Riverchase-2/FP-CS 880315March 15, 1988 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 Mr. Ken James American Golf Enterprises P. O. Box 157609 Irving, Texas 75015-7609 RE: Request For Information Dear Mr. James: Please find attached a copy of the January 22, 1988, City of Coppell City Council minutes, per your request to Mr. Alan Ratliff, City Manager, on March 15, 1988. The minutes contain information in reference to the eight (8) conditions for approval of the Riverchase project, and more specifically, information regarding the approval of the reclamation project for Riverchase. If I may be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, Taryon Paster Bowman P & Z Coordinator TB/lsg cc: Alan Ratliff, City Manager Frank Trando, Deputy City Manager/Finance Director AMER/GOLF MINPZ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES january 22, 1985 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS 5. Zoning Application #84-09-20 - to consider a zoning change request of Terra Land Development Company for a zoning change to the following zoning classifications: A. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "R", Retail B. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "MF-2", Multi-Family 2 C. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "MF-I", Multi-Family 1 D. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "SF-9", Single Family 9 E. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "0", Office F. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "SF-O", Single Family 0 G. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "TH-I", Townhouse 1 H. "SF-12", Single Family 12 to "SF-12 (SUP)", Single Family 12 with a Specific Use Permit The property to be rezoned contains 594.2 acres located in Abstract 1139 (james Parrish Survey), Abstract 315 {J. C. Cook Survey), Abstract 1442 (S.A. & .M.G. Railroad Survey), Abstract 1493 (Singleton Thompson Survey), and Abstract 1152 (W. Perry Survey) and bounded on the north by Sandy Lake Road, on the south by Beltline Road and on the east by the Trinity River Mr. Jay Patterson of Terra Land Development Company gave a slide presentation and report to the Council. He stated that one-third of the land will be in open green space, that his development is currently working with the City of Carrollton to correct the drainage problems to the east of this development, and that a temporary bridge would be built over the river between Coppell and Carrollton so that dirt would be hauled from the area east of this project and would not be transported over City streets. There are five areas that are being deed restricted to insure their proper develop- ment in the project. These areas are (1) the creation of the linear park, (2) the reclamation of the flood areas, {3) the size of the SF-O houses, (4} the screening walls along the areas adjacent to McArthur Boulevard, and (5) the landscaping. Additionally, no building permits will be issued for construction east of McArthur Boulevard until the reclamation project is finished and a second access road will be built following approval of the railroad company. Mr. Patterson stated that his company would like to add the following restrictions to the development as of this meeting: (1) that the first eighty (80) feet on Sandy Lake Road would be restricted to duplex development and the next one hundred twenty (120) feet would be restricted to quadriplex so as to give the appearance of a single family development, (2) that Terra Land Development Company will pay for traffic signalization at Beltline and McArthur Boulevard, and (3) that upon approval of the zoning, construction on McArthur Boulevard would begin within two weeks. Mayor Brown declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who only had questions concerning this project, but were not necessarily oppossed or for the project. Those persons speaking were Mr. Bob Wood, Mr. Don Nixon, and Mr. Andy Norton. Questions. concerned filing of a performance bond with reference to the reclamation project, the extension of McArthur Boulevard, the approval of the railroad company for the two access crossings, and provisions for the continuation of this project should Terra become nonexistent. Mayor Brown then asked if there were persons present who wished to speak against the proposed project. Those persons speaking were Mr. Don Nixon, Mr. Peter Cole, Mr. Mike Ruiz, Mr. Greg Winchester, and Mr. Jim Shane. Mayor Brown then asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of the project. Those persons speaking were Mr. Bill Troth, Ms. Sandra Haney, Mr. Larry French, Mr. Jay Turner, Mr. Bill Enlow, Mr. Pat Chauncy, Mr. Mel Petty, Mr. Andy Norton, Mr. Joe eehee Mr Morris Salerno, Mr. Ralph Prube, and Mr. Steve Brown, Mr. Michael McG t ~' ...... ~ ~in~ closed Discussion was then .. r Brown then dec~areo ~nu ~u~,,~ -~- ~ ' Parsons _ Mayo ..... ~-- ~is -ro~ect Following discussion, Mayor. Pro. T~? held by Counc~ co . ~ ........... ~ ~,hier to the following stipu)a~ons: Thompson moved that the zoning (1) that the deed restrictions outlined in "Exhibit A" of the application be strictly adhered to, '(2) that the frontage on Sandy Lake be restricted to the duplex and quadriplex units referred to earlier in these minutes, (3) that Terra Land Development finance the cost of the traffic signals at Beltline and McArthur Boulevard, (4) that no building permits be issued east of McArthur Boulevard until passage of the County Bond election, (5) that no permits be issued east of McArthur Boulevard until approva for the reclamation project has been received by the Corp of Engineers, (6) that no building permits be issued east of McArthur Boulevard until approval for the railroad crossings has been received, (7) that no building permits be issued east of McArthur Boulevard until the reclamation project has been completed and (8) that the developer will complete the landscaping on McArthur from Beltline to Sandy Lake Road; Councilman Bailey seconded the motion which carried 4-1 with Councilman Duggan voti) against the motion.