Riverchase-3/FP-CS 870804AUG-11-1992 13:53 FROM REPUBLIC PROPERTY GROUP ±3:53 I- PKUI"I RBTURN TO: ~AL~A$ TITL~ Ct)~r.~y - QUUAUH 062.:AS, T~XA~ 752a0 27~! OEO S~COND SUPF~E~I'~TAL DEC;,AI~TION Or CO~ITIUNS ,~¢D RESTRICTIONS FOR RIVE]?C)I~SK. A ~STEK P~N~ ~J~ITY IN COPI'EI, I~ Th~a Second Supplementa~ Declaration o~ Cuvena,t~, C~ndition~ and Restrictions ~ot R~verchase, a ~aS~er f'Iann=d Co~eunJ~y ~r, 1. R~.~. The ~ollowln9 reclkals Corm the .~asis ear and ate part o~ this ~eCond Supplemental Declaration. a. Declarant Is the developer o~ a rea~ ~state co~on~y known as 'Rive~cha~e, a Maa~er P[anne~ Community in b. DeClarant Previously made that cecto;n Oecla~atlofl Covenants Condttions an~ Read,lotions Eor Rtvetchase, a master 19&S and reco~doa In Volu~ 85073, eaqe 4039, Deed Reco(ds, Dalla~ Cotfn~y, Texa~. e. Oeci~C&n~ p:eviouaty made tha~ eectaln ~{rs~ Supplemental Declata'e~on,' o~ Covenants, Condleion= and nestrlc~ion~ ~or Rlvete~n~e, a M0Ster Planned Co--airy in Co~eli, Texas Supplemental Declaration-) dated ~uly EO, I987y (eco~ded Volume ~, Page ~/A Deed Reco~d~,/Dallas County, d.,. Co~cu.~rentl~ ,bith the makAng o~ th[5 Second Decla(ation, De,la(ant has conveyed the Club Propeoty belo~) to be develope~ aa a gale course and club house ~ith ass6claked bmenlties. e, The Club Propezby is .unSque and distln~Jisha~te ~rom SECOND .~fdlPPL£1~EN'TAL DECI. ARATI~T . Page 1 · "'-' 87J7 3668 AUG-ii-1992 15:53 ~ROM REPUBLIC PROPERTY GROUP P. 03 to Create dl~erent and specie: requirements £or ~ Club Property. 2. Os[in{Lions. Capitalizes ~ords in this SeCOnd SuPPlemental ,~-~st~on shall be de,tried as ~et out in the Decia;atton (unless the context otherwise requires). ReCerences to sections ceEer to Sections in the OeclaLation. "CLub Property- shall mean the real properly described irt ~xhibit 'A' and ts the same as the property ~eCetred to in 'C~ub O~net' shaLL mean the Owner o~ the Club P~operty together with all Suture owners o; the CIu~ PrOperty Or any direct ~r indirect bene;lcial interest thecein. 3, Liaear Pac~~.' ." 8action 1,09(a) . is heceb~ supplemefl~d -to p~ide ~ ~e e~n area te~erred to a9 the ~eeOfld Supplemental ~clatetion, 4. ~oA! ~e~. Fat the ~enefit oi 'Declarant; 'C{ub ~fler and the ClUb Property, DeClarant he:e~ lmpo~e~ the covenants, ~flditions and teotrictions on all portions o~ Property thee ace eOne{guOus or ad~acene :O the C~ub (a) GO~ ~tX~ be played On the Clu~ P~opec:y and there ~ a llkellhood that qol~ balls struck by player~ ~lll eflt~: upon portions o~ the ~etOperty ad,scent or contiPvous to the Clv~ Property. Oeclerant te~eFves afl easement [n t~e ehtlte above, an~ u~on such ~ortAofl~ Or the Property and Co~fl Areas. T~e ease~nt resetve~ ts appurtenant tO the Club Property. The ua~emen~ shall pegm~t the [llght o~ golf balls tl~rcug~ t.:~ air ove~ the P~opetty and ~he entry of 90~ ball~ upon and/ac acro~s the Property nnd any improvements constructed, or to be constructed, upon the rroperty, os on ~nctdenC tO the reasonable use of ~ Club contiguous or 6d~ace~t POr~lOn5 o~ the ~COpecty by an except permitted entry on~o Co~fl Areas. ~o~ any purpose, lnctu~$ ~ut not limited to the tettleveZ of goZ~ ba~s. N~h~flg hetein c~ntained ~hall be Construe~ so as to l~mit t~e construction O~ ~mptove~nt$ on the etopeg:y, et any use or enjoyment o~ ~toper~y. (b) Neither Declarant nor ClUb ~net no/ any invites or Club Owner shalZ be liable or responsible EOz claims, liab{llties, lo~ses, damages o~ cost~ arising out o~ Pe~sonal Injury or propert~ damape to any person or property caused by the pe~mltted flight /l[pht 1~ undertaken with 6 ~ofltofl et ~eckless disregard fo~ the pgouabltl:y o~ ~erioue Injury o~ property SF. COh~J SUPPI~JI]gqTAI. D£CLARATION . P.I~e z '"" 8717~ $. l_llltsaents. ?he Club O~net and Club Property shall be a£fo~ded di[~e~ent treatment unde~ Article IV O~ the 0eclaration entitled 'Assessments' os £ollows~ including in Section 4.03(E), the Club ~operty shall not be treated (b) ~r~het notwiehstonding SeCtion i,03(h), the Clu~ PrOp~(ty i~stead oi ~Si annually, rutt~,c, ~he Club PrOper:~ assess~flts she~l never exceed $823,3~ per including and ~fl Section 4.04 o~ a.0S, the Club ~ner and CIu~ P~ope~t~ shall not be sub~ect to any Special A~s~sSmentS o~ Special ;flOlvidua] Assessments. (d) No,withstanding Sec~ton 4.0B, ~he assess~ents ~or :he Club ~ner and Club Property Shal~ co--nee January i, (al Notwithstanding anything cOn~ained in :he (subject to zoning, ia~s and ordinances o~ qOvecn~ntal au~hotlttes~, use o~ ~he ClUb Property shall be permieeed as a gol~ ([) pco ShQpl ([~) restauran~ on~ ptIva~e club; (iii) tennis cou~*~ and s~In9 pool~ (iv) maintenance facilities (including ~ifltenance supplies); (vi vehtel~ maintenance ~acitl~tes (lnc~uding ~fleerg~ound petroleum ~tocdge tanks aha ce~ace~ surface pumpina equip~n:); (vi) outside ~to~age o[ sod, sang, seed, [ettilizec (vii) use trucks and vehicles tn comtectton wi~h the opera,ion of the Club P~ope~ty. 7. TIo~iety Club..lto(l[~. Notwithstanding S~c~ofl g.0i(h), Clu~, O~ner's u~ o~ a k~Mpoti~y' ~dulac club hous~ s~all until such t[~ as ~t Is replaced ~ith a permanent Club h~use to ~he contrary contalne~ tn the Oeclatatio,, ~he s~co~.,,,, sup~cr~^[ Um~T~O. ~ 7 1 7 q 3 G 7 0 e~ee:ed to the ~os£d of Directors o~ the Association and to thetel~y determine the ~embete of ~rcnitectural Re~ie~ Committee and the Architectural Review Comalttee ta presently composed nf individuals a~f{liated with Declarant. ?he rights, powe[~ and duties o{ the Architectural Revte~ Committee shall &pp~Y to the Club O~ner Club etoperty until ~he Azcht~ectu:a! Review Cotm~ittee is no co~tcolled by Oecla~aflc Or untll ehe ~empocacy club house to placed upon ~he Club ecOpet~y ~. ~epZaced ~i~h a 9etmanen~ tacii~y Architectural Revt~ co~iecee and ~heteve~ In e~e discretion is a~/o~ded ~o o~ approval requ~ed o~ ~h~ ArchiteCturaL Revie~ Co~i::ee, the Club ~ne~ may ~ns~ead exercise ~uch discretion and pro~ide ;uch approval. V;ovtde~ :hah. C:u~ shall ac~ reasonably and tn good [alt~ tn Chis exorcise o( suc~ 9, En~otce~.n_~. Notwithstanding anyehtng contained In the ~C~atat~on, 'including SectiOnS 4.0~, S.O~(a), io.O~ o~ 14.03, ~he Oec~a~&t~on as they pertain to ~he Club ~net ~nd the C~ub Property Co) tO tecovec damages EOt uflpa[d assessments~ to recover damages ~oF willful Or flegligene acts~ seeCtEie per,or.flee and/Or injunctive (d) couce, cos~s and aktotneys ~ees as provided ~or The AssOCiation. Board o~ Oztec~ots, O~ners and City o~ Coppell shall not have lien clght~ and shall nok co,oct to salE-help enforce these covenanbs a~d restrictions aga~s~ ~ Club ~ner and C~ub Property. thi~ Second Supplemental Dec, tO'ion has b~efl approved by 67~ o~ the lA. 0eclata:~.~ A~LF~U. Except as othet'wi~e a~nded and suppZe~nted by this Second SuppZe~ental Oeclacatiofl. ~he Second Supplemental Declaration an~ the DeclaraLio~. this Second ~uP91~fl~al Deelo~o~ion s~QI[ contCOl. Executed effective as o~ ~h~ da~e first above ~tltten. TOTAL P.01 TERRA CORE~0RA~E JOINT a Texas ~oint veatuze CSUCCESSOR TO RIVERCI(A~ JOINT B¥~ TERRA LAND OEYELOPMENT CO., a ~exa$ cO:pO:a%~on VENTURE MAnAGeR .By= Oob~ ENTERPRiSeS, a Cati~ornia Up.eeo1 partnership STATE OF COUKTY OF UALL. A,S Th[~ tn$~umen~ was ackn0~ledged before me on the ~ day DEV~'~ENT COR~T~ JOINT VE~TURE, a Texas ~oint ve~tute. .,,.. 8717b, 3672