Riverchase-6.1/FP-CS 931222 (2)DE0-29-93 NED 16:20 Beltline MacArthur Ranch Limited Partnership FR× NO, 4907099 ,..% C~TY.OF__COpPELL DATE :_ J~¢- 2l P, 02 ._, lg REPLAT 2. Preliminary Plat_ FINAL PLAT_ _.__ , ~treet city state zip 4. Firm Preparing Plat - Street ' 'City ' State Zip Street City ~hone ~(2~q) Addre~ ~oPl ' 8treei - City ' ' State Zip Phone ~ ~ ~ 7. All Corrmspondence relative whom: City, State, Phone ~ ~.) ~0-~0 State Zip What is the present Zoning District? any zoning change? N e~ Fi~e #_ . . Zoning district ~eguested? _ lO. Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use D~uplex_ Comm_e~cia~ lndgstrial Public S~rfiet R/W._ ~a~ks,.Public TOTAL: No. of Lots or Units SIGNATURE: Are you requesting If yes, what is the Case ~.=.- ~,q. P. Acres (for ea. use) 2t4-46~..002'2 . FAX NO, 4907099 P. 03 P. OA ._ · , I p_aa.ertp_t__ie~,, .,& ~gea_ttofl. o! 9_r_o~ertyj. 3 '~t a ~Oc~ (i{ appLto~bLe)~ LO~ B-RI~ Valley Ranch_Ce~e~_._ _: ..... 5. ~oeactoa ~u:~h&t doatt~b&~l~Sou~heast, eor~r of Mac~:hu~ R,u~var~ ~._.. .. end ~elt~oe ~oad ............. m{ ~equeatad: ...... -- : ....... 0.733 0.7~3 LI-~,U,P,. 0.733 0~733 ' O, ~t~Sofl(n) ~ot Zoni~8 Chafl&e (plea0e bo ap=e~t~c)s=~_~lo~ dt~ve th~ouqh~_ __ restauran~ ~ '. ' . . 19~, Tu~et, I (~a) hat Y ancot upon che pxe~L~a j~e~ein ~bove deaGtibed at a11 reaoo~abl~ r~n fbr the OuCe~ Noyember 1~',' 1~9~ ' ' ~eca ~e~Beltl_t~e/Hac~bu~ Rsnch . ~