History of Bullock family Annie E. ~o,~d~trtt, n:~tix'es rt~peetlvt, iy ~,f tract of 4~0 acre~ l~*ing betwean l)enton and hlarylaml and Virginia. Mr. Stoddarl was (;rapcvi~e creeks, in the northwest ~mrt vf a w~dl-kn~wn mercimut in St..It,st. plh Mis- tl~e county, lilly acres of which was hn- ~ouri, where he setth..I, after his marriage, in pro,'ed. Mr. Bullock remained on this place Virginia. in 1854. lie dicd in Baltimore in nntil hie death, which c.-.aurred October 18~.1, and his widc, w is m~w thc wife of 51r..' lsqg, at the age of sixty-eight years, eight G. t: Pelqa'r,t. ,,f ~;!eburnc, Texas. :' months and eight days. lie w~ a successful Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 5~. l',~tterson have hut farmer and stoek-rai~er, leaving at his death one ehihl, a lovely daughter, born i~ 1883~, oneof tho best improved farms in thecotmty. -.nd bearing the name of Ethel. .I 125 acres of which w~ under a tine ~tata of Mr. Patterson has for )'ears been engaged~l cultivation, and tho remainder in hay and in the rcal-c,tate business, and has tbs to- ps, tuts. spcct and coati,hines ,,f the community in lie was married Novem~r 28. 1844, to which his f:tu~ilv has resided lbr lbrty, six Caroline, a daughter of Georgo and habile years, being huuurc(I for their integrity and (Ellis) Hunsaker, natives of Pennsylvania fidelity to ali social and roligiou, obligations, and Virginia respeeti~'oly. The fathers,at!ed anti his friend~ have eva, fy right to expect ~ in Uni,m county, Illinois, in 1811, but movod that thr,,t~h lifo h,: will continue to reflect t, Kn ,x county, Missouri, in 1841, where he credit ,m th,. ~n~'t~,(,rv ,l }:~$ ~ow venerable died ten years lair, at tho age of ninety-aorta parents, years. The mother died in that county lie is a ?,.,mmunican, ,,f thc Episcopal .i184g, at the age of sixty.four years. Both Church, :t~;d in p~,iitic, an ut:?ompromising' parc~t~ were members of Ihs Dunkard Ih~mocrat. :l(;hurclt. Mrs. Bullock was Imm in Union / , , :m,v,.d with her parents to Missouri when ~'~ cfa,cd, w:~ bo,':, in [¢o,,ne ,:ountv.¢ family ,,f seven children,, viz.: Cathoriue, the Mary (() N¢'~all l~ul:,mk. Ihs faHwr, a nat~vo couuty, Illinois; Mary, now Mrs. Samuel of Maryland. mo;'ed t,, lfeatocky when a WI,itc. of Marion county, Missouri; Emma, voun~ man, where },e married Mary ()'Neal, who died unmarried; Sarah, who ~me the and a few years !:;ter went to Marten county/ wife of Mr. l)avie, b~xt i~ now do~ased; Missouri. wl~ere he awl I;is with both ,tied. EHeu. deceaa~st, w~ tim wife of Mr. lmblcr; Washingt,m (;. I~ullock was eleven ~'ears oi and Susan, now Mrs. And~w llnn~aker, age whe~: his p:~rcnts ~etllo, l in Missouri,sudaN Washington county. Mr. and Mrs. Bullock be remaim.d in th,t Santo nnfil 18~2, whenh: had the following children: ~n inIant that he tot, k a trip to California, but did not re- ;~ died unnamod; Mary Isabella, who main long on the l'acific coast. After re-.~ the w~t~ of Peter E. Ra~, of Dall~s county, turning to Missouri he came to Toxas in'and died hero in 1872; ~rah 8u~ana~ who 1S55. sctt,iag on .so ~,,uth lir~e of Dallas ~died~ in September, 188~ w~e tho wil~ of  ' county, where he 820 acres of land. ~]I/. B. Ilowell, of Dallas John C., boughp, count~; le sold this place in 1~6f~, and i,urchaaed a I rcaiden~ of Young eount~, this State; llrak~ III.5'TcylIF 0l~ II.!!,I,A..~ (",l'3'?"f'. ~i", whom spears in this work; Emma. ti~ wil~/nig:u~ wa~ I~:trtlv r,:,'ed, many .f hi~ of W. T. ltyder, of l,eaton e. unty, Texas' qt'ui ,lays b,,i,,j a~,, ~pent iu Mar~hali. Mi~ KII~ WsUr,~I 0~' _Nancy Virginia, now Mrs..I,,h, W. {~i!l,hit:~. souri, wi,.r,, i,' ,,I,. 6,t.,t a fair of T~rran~ county; Martha, xv~fc of Jr:ff. I). ti,' corem,., bra..'h,'s. Afwr fi~lh,win~ larm- Harrison~ of Dallas county. 'l'be last men- lng in Saline t. mmty. Mi,~,',uri. Ibr *omi, tioned was m~rried October 23, l~g.t, and time, hi, came to l}allas. Texas, i, ls~7, nn.! now resides with her iilot}~er fit the old home- was h,re marri,,I t.w,~ years later to Mi,s stead. Mr. Bullock serve,l hi~ ¢ounl~ils a Mary Is:d~elle Tra,tmeil, daugl-ter ~ustieo of tho Peaco for a number of vearsL Trammell, a ual, iris of iowa, who becam~ a and was.$J~ay¢.it;.t~rcst~!L, jp_.~Y~Y.tJ.l.iff)g_l~k_ rct, id~nt .>f l~alla~ i, quiu~ a, early day. lie latin to tim ,,ood of the ,'mi,tv and e-m-/' and bis wife now reside in Mill,ap, Texas. .- ...... ~ ..........~_ ............. r .............. mtmitv. ~ir~'. Bullock is a consi~ten~ m~,~J After his marrhtgt: Mr. I"i.nigan ~etth-,l ~r Or'tho Christian Churci,.x -- McKinuey avenue, wh,.re he has a fortabl~ ti,mm, lie ami hi~ wife ,re me,.~ ers k ~-~~e-' .......... t~ / of the (~atholie ()hurch, in which faith tl~ov are rearing Ihoir two eliii,lrtm, Mag~ie  ,1. FINNIGAN is the proprict,r of a Mary J. Ahh,,,gh 5lt. Firmigan is notvery wall paper, glass~ oil and [)si~It estab- at:tiro ill ~)lilics, he usually votes tim ..~ * li~hment, and keeps eo,stsntly on hand eratie ticket. Socially he bch,,gs to the a complete and compreheu,ive stock t,t' g,ods, Catholic K,it:i~t. ,,f A,.,rica. Mr. ]";::ni. well calcula~d to stilt thc mo,~ critical ta~to, gan ,,amc ti, I~ail;ts when it was m,ly a fuurth llis pla~ of business is I.c;tt,d ~tt 535 Elm as l;irgc as it i, at the prt,se,t time, anti con- street, and it is his aim to s:ttisfv every otis- ~equcntly bas witnesse, l thc mt,s; of it~ growth tomer, and u~n this sure basis I:e has de.. a,d prosperity. [[c ;- a wide aw;&e imm velo~ a large trade which. -s~'.h its e,'mstaut ~ of business, and is i~t every sc,se of thc growth, is s reflex of the,:Ama'tit' of l.bdlas. ' word a self-mad*: man, fur in ~:;s Tonlh lie was Ho takes'~ntracts for painting in diff',rent' lett Ikt!ter!esa ami ut,,titerle,s and wid~out parts of the State, and keeps o, an average mca,s, but },y hi~ own eilk,rts has successfully from twelve to aft..cu ,nc,, employed ,luring fought thc I,a~tlc of life. the busy s~on who do ;ht~i~ work.. ~n. a ~:~ff/.; ~,-'ff'/g~'..- ttmroughly artistic manner. Mr. [,tnmgan came to Dallas ia March, 1~;~, a,d after tered the employ of K. Shields, and about county, was horn in Grayson ~ounty, 1885 ~gan eontracting fur himself, and the ~ Texa~, in 1~9, the eldest of tl~ree following )'oar opened his present e,lablish- children born to .bm;es M. aud Mattie L. men~. lie was born in St. Louis, Missouri, (Douglas) llur~, ,atives of Tennessee. The i, 1862, to Jstnes and Margaret (Oonley) lhther w~s married in (~seeola, Missouri, and Finnigan. natives of tho Emerald Isle, who ttbout 1857 emigrated ~ Graysou couuty, ~me to Ameri~ in an early day, aud died Text, settling in Sherman, where he was when the subjoe~ of this sketch was quite gaged a, au attorney, lie graduated at the ]II,~;:I'ORY oF DAI, I,AS UOUNTY. under th~ firm name of C,,no ~ (:,.,. ,::i~f ]nnd t',n the prairie a, tj~ining Grapevigc and carried on ti,, l,u~im~u for live vear~. ::cre,..k. an,l l,~ ~in,a, ad,ted to lids l)urehauo At the end o~ that~[mri,~d l,v went ~,t,~ l,ah.nt- until he [;~,w own~ :d,out 8i)l~ acres, 100 roofing bu~ines~ with Mr. l{~n~, his brulE~.r- .f which is ,m,ler a line ~tate ,f ~:ultivation. in.law. They have had ,'{,nlract~ {,'.,'r ti:o lie ~u en~a~,:d prineil,aily in bt(,ck-r:L[uin~[. whole 8rote. and every tran~:-u't[on IL:ts added }[ good tradt:r a',d hunter, and ~L~L active. to their business and list of pereon:d r~[o:~d~.. ~etic citizen. in I888, without i~ t,~'rs,~nai km)a".edgc Mr. i{~l[,:,'k g')[s married in [)alias orsoli~i~ation, Mr. {~one was nomimmd fi)r Novt.mb,r 1. lhh3, to l.aura, a Alderman t~om tho Sixth ward, was ulec~ of (?m~da S. and Margaret l.hmagan, tin.n and w~ almost im~nediately ap[~.~inted chair- . Tarrant e~',u:~tv, hut who m~w rcsidt, s in nlau of one of the important 'omulittues. the [ Ii,dian Territ,,-y. Mrs. Iluih ,:k was born one on Sewers and Ilrains. With his usam i. Vernon em~nty, Missouri, and is one of six energt he dispatche~ the Imsiness of thi, de- i:.uhildren, m, mely: James T., l):~vid N., Rob- part~nqnt. In 1800 the eitizena of llallas ~.ert Lee, l.aura and 8nuw. Mr. and Mrs. further testified lo their confidence in his Bull,ek have had live children: Dura I.., ability by r~uesting a continuance of his Minnie F., Maggie, Wiliiam T. and Ben 11. services in tho same cap:miry. There is no .l%litically, Mr. Bullock is identiliu, l with the member of tho council m~re devoa~d to the '[h,l)ublican party. interests of tho city than he, and none have given more ~orions thought ~nd atten[i,.m to '~ the ba~ine~8 under their e{~ntr,1. ~ENJAMIN F. GALIA}WAY, a farmer --: Mr. Cone w~ married in 1885 to Mis~ Mol- ~ of Preeim't No. 3, w~a born in Sullivan lie Riley, of l~ui~ville, Kentucky. They are cmmty, East Tennessee, in 1833, tho the parents of two ehildren : Thmnas King and ninthof tw,~lvo ehihlren hon~ to ,lam~8 and Nellie Agnes. Sarah (llarns] Galloway, natives of Virginia Our ~ubjeet al[liates with the Democratic and Tennessee, and of English and Irish party, and i8 a ~tanch adherent toaii it~pri:t- rm~tage. Tim pah~rtml grandfather o[ our ciples, lie belongs t, the Uniformed Rank ~ubje{'t. Mar.}mll t~allow~y, served ~even K. o[ 'I'., and ia a meant,er ef the Gatlmlie yeara and ~uven mont}m in the war for C h u reh. .- de,tandem'e, and Farticipalvd in numerous ~ ~ w,,re both i, :ho war of 181'2. and the latter j ~/ E()I~GE TIIOM.'S I;L'LI.(,CI(,a proS5 served in th,. battle ,,f New Orleans. ' Ti~e / " ~ ~rous farmer ,f Dallas county,, was maternal grand~n,',thcr was stolen from Ire- ~..';.~.,[~ born on a fartn in ,],~seounty,,lanuary land when aiittlegirl, while playingon 19, ~856, a ~on ,)~ Washit~gton C. and Care- what/; wa~ in~luce,t on board the ship and }?~'x:...[ . line Bullock, a sketch of whom ap~ar~ in brought to America. She afterward married ._/~ . this work. George T., our subject, was reared Mr. Marshall. ,Iames Galloway w~ a sue- "~ .. ,'. in his native pla~ until the agu of ten years, ~ssful farmer, and a workman in wood. iron · /~/']ff~' and thenon thothrm where his mother now and stone, whodi~i,, 1855. Of thcirtwelve ~ ....... '.~ lives. In 1883 Mr. Bullock b,mght 1(;0 acres children all lived to be grown, and the mother