Riverchase-2/FP-CS 880405COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM April 5, 1988 Planning & Zoning Public Works Administration/~4~ Riverchase Clubhouse Addition - Meter Vault Taryon, after careful review and consideration I feel it necessary to install the meter and check valve vaults for the following reasons: 1) Vaults are required to separate privately maintained water lines from city maintained water lines. This has been enforced since 1985 on all multi- family, con~nercial, and industrial developments. 2) The proposed 2" meter would require a meter reader to travel 435' onto private property to read. 3) 60% of water line will be under cone parking lot. 4) The 8" line was extended to provide temporary water for golf course only. Engineer and utility contractor ~re both made aware that to utilize line for water service in future it would require the vault or possibly realignment of line. Since there was no site plan at that time. In closing I don't feel it is fair to deviate from our normal requirements. I feel we would be doing a disservice to past developments which were required to conform to this requirement. S /bb cc: Steve Goram, Director of Public Works COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM !-.larch 29, 1.988 TO: Planning & Zoning Department Public Works Administration Riverchase Clubhouse Addition Attached are the comments and fee assessments associated with the above referenced development, which staff believes are applicable. l'f there are any questions and/or comments regarding this matter, p.[c~ase direct those inquiries to the · following departments that :~re affected. Thank you. Publ:ic Works Administration ~'~ li~ve Coram ~; t:.e yen Morton Water Utilities Howard Pafford Parks RJchard Diano Streets - Signs/Signalization Per Birdsall Dana Kamp SCC/sm Attachments ,"" _. ///?._ '~ The City With A Beautiful Future ," ( / · :::':'-'"' {' , '1 P.O. Box 478 Goppell, Texas 75019 914 - 462 - 0029 Har'ch 29, 1988 Mr. Ken James American Golf P.O. Box 157609 Irving, Texas 75015-7609 RE: Riverchase Clubhouse Addition Below you will find the fee assessments for the above referenced project: Wal:er Availability Fee: $60.00/ 1000 sf (bldg.) = Sewer Availability Fee: $60.00/ 1000 sf (bldg.) = (~stalled with construction of Riverchase Dr.) Q(~r~,';17ruction Permit Fee: $282.84 (50% due at final plat) $282.84 (50% due at bldg. permit) $282.84 (50% due at final plat) $282.84 -0- (50% due at bldg. permit) Assessable at Preconstruction Meeting 1.5% construction cost within city R.0.W and Easement Park Fee: N/A Street Light Fee: N/A Street Sign Fee: N/A ~F you have any questions, please feel free to call my office at 662-8495. ' S~.ncerely, ~s St:even M. M pector SMM/sm COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS March 28, 1988 TO: F R OM: RI;:: Taryon Bowman, Planning & Zoning Coordinator Steve Morton, Chief Public Works Inspector Riverchase Clubhouse Addition Preliminary Final Plat After reviewing the above referenced item with Public Works Supervisors, please find below items which will need to be resolved prior to final plat acceptance: Install 8" meter vault and double check valve as per standard specification SD18 Paving Specification Subgrade Specifications Grade and Drainage Plans ~;how distance to closest intersection (property fairway) Estimated square footage of Clubhouse 'i'll'is is an irregular procedure in reference to submitting preliminary/final plan jointly. Since this is a private subdivision, f have no problem with it moving forward as long as all aforementioned items are ~addressed prior to tbe approval of construction plans and issuance of construction permit. Note: I will need the estimated square footage of clubhouse as soon as possible before fees can be calculated as they are calculated bv square footage for commercial and retail. Y; I~'I M / sm c,.: l(eith Bailey, Architect