Riverchase-4/FP-SY 860901TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR RIVERCHASE IN COPPELL, TEXAS SEPTEMBER 1986 NDivl NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Dallas, Texas TABLi~ OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. SITE ACCESS III. INTERNAL CIRCULATION IV. ANALYSIS Ao SITE TRIP GENERATION DIRECTIONS OF APPROACH TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOI~IENDATIONS VI. APPENDIX I. INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a traffic analysis performed for River- chase, a §94-acre proposed development located In north Coppell, Texas. The site, as shown in Figure 1, is located south of Sandy Lake Road, west of Denton Creek, north of Belt Line Road, and east of Mockingbird Lane. River- chase is planned to be a mixed-use development consisting of residential, office, and retail development. The objectives of this report are to (l) present the traffic analyses related to the proposed zoning changes and traffic impact on the surrounding street system, and (2) justify the need for Fairway Drive, on the southeast corner of the proposed development. II. SITE ACCESS The site is located approximately 2 miles west of IH-35E and 2.5 miles north of IH-635. Both freeways provide excellent regional access to the proposed development. Several other roads, such as Sandy Lake and Belt Line, also provide access to the site from the freeways. Existing roads serving the site and their proposed improvements are shown in Figure 2. Belt Line Road serves the southern boundary of the site. It connects IH-635 with IH-35E, providing convenient access from the site to either freeway. Currently, Belt Line is a 24-foot, 2-lane undivided roadway between IH-35E and Denton Tap. The City of Coppell Thoroughfare Plan shows this portion of Belt Line as a 6-lane divided principal roadway, which will greatly improve access to the site. The northern boundary of this site is served by Sandy Lake Road. Sandy Lake Road extends from IH-35E to west of Denton Tap, providing an alternate access to the freeway from the site. This road is currently a 2-lane undivided roadway which, under the City of Coppell Thoroughfare Plan, will be widened to a major 6-lane divided roadway. Denton Tap/Belt Line Road provides access on the west side of'the slte. This roadway extends from IH-655 north to Sandy Lake Road. This 2-lane roadway is also planned to be widened to a 6-lane divided thoroughfare. The last of the najor roadways providing site access is MacArthur Boulevard. It #ill traverse north-south through the proposed development. North of the site, NacArthur Boulevard is a 4-lane divided thoroughfare. Future plans for this roadway under the City of Coppell Thoroughfare Plan include widening to a 6-lane divided thoroughfare and its extension north to IH-35E. III. INTERNAL CIRCULATION Internal circulation is designed to collect site-generated traffic and distri- bute It to the major thoroughfares such as Belt Line and Sandy Lake Roads. This will be accomplished by NacArthur Boulevard, Riverchase Drive, and Fair- way Drive, providing site access at four intersections (see Figure 2). River- chase Drive will be a 4-lane undivided roadway serving as the main collector for individual tracts within the development, and carrying most of the traffic generated from the development. Fairway Drive will connect to Belt Line Road and Riverchase Drive, carrying the majority of the traffic going east toward IH-35E, which otherwise would have to go through NacArthur. Therefore, the combination of Riverchase and Fairway Drives will greatly reduce the traffic impact at NacArthur Boulevard. IV. ANALYS IS Current traffic conditions, as well as traffic conditions fdrecast for the year 2000, were used to provide a complete assessment of the local traffic impact due to the proposed development. The year 2000 forecast conditions were obtained from the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation (SDHPT) 20-20-6 traffic assignment. These volumes serve as the base for adding trips generated by proposed developments to establish forecasts of future street and intersection loading. A. Site Trip Generation The traffic volumes generated by Rlverchase were calculated by using trip generation factors from the 1983 Institute of Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation Report (Third Edition). The number of residential dwelling units, as well as the magnitude of office/retail square footage, were obtained from the proposed site and land use plan as shown tn Figure 3. The number of retail and recreational trips was reduced by 25~. This reduc- tion is based on the assumption that 25~ of the trips generated by these faci- lities will be satisfied internally, and that no extra trips will be distri- buted to the main roadway system. Similarly, the number of office trlps was reduced by 8~, which is a figure that has been derived from recent studies performed in the Dallas area for similar developments. As the results show in Table 1, the total number of dally trips generated by the development was found to be 63,313. The highest traffic volumes were generated in the AM Peak hours, with 3,861 inbound trlps, and In the PM Peak hours with 4,505 outbound trips. Table I Site Generated Traffic Riverchase Use/Magnitude Single Family (9)-354 D.U. Single Family (0)-485 D.U. Townhouse (1)-262 D.U. Multi-Family (1)-960 D.U. Multi-Family (2)-1,857 D.U. 1Office (1)-1,315,497 S.F. 2Retail-378,230 S.F. 2Golf Clubhouse-146.492 Ac. TOTALS Total Daily Trips 3,540 4,850 1,362 5,856 11,327 13,644 21,977 ?5? 63,313 AN Peak In Out 74 195 102 266 17 90 115 460 222 891 2,297 431 1,011 976 23 6 3,861 3,315 PM Peak In Out 223 131 305 179 90 43 448 224 866 433 304 2,249 1,245 1,213 8 33 3,489 4,505 I 8~ Reduction of office trips. 2 25~ Reduction of retail and recreational trips. B. Directions of Approach The direction of site-related trips for Riverchase was assumed by using year 2000 projections as well as demographic characteristics and current travel patterns. The daily trip distribution Is shown in Figure 4, and was based on a similar trip distribution study performed for this development by Pawa- Winkelmann and Associates, Inc. The results are as follows: Retail Office Residential North 20~ 20~ lO~ East 25~ 25~ 28~ South ]5~ 40~ 32~ West 40~ 15~ 30~ c. Traffic Ass i_{[nment The daily distribution percentages shown in Figure 4 were applied to the site- generated traffic to obtain the 24-hour site-generated traffic (see Figure 5). The AM/PM generated traffic is shown in Figure 6, and the year 2000 24-hour traffic projections are shown in Figure ?. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the previous results, it was concluded that the roadway network at the vicinity of the site will be able to accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed development. Other conclusions and recommendations are as follows: IH-35E and IH-635 provide Rtverchase excellent regional access. This accessibility will be even further increased by the future extension of MacArthur Boulevard north to IH-35B. Belt Line and Sandy Lake Roads will collect most of the traffic generated within Rtverchase. This will take place at intersections with MacArthur Boulevard, Fairway Drive, and Rlverchase Drive. Fairway Drive will play an important role in reducing the traffic volume at MacArthur, and will also provide easy access from the devel- opment to Belt Line Road and IH-35E. Left-turn vehicle channelization into the site will be required at the following intersections: 1. Belt Line Road and MacArthur Boulevard (see Figure 8). 2. Sandy Lake Road and MacArthur Boulevard. 3. Sandy Lake Road and Riverchase Drive. 4. Belt Llne Road and Fairway Drive. - Traffic signals are strongly recommended at the following intersec- tions: 1. Belt Line Road and NacArthur Boulevard. 2. Sandy Lake Road and NacArthur Boulevard. 3. Belt Line Road and Fairway Drive (see Figure 9). - Railroad crossing devices will eventually be required at the following intersections with the St. Louis and Southern Railroad. 1. Belt Line Road and MacArthur Boulevard. 2. Belt Line Road and Fairway Drive (see Figure 9). VI. APPENDIX 6 NO SCALE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Horth Lake V~I',,.'c od R~neh 3'r pi] FIGURE 1 LOCATION MAP ND.M' NATHAN D, MAIER CONSULTING ENGIHEERS~INC. ~lllil, Tcxil 7SZ~I / (Zt4) 73~o4741 FU'IlJRE MACAR'THt~ PRIVATE DEVELOPERS CIZ~/ OF COPPELL, TX. THOROUGHFARE PLAN CITY OF COPPELL CIP PROJECTS NO ~ERCHASE DRIVE 4'4.ANR UN~ 6-LANE m !LT LINE RO/ SCALE /~ 6'LANE DIVIDED ' North I.~ke V~tl;,,-~_.od Ranch 'I'r 0 il , FIGURE 2 PROPOSED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS J qD.M NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING EIqGINE[IS, INC. Ti. fei I~los'lkPirk / II00 N.Cenlr&l lfxpwy. / Silll! 300 Dell,liS. Texas 7S211L / (214) 739o4741, c: r-. ? .FIGURE a PROPOSED SITE AND' LAND USE PLAN O r- · Three NorlhPlrll ! I100 Id,Cefltrll £xpw¥. ! Sills tOO Dilligo Tilil ?5231 / (Z14) 739-4741 4% 8~ ! I t NO SCALE ~.19% 3% ~/ 12 % North l~ke Val',..'?oq R~neh .Trail 11% 2,8~ 4% FIGURE 4 DALLY TRIP DISTRIBUTION ?qD.M NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTI I'(G trHGIN~-£R$, INC. 4214) 734)o4741 // FIGURE 5 24-HOUR SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC Z O NATHAN D. CONSULTING ENGINEIrRS~INC Three NorlhPeflt / AH PEAK - INBOUND TRIPS PH PEAK - OUTBOUND TRIPS FIGURE 6 AM/PM GENERATED TRAFFIC NATHAN D, M^IER CONSULTING ENGIN£ERS~IN:. I NO SCALE Nor th Lake Val :,.': oC FIGURE .7 YEAR 2000 -24HOUR TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS NATHAN D. MAIER S. W. $o' R TYP. I00' STORAGE ~EL T LINE t::?OA ZD NOTE: VALLEY RANCH PHASE IV TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND R.R. GRADE CROSSING PROTECTION DEVICES WILL BE REOUIRED IN FUTURE. VALLEY RANCH PHASE IV FIGURE 8 PROPOSED BELT LINE/MacARTHUR IMPROVEMENT~ NO SCALE NATHAN D. MAIER CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Three Nor,h Park BBO0 N. Cenfrol Expwy. Suite $00 Dallas, Texas 75~31 {~14) 73.9-~741 OEL T LINE ROAD NATHAN D. MAIER