Riverchase-1/FP-CS 9403231. Subdivision Name' 2. Preliminary' Plat 3. ,, Applicant Address CITY OF COPP£LL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION March 23, 1994 Riverchaie Club CED Construction, Inc. 8445 Fr _ee_po. rt Par,k__~ay.;' Suite_ 650_, irv.£ng_,' Texa_s_ _?5065 . . -- street '- CitY S Phone i .... Firm.Preparing Plat Nathan D. Maier Consulting E~gineers, Inc. Address ...SS00 N_' central EXp_re_ssway, Suite 300.r' Dallas,,,,, T_e~_,,,as, _75231 $Cree~ .. City -S~a~e .Phone '~ 214/739-4741 P~opertY .Owner..Dallas Area Affordable Partners IV, L.P. ' Address 8445 Freeport Parkway, Suite 650, I~ing~ Texas 7506.3 Phone ! ~29-7127 " Developer ~ Construction, Inc. ' AddreSs 8445 Freeport Parkway, Suite 650, Irving, Texas 75063 " Phone J 929-7~27 All Corr. espondence relative, to this app,l!catio.n should be di: wh om: Na~e Mike Daniel , Na~n--D. Ma/er Consulting Engineers, Inc. Address 88o0 N. Ce~tra..~ Expressway, Suite 300. --iip :ected to " l~hone I '214/739-4741 West side of MacABthur' Blvd. North & South of 'General Loca(ion of Property P~verchaSe Drive What is [he. present Zonl~g. Dis~rict? State, 'Zip D, allas, Texa,? _ 75231 _ . _.=]_ zoning change? No Zon~n~-id£s~'r~ct request~ec~? . Proposea; ~ubdiviSion Contains~ Land Use ~o. of'~ts or Units 28O ~,-2 Are you requesting i~' ye$,."wh~t tS th~ Ca~se File Ac~es (for ~each use) 2S0 S]GKATUR£ 19 94 Received I Address Date_ 0020992 AMT. OF ACCOUNT AMT. PAID DUE ..Dollars CASH CHECK MONEY ORDER