Riverchase-3/PP-CS 860731GINN, INC. TO 7-31-86 c,'o :" %'?' # WE ARE SENDING YOU ~hed [] Under ,parat, cover via a~_~d'°/ .the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [:] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter i-] Change order ~P __~_~ ~j~'. jO~'~.d',.~' COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval [3 For your use [] Approved as no~ed [] Submit copies for distribution OOPY TO ......... ~ .......... SIGNED: ~ul¥ ~9~ 198~ Mr. Gabe Favre Ginn, Inc. 16135 Preston,s)ad Dallas, Texas 75248 Re: D.P.& L. Co. Engr. Dept. File No. 22.12-C Dear Mr. Favre: Attached, for execution by the City of Ooppell, is an instrument providing the right to construct ar~ maintain an open storm water drainage channel across a portion of Dallas Power & Light C~y's transmission line right of way north of the St. Louis & Southwastem Railroad and ~st of M~ Arthur Boulevard. Follc~ing execution, please have the t~o copies of the instrument returned to me for Dallas P(m~r & Light Company's files. Yours very truly, T. F. N~ Real Estate & Right of Way Division Manager DALLAS PCANER & LIGHT COMPANY - 1506 COMMERC~ STREET - DALLAS TEXAS 75201. (2t4)698-7000 A D~vision of Texas Utilit~ Elecfric Company ~ OR RIGHT OF %/AY FILE NO. 22.12'-C 0 ENDW ALL MEN BY ~{ESE pRESENTS~ COJNTY C~ D~ 0 , . . · ' El~ic ~ & LI~ C~~a ~vls~ o%e~f~l~r~ ~ as ~ ~l~le ~slderati~ ~ ~_~ .... ~_~_.~r~rati~, herei~f~r referred ~x~ 75019, a ~u~ Lyin~ ~ sit~ in ~e 3~s p~rish Survey, ~tract 1139 ~ the t~ S. ~~ Su~ey, ~str~t ~. 1493 ~llas ~nty, ~x~' ~ ~i~ a ~t of ~at ~rtain 16.~ ~re trot of 1~ ~vey~ ~ ~l~s p~r & Light ~~ ~ 3.B. ~sley, et ~, by a ~rr~ty ~d ~t~ ~r 16, 1956, of r~ord in Vol~ 4594, ~e 302, ~xas, ~ ~in~ ~re ~ti~larly de~rib~ fo~ ~ ~~ at a ~int ~ ~e ~u~east line of ~e ~e !6.~ ~re trot of 1~, ~id ~int ~i~ 1~ 784.37 f~t N 29~ 13' 41' E a~ ~id ~u~east line, fr~ ~e ~r~erly right of way li~ of ~ St. ~is ~ ~~s~ ~ilr~ (a 100 ~t right of ~Y)~ ~ N 48~ 23' 26' W, 58'35 f~t ~ a ~int of ~ature of a ~e ~ ~ ri9ht havi~ a central ~le of 47~ ~' 00' ~ a r~ius of 100.00 f~t~ ~ in a ~rtherly directi~, al~ ~id ~rve ~ ~e right, ~ ~c dist~ of 82.03 f~t ~ a ~int of t~~ ~ N 01~ ~' 26" W, 16.48 f~t ~ ~e end at a ~int ~ ~e ~r~st li~ of ~id 16.50 ~re trot. ~ere is al~ ~r~t~ ~ ~tee, its s~ce~rS ~ a~i~ns, ~e te~rary ~rki~ ~ n~~Y f~ t~ ~str~ti~ ~ ~inten~ of ~id ch~el. Gr~tee, its a~ts or e~loy~s sha~ ~t u~ or ~u~ ~ ~ u~ ~Y ~erhead ~t l~it~ lift or ~-t~ ~i~nt, i~l~ing ~t of Gr~r's right of ~Y. fndustri~ ~ste v~icles, within ~e li~ts Gr~t~ s~ a~i~ Gr~r's ~inten~ & ~str~ti~ Divisi~ of the S~stati~ & Tr~ssi~ ~~t at 698-7759 at ~~i~ ~Y ~rk ~ Gr~r's ri~t of ~y. . .. ersh~ ~ ~re~ ~at if ~e pre~nce or ~intenance of It i= =~re~ly .~ ~-L -l'~---in ~thoriz~ s~ at ~y t~ in t~ .... ' with ~Y u~ j~t of Gr~r ~terfere ' - ---rati~ of i~ ~i~, Gr~t~ agr pr~i~s or wf~ the ~ze or c~v~en~ ~kty (30) ~ys' ~itten ~ti~ ~ rel~ate said ~el ~ ~ ~e w~teuer ste~ n~ssary ~ re~er ~ u~ of Gr~tor's premises ~tisf~rY ~ ~e ~tor, ~id rel~ati~ or other ~rk ~essary ~ render said pretty u~ble' ~tisf~tory ~ Gr~tor, ~ be ~lely at Gr~t~'s e~ ~ to ~ ~e as ~arly ~ practic~le in accord~e with Gr~r's req~st. ~is ea~nt shall contin~ ~ly ~ l~g as Gr~t~ herein shall use this right of ~Y for ~e ~r~ ~rein de~rib~ ~ ~e ~ shall ~iately lapse ~ te~~ ~ ~s~ti~ of s~h u~. ~ ~e te~ti~ of ~is ea~t or 'right of ~Y for ~Y rea~n, Grant~ s~ surre~er ~is ~ent ~ the ~s~ssi~ of Gr~'s pro~rty herein~ve ~r~ ~ ~e ~ ~iti~ ~at s~h pro~rty ~s in at the ~i~ing of ~e ~m of ~is ~r~t, o~i~ ~ar ~ tear for ~ ~~ herein ~thoriz~ ez~p~ · FOR THE. FILES OF D.P'.&t-. C;O. Grantor shall not ~ liable for any da~e to said easemnt or the contents thereof howsoever such damage shall be caused, whether by the negligence of Grantor, its agents,, servants or employees, except when caused by the wilf~ acts of Grantor, its agents, servants or employees. Grantee shall, at its own oost and expense comply with all applicable laws, rules regulations, and orders issued by any governmental authority. Grantee agrees to inde~ify and hold harness Grantor for any claiw~, de~nds, penalties, fines or tot ees incurred relating to violations or alleged violat, i.ons o.f. such. 1.aw?,~ at ney f ...... ~--~ ~,r~h r. Grantee agrees to in~e~lry an~ no.~a rules, regu atlons_ Or .... '- ,rred as a of Grantee's 'harmless Grantor £or any ~a~..es or =~F=,~ _~._._~__, -- ._...torts above described lnstallati~, operatic~ or minteru~n~e o£ sa~ c~,=~ ~-, ~--. Grantor and Grantee each agree that if any claim or liability shall arise from the joint Or concurring negligence of both parties hereto, it sb~ll be borne by them in proportion to their negligence. It is understood that it is not the intentic~ of the parties hereto to create liability for the benefit of third parties but that this agree~t shall be for the benefit of the parties hereto. This grant of right of way is subject to the Lien of Mortgage and Deed of Trust from Dallas Power & Light Company to The First National Bank of Boston, Successor Trustee of record in Volume 1223, page 1, Deed of Trust Records, Dallas County, Texas, and the Lien of Mortgage and Deed of Trust from Texas Utilities Electric Company to Irving Trust Oompany, Trustee of record as filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, file number 83-281286, and shall not impair the use of said premises in the operation of the business of Gran~, its successors and assigns. TO ~A~E A~ TO [~OID the a~e described easemant and rights unto the Grantee, its sucoessors and assigns, for the ~urposes aforesaid an~ upon the conditions fu ,rpose herein stated, then an~ thereu~ tn~s conveyance m~z be null and voi~ an~ the use of said ~ an~ premises shall absolutely revert to Grantor herein, its sucoessors an~ assigns, an~ no act or omission on the part of them shall be a w~iver of the enforcement of such condition. AND Grantor does hereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend all a~d singular the above described ease~nt and rights unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every pers~ wh~oever lawfully cla~_m*ng or t~ claim the ~ or any part thereof, by, thresh or under Grantor but not otherwise. ~ as of this ~ ~ ~. .. day of O-~~~ ' A.D. 1986. APPROVED-DALLAS POWER & LIGHT CuMPANY L,l~Sal ,,;ounse, GRAN'r~ D~T.TAS P(2~TER & LI(~{T C(]~PANY By: CITY CF COPPELL City Secretary By: City Mayor -2- FILE NO. 22.12-C sw~z ~ TEMPS 0 0 C(I]lq~ C~ DALIAS 0 ~ ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. R. I{)~, vice President of Dallas P(~er & Light Company, knc~n to be to be the perso~ whose name is subscribe~ to the foregoing instr%~ent and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the said Dallas Power & Light Ccm~pany, for the ~urpoees and oonsideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN/~ MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ~4~ day of _ , fo~ the State of Texas -(Print ~ of ~Y P~lic Here) My G~mmission Expires: s'~ OF TEX~S 0 0 CXlmTY OF DAUmS 0 ~F~]RE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared City Mayor of the City of Coppell, Texas, k~own to me to be the person who_"-~ _na_,~ is' subscribed to the foregoing instr~ent and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the said City of Coupell, for the purposes and oonsideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN ~ER MY HAND AND S~L OF OFFICE this day of , A.D. 1986. N6tary Public in and for 'the State of Texas --(Print Name of Notary public Here) My (k~ission Expires -3- FILE NO. 22~12-<) (> ~ OF D~r.raS 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THfME PRESENTS: That DALLAS ~ & LIGHT CCMP~, a Division of Texas Utilities Electric ODmpany, a Texas Corporation in Dallas County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of ONE AND N0/100 ($1.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration to it cash in hand paid by the CITY OF COPPELL, 616 Cop~ll Boad, ~Coppell, Texas 75019, a F~nicipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, has granted, sold and conveyed and does by these presents grant and convey ~nto Grantee an easement or right of way for the p~rpoee of constructing and maintaining am open storm water drainage channel in, u~der ar~ along the follc~ing described property: Lying and situated in the James Parrish Survey, Abstract No. 1139 and the the S. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1493 Dallas County, Texas, and being a part of that certain 16.50 acre tract of land c~nveyed to Dallas Power & Light Gompany by J.B. Lesley, et ux, by a Warranty Deed dated Ocbober 16, 1956, of record in Vol~e 4594, page 302, Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being ~re particularly described by center line as follows: ~EGII~ING at a point on the southeast line of the abo~e 16.50 acre tract of land, said point being located 784.37 feet N 29° 13' 41" E along said southeast line, from the northerly right of way line of the St. Louis & Southwestern Bailromd (a foot right of way); THin, CE N 48° 23' 26" W, 58135 feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 47° 00' 00" and a radius of 100.O0 feet; ~ in a mortherly direction, along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 82.03 feet to a point of tangency; THfNCE N 01° 23' 26" W, 16.48 feet to the end at a point c~ the northwest line of said 16.50 acre tract. There is also granted to Grantee, its successors or assigns, the temporary M~rkfng space, neoessary for the cxmstruction an~ maintenanoe of BaLd channel. Grantee, its agents or employees shall not use or cause to be used any overhead lift or bc~m-type egui[~ent, including but not limited to draglines, backhoes and industrial waste vehicles, within the limits of Grantor's right of way. Grantee shall advise Grantor's' Maintenance & Construction Division of the Substation & Transmission Department at 698-7759 at least two ~>rking days prior to (x~m~e~cing any ~ork on Grantor's right of way. It is expressly understood and agreed that if the presence or maintenance of said channel on Grantor's premises as herein authorized shall at any time in the judgment of Grantor interfere with any use Grantor may desire to make of said premises or with the safe or convenient operation of its business, Grantee agrees on thirty (30) Says' written notice to relocate said channel if practicable to do ..go, o~ to take whatever steps necessary to render the use of Grantor's premises satisfactory to the Grantor, said relocation or other ~ork n~essar¥ to render said property usable, satisfactory to Grantor, to be solely at Grantee's expense and to be d(x~e as nearly as practicable in accordance with Grantor's request. This easement shall continue only so long as Grantee herein shall use this right of way for the purpose herein described and the same shall ~iately lapse and terminate ~ cessation of such use. Upcn the termination of this easement or 'right of way for any reason, Grantee shall surrender this easement and the possessicn of Grantor's property hereinabove described in the sam~ oc~dition that such property was in at the beginning of the term of this agreement, ordinary wear and tear for the purpose herein authorized excepted. FII2Z ND. 22.12--</ Grantor shall not be liable for any damage to said easement or the contents thereof howsoever such damage shall be caused, whether by the negligence of Grantor, its agents, servants or employees, except when caused by the wilful acts of Grantor its agents, servants or emimloyees. , Grantee shall, at its o~nn cost and expense comply with all applicable laws, rules regulations, and orders issued by any governmental authority. Grantee agrees to inde~ify and hold harmless Grantor for any claims, demands, penalties, fines or attorney fees incurred relatin~ to violations or alleged violations of such laws, rules, regulations or orders. Further, Grantee agrees to lndenm~ify and hold harmless Grantor for any damages or expenses incurred as a result of Grantee's installation, operation or maintenance of said channel on Grantor's above described property. Grantor and Grantee each agree that if any claim or liability shall arise from the joint or concurring negligence of both parties hereto, it shall be borne by them in proportion to their negligence. It is understood that it is not the intention of the parties hereto to create liability for the benefit of third parties but that this agreen%ent shall be for the benefit of the parties hereto. This grant of right of way is subject to the Lien of Mortgage and Deed of Trust from Dallas Power & Light Company to The First National Bank of Boston, Successor Trustee of record in Volume 1223, page 1, Dcc~d of Trust Records, Dallas County, Texas, and the Lien of Mortgage and Deed of Trust from Texas Utilities Electric Gompany to Irving Trust Company, Trustee of record as filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, file number 83-281286, and shall not impair the use of said premises in the operation of the business of Grantor, its successors and asaigna. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights unto the Grantee, its successors ar~ assigns, for the purposes aforesaid and u~ the conditions herein stated until the same shall be abandoned for use by the Grantee for the purpose herein stated, then and thereupc~ this conveyance shall be null and void and the use of said land and premises shall absolutely revert to Grantor herein, its sucx:essors and assigns, and no act or omission on the part of them shall be a waiver of the enforcement of such condition. AND Grantor does hereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto the Grantee, its . successors and assigns, against every person ~cmsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor but not otherwise. ~ as of this ~ ~ day of ~ A.D. 1986. , DALLAS P(~qER & LI(~HT CCM~ANY E. ]%2 HO]-Cf~{Id~ V~ce Preszdent CITY OF COPPg.L Cit~ Secretary By: City Mayor -2- FILE NO. 22.12-C s~u~ OF TmAS 0 0 CG~TY OF DAubS 0 ~ ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. R. }D~, Vice President of Dallas Power & Light Company, known to be to be the persc~ whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the said Dallas Power & Light C~y, for the purposes and oonsideration therein expressed a~ in the capacity therein stated. G~.MY~HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ~.~_~.~;~ , A.D. 1986. My Gc~ission Expires: (Print Name of Notary Public Here) S~T~ OF Tm~S () 0 ~ OF DAuaS 0 ~ ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared - City Mayor of the- CitY of Coppell, Texas, known to me to be the person whose r~a~e ~s subscribed to the foregoing instr~ent and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the said City of Coppell, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed an~ in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN ~ MY HAND ~ SE~L OF OFFICE this , , A.P. 1986. day of Notary public in and 'for the State of Texas My (tin, mission Expires (Print Name of Notary Public Here) -3- EAS]~ENT OR RIGHT OF VqAY ~LE NO. 22.12-C s~ c~ T~XAS () 0 ~ ~ ]IAT,T~ 0 KNOW ALL MH2q BY THF~E PRESENTS: ·hat DALT~%S POWER & LIGHT CC~4PANY, a Division of ~exas Utilities Electric Company, a Texas Corporation in Dallas County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of ONE AND NO/100 ($1.00) DOT;J%RS and other goc~ and valuable consideration to it cash in hand paid by the CIT~ OF COPPRLL, 616 Colmpell Road, Coppell, Texas 75019, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, has granted, sold and conveyed and does by these presents grant and convey unto Grantee an easement or right of way for the pur~ of constructing and maintaining an open storm water drainage channel in, under and along the followi~g described property: Lying and situated in the James Parrish Survey, Abstract No. 1139 and the the S. Thompson Survey, Abstract No. 1493 Dallas County, Texas, and being a part of that certain 16.50 acre tract of land conveyed to Dallas Power & Light company by J.B. Lesley,. et ux, by a Warranty Deed dated October 16, 1956,~f record in Vol~m~e 4594, pa~e 302, Deed Records of Dallas Count~, Texas, and being more particularly described by center line as follows: ~EGINNING at a point on the southeast line of the above 16.50 acre tract of land, said point being located 784.37 feet N 29° 13' 41" E along said southeast line, from the northerly right of way line of the St. Louis & Southwestern Railroad (a 100 foot right of way); TH~CE N 48° 23' 26" W, 58.35 feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the right having a central angle of 47° 00' 00" and a radius of 100.00 feet; THENCE in a northerly direction, along said curve to the right, an arc distance of 82.03 feet to a point of tangency! TH]~qCE N 01° 23' 26" W, 16.48 feet to the end at a point on the northwest line of said 16.50 acre tract. ~nere is also granted to Grantee, its successors or assigns, the temporary working space necessary for the construction and maintenance of ~aid channel. Grantee, its agents or employees shall not use or cause to be used any overhead lift or boom-type equipment, including but not limited to draglines, backhoes and industrial waste vehicles, within the limits of Grantor's right of way. Grantee shall advise Grantor's Maintenance & Construction Division of the Substation & Transmission Department at 698-7759 at least two working days prior to ocnaaencing any work on Grantor's right of way. It is expressly understood and agreed that if the presence or maintenance of said channel on Grantor's premises as herein authorized shall at any time in the judgment of Grantor interfere with any use Grantor may desire to make of said premises or with the safe or convenient operation of its business, Grantee agrees on thirty (30) days' written notice to relocate said channel if practicable to do so, or to take whatever steps necessary to render the use of Grantor's premises satisfactory to the Grantor, said relocation or other work necessary to render said property usable, satisfactory to Grantor, to be solely at Grantee's expense and to be done as nearly as practicable in accordance with Grantor's request. This easement shall continue only so long as Grantee herein shall use this right of way for the purpose herein described and the s~w~ shall i]mnediately lapse and terminate upon cessation of such use. Upcn the termination of this easement or right of way for any reason, Grantee shall surrender this easement and the possession of Grantor's property hereinabove described in the same condition that such property was in at the beginning of the term of this agreement, ordinary wear and tear for the purpose herein authorize~ excepted. FILE NO. 22.12~.~ Grantor shall not be liable for any damage to said easement or the contents thereof howsoever such damage shall be caused, whether by the negligence of Grantor, its agents, servants or employees, except when caused by the wilful acts of Grantor, its agents, servants or employees. Grantee shall, at its own cost and expense comply with all applicable laws, rules regulations, and orders issued by any governmental authority. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor for any claims, demands, penalties, fines or attorney fees incurred relating to violations or alleged violations of such laws, rules, regulations or orders. Further, Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor for any damages or expenses incurred as a result of Grantee's installation, operation or maintenance of said channel on Grantor's above described property. Grantor and Grantee each agree that if any claim or liability shall arise f~om the joint or concurring negligence of both parties hereto, it shall be borne by them in proportion to their negligence. It is understood that it is not the intention of the parties hereto to create liability for the benefit of third par~ies but that this agreement shall be for the benefit of the parties hereto. This grant of right of way is subject to the Lien of Mortgage and Deed of Trust from Dallas Power & Light Company to The First National Bank of Boston, Succe .... )r Trustee of record in Volume 1223, page 1, Deed of Trust Records, Dallas County, Texas, and the Lien of Mortgage and Deed of Trust from Texas Utilities Electric Company to Irving Trust Company, Trustee of record as filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Texas, file number 83-281286, and shall not impair the use of said premises in the operation of the business of Grantor, its successors and assigns · TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, for the purposes aforesaid and upon the conditions herein stated until the same shall be abandoned for use by the Grantee for the purpose herein stated, then and thereupon this conveyance shall be null and void and the use of said land and premises shall absolutely revert to Grantor herein, its successors and assigns, and no act or o~ission on the part of them shall be a waiver of the enforcement of such condition. AND Grantor does hereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the above described easement and rights unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, by, through or under Grantor but not otherwise. EXfL73TED as of this ~-3~ ~ day of ' A.D. 1986. GRANTOR D~LIAS PONER & LI(~]TCC~4PANY By: · .-~o'1~, Vice Presiden CITY OF COPPE'X~, City Secretary By: City Mayor -2- FILE NO. 22.12-C s~ws OF TEXAS () 0 C(]UNTY OF D~T.T~S () ~ORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. f~D~, Vice President of Dallas Power & Light Company, known to be to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the said Dallas Power & Light Company, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVE~DER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ~ ~,~ day of Notary Public in and f~l"tBe State of Texas (Print Name of Notary Public Here) My Commission Expires: s~ OF Trams () 0 CO3N~ OF DAr,fAS 0 _Rk~ORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared City Mayor of the City of C0ppell, Texas, known to me to be the person whose na~e is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of the said City of Coppell, for the purposes and oonsideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UBDER MY HAND AND SE~L OF OFFICE this , A.D. 1986. day of Notary Public' in and for the State of Texas My C~,-,~,~ission Expires (Print Name of Notary Public Here) -3-