Riverchase-2/FP-CS 930122 (2)AMERICAN GOLF CORPORATION City of 'Coppell Planning and Zoning commission Mr. Joe Munsch, Chairman Mr. Chairman, Committee Members: My name is Ken James. I am Vice President of Operations for American Golf Corporation, owners of Riverchase Golf Course. We recognize that our plat submittal on your March 17 agenda was de- livered too late for staff to review it at their regular review meeting. As we understand it, it will be reviewed at their March 29th development review meeting. In order that our contractor, Paragon Group, may have enough time to construct our building to meet the anticipated completion of the golf course on August let, we must be able to begin con- struction by April 15th. To do so requires that we seek prelimi- nary and final plat approval at the April 12th council meeting. To be on their agenda which closes April 4th, we need Planning and Zoning approval between ~taff review date of March 29th and the April 4th date. This would call for a special Planning and Zoning meeting. Our alternative is' to wait until your regular April 21st .Planning and Zoning meeting and May 10th council meeting, thereby delaying construction and opening of Coppell's public golf course until September. We hope that you understand that our request is in the community's best interest, as well as our own. If you will consent to a special meeting and ask staff to assist us to be ready for that meeting, we think we can open the course this summer. Thank you for this consideration. Vice President - Operations cc: Alan Radliff Taryon Paster Bowman Mayor and City Council Texas Office: P 1~ 1 7, Irv.' 01-760 (214) 445-0334 · 33-:~n;:{Stree~, ~31~n~agl{4omca, ~a~r~ia ~'oe~4a-~02~ 5relep~one (21~)3Metr°l 5-4200