Riverchase-2/FP-CS 850516CERTIFIED MAIL
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, D.C. 20472
Honorable Andrew Brown
Mayor of the City of Coppell
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
Dear Mayor Brown:
This is in reference to a letter of transmittal, dated April 4, 1985, sub-
mitted bY Mr. Err A. Meyer, P.E., of Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers,
Incorporated. In his letter, Mr. Meyer requested that the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) review plans for the proposed fill of a portion of
the flood plain of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River known as the "Lesley
Tract," on the north side of Beltline Road. The project also includes the
construction of a swale paralleling the main channel of the Elm Fork of the
Trinity River. With his letter, Mr. Meyer submitted technical data prepared
by his firm, including a report entitled En~ineerin~ Re~ort to the Dallas County
Commissioners Court for the Proposed Creation of Dallas County Levee ImRrovement
District Number 18, dated October 1984.
Based on our review of the submitted data, we believe that the proposed
project will be sufficient to reduce the Special Flood Hazard Area within the
flood plain of the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, provided that the project is
completed as proposed. In addition, we believe that the proposed fill will
not increase the lO0-year flood elevations upstream of the project area. This
determination was made using the lO0-year discharge as computed in the ef-
fective Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the City of Coppell, Texas. The
potential hydrologic impacts associated with the development of this area or
upstream areas have not been considered in this determination. This con-
ditional Letter of Map Revision is issued with respect to minimum standards of
the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Because your community may .'
enforce more restrictive flood plain management criteria, final approval of
the project rests with your community.
The basis of this conditional Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) is a proposed
swale which will carry a significant portion of the 100-year flood discharge.
It should be noted that 'National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulation 44
CFR 60.3(b)(7) requires that communities "assure that the flood carrying
capacity within the altered or relocated Portion of any watercourse is main-
tained." This provision is incorporated into your community's existing flood
plain management regulations. Consequently, upon completion of this proposed
project, the ultimate responsibility for maintenance of the swale as well as
the main channel will rest with your community.
Upon completion of the proposed modifications, your community may request a
revision to the effective FIS and Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). The
revision request must include the data listed below:
"As-built" plans of the project, certified by a registered engineer.
A written description of the methodology used to determine hydrologic
and/or hydraulic parameters, if different from the effective FIS and
FIRMs, '
Revised water-surface profiles of the ]0-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year
floods reflecting "as-built" conditions, including a zone determina-
The methodology and starting parameters for the revised profiles
should be consistent with the present effective FIS, i.e., same
discharges and hydraulic model, unless the parameters have been
superseded by more current and technically superior data and
analyses. (FEMA approval should be obtained before deviating
from the effective FIS parameters.)
Since only a portion of the existing profiles is revised, the
upstream and downstream portions of the revised profiles should
coincide with the effective FIS' profiles, i.e., hydraulic
calculations should be continued for a great enough distance
upstream and downstream of the revised area until water-surface
elevations coincide with those in ~he effective PIS.
Two floodway hydraulic backwater models should be submitted. The
first should be a duplication of the original baseline model used in
the effective FIS. This is required to ensure that the original data
has been duplicated correctly. The second model should incorporate
the proposed fill and include any other channel modifications or
encroachment that may have occurred in the flood plain since the
original floodway was delineated. If, however, additional cross
sections are used in the second model to provide a more detailed
analysis of the completed project and i~s effects on flood hazards,
an intermediate model should also be submitted. This model must
reflect flood plain conditions as they existed at the time that the
original floodway was delineated and, therefore, it is important that
any cross sections added to the original model describe thOSe con-
ditions. In addition, any improvements to the original modeling
technique m~y be incorporated into this intermediate model. This
model will then become the new baseline model and will be used to
accurately measure the effects of the proposed fill.
a. The methodology and parameters for the revised floodway should
be consistent with the effective FIS, i.e., equal conveyance
reduction to establish encroachment limits, unless changes as
s~ecified in item 3a ~ave been approved by FEMA.
b. Since only a portion of the floodway is being revised, At must
tie into the effective FIS floodway by duplicating the results
of the original baseline model at cross sections upstream and
downstream of the proposed fill.
' c. . The revised floodway must carry the waters of the proposed base
flood (100-year) without increasing the water-surface elevations
of that flood by more than 1.O foot over the original baseline
model at any point. If additional cross sections have been
incorporated, then revised floodway elevations also may not
exceed base flood elevations calculated in the new baseline
model by more than 1.0 foot.
5. Delineation of the lO0- and 500-year flood boundaries, the 100-year
floodway boundary, and the location and alignment of cross sections
and flow line used in the hydraulic model.
a. This information should be shown on a map of suitable scale and
topographic definition to provide reasonable accuracy.
b. Ail items should be labeled for easy cross-referencing to hy-
draulic model and summary data.
6. SourCe data and engineering documentation for the previously men-
tioned items, as well as a bibliographic list of other sources of
information used.
Upon receipt and review by FEMA of items 1-6 above, and verification that the
fill project conforms to sound engineering practice and meets all applicable
NFIP standards, FEMA will take action to incorporate the effects of the
completed project into the effective FIS for your community.
We have enclosed documents, entitled Conditio_~ns.and Criteria for M~
Fisions and Conditions and Criteria f~r~oodw~~
describe , ~h~c~ furthe~
the nature and extent of the material needed to support a request to
revise an effective FIS. Compliance with the criteria outlined in these
documents will expedite FEMA's review process, thus allowing the effective FIS
and FIRM for your community to be revised as appropriate,' in a timely manner.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to
contact the Chief, Natural and Technological Hazards Division of ~he Federal
Emergency Management Agency in Denton, Texas, at (8]?) 387-58]] or members of
our Headquarters staff in Washington, D.C., at (202) 646-2?54.
Federal Insurance Administration
cc: Mr. Err A. Meyer, P.E., Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers,
Incorporated, w/enclosures
Mr. H. Wayne Ginn, P.E., City Engineer, City of Cop~ell, w/enclosures
Mr. Milburn Ssith, Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, w/o enclosures