Riverchase-1/PP-CS 940216ClT¥ OF COPPELL SUBDI¥1$1ON APPLICAT}ON Date February 16, 1994 Subdivision Name Riverchase Club ~o 3... Applican.t Dallas Area Affordable Partners IV, L.P. Address 2200 Lucien way, Suite 450 Maitland, Street City Phone. ! 407/660-1110 FL. 32751 Firm. Preparing Plat Nathan D. Ma:er Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address 8800 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300 Dallas, T~xas 75231 · . Street CA ty S tate .Phone ! 214/739-4741 .zip Property .Owner .. Dallas Area Affordable Partners IV, L.P. · Address 2200 Lucien Way, Suite 450 Maitland, FL. 32751 - Street ' City ' State' ' · ' Phone I 407/660-1110 .- ; Developer 'Dallas Area Affordable Partners IV, r..p. · 2200 Lucien Way, Suite 450 Maitland, FL. .. Street City 407/660-1110 Address · ,-~.. " Phone 32751 State Zip All Cor~espondence relative, to this app~£catio~ should be directed to whom: '' · ' ~a~e Nathan D. Ma:er C~nsulting Engineer~, Inc. Address_ 8800 N. Central Expressway, Suite 300 Ct fy, State, ' ~lp, Dallas,,, , Texas l~hone I 214/739-4741 75231 · General Location of Property . w/~ side of MacArthur Blvd. of Riverchase Drive ' ' - north and south What is the_ present Zoning. Dis%rict? ~F-2 Are you requesting an. zoning change? No If yes, what ts the Case File No; ..... Z°ni~9 "district.reqUested?, ..... = .......... Proposed Subdivliion Contains: · Land Use l~o. of'Lots or Units Ac~es Family Dup)nx Comn'.: r---~:q a-~i- Public Stroot R/H 280 Condominium ~specify now or convorson) ~otal {for each use) 280 ~ /~~ .6002 SIGNATURE~~~ERTY ~OWNER ~'~ ~-/-~