River Ridge/MamP-CS 980502MAP 5.00' .46' 275.00' 59.58' the undersigned, the C,t/ Sec~etor¥ of the C,ty of Col:pell. Te~os..~ereby ced~fies that the foregoing replot 'of Riverchose Plaza. Phase i, Lots ~, ~ 6 Btoc~ B. subdiwson or odd~t~c,n to tthe C,ty 3~ Coppeti was submitted to the ,;:,t~ on th~ ..... day of 1998. and approved ~or hhng os a m~nor plat by the Director of Planning and Commumty Serwces Jar the C~ty 6f CoppeU. Texas. os authorized by Section lO(B) of the Cit, of Coppell Ordinance ~94643 and Section 212 0065 of the Local Government Code dj the Sto~e at Te~es WITNESS M~ HAND. th~s day of .............. ,!'Secretory, City of Coppell. Texas PRO~'ECT LOCATION VICINTIY MAP ~-.--~38a.00 .41'