Petterson Add/MP-CS 981123/_~--~ The City With A Beautiful Future /L.__..../ P.O. BOX 478 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 RO. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-0022 November 23, 1998 Nancy J. Petterson 326 Sandy Lake Road Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Petterson Addition. Minor Plat Dear Ms. Petterson: This letter is to inform you that the Petterson Addition. Minor Plat, to allow the creation of two duplex residential lots on approximately 2.4 acres of property located at 326 W. Sandy Lake Road, was recommended for approval by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, November 19, 1998, subject to the Building Inspection and Fire Department comments, attached. If the variance from the Board of Adjustment is granted, gates shall be at each point of entry. The date scheduled for consideration by the Coppell City Council is Tuesday, December 8, 1998, at 7:30 p.m. A representative for this case must be present at this meeting. Failure to represent this item may result in the denial of this application. Please submit by 12 noon, Tuesday, November 24"', 17 additional copies of the Sketch of Possible Site Plan, Minor Plat Document, Conceptual Site Plan and Tree Survey to forward on to Council. If you have any questions, please contact me at (972) 304-3675. ~ I~. Sieb, A.I.C.P. )irect~r of Planning & Community Services ~ttachI'nents - Building Inspection and Fire Department comments Walter Nelson and Associates. Isabelle Moro, AICP, City Planner Building Inspection DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMIITEE FIRE P~VENTION COMMENTS ITEM: ~,~tSON AODrrION DRC DATE: OCTOBER 29, l~S CONTACT; TRA VI$ CRI]MP, FIRE MARSHAL. (214) 304.3503 COMMENT STATUS: I~,~-L PRELIMINARY 1. Fire lane to be platted as a 24 feet wide easement. However, actual width of fire lane can be 16 feet if the notation "All residential structures to be equipped with a functioning fully automatic fire sprinkler system. If the fire sprinkler systems are removed or cease to function, a full twenty-four feet (24') wide fire lane shall be installed." is placed on the face of the plat. JLa. I DEVEI. OPMENT REVIEW CO~ B UH. DING INSPE~ON COMMENTS '.~ OCT2~ ~ ~29,1~8 CO~ STA~: ~ ~ 1. No floor plan/linked site plan information included- ~ible to deternine what conm~ will be appro~ drc12345