Riverchase-2/FP-AG 930209ITEM CAPTION' PUBLIC I~RllqG: To consider approval of a Replat of Riverchase Clubhouse AdditiOns to allo~ the expansion of the Clubhouse, located along the east side of Riverchase Drive, within the Riverchase Golfcourse, at the request of Golf Enterprises. SUBMITTED BY: I~VALUATION OF ITEM; Date of P ~ Z Meeting: January 21, 1993 STAFF I~F..~ Planning. Director. I~ary L. ~ OTHER REP.: DATE: Decision of P ~ Z Commission: Approved (5-0) vith the follo~ring conditions: 1) that they indicate the floodplain on the east and south side of the property; 2) that procurement of the floodplain development per.it be achieved; and 3) that the City is insured of a minimu~ 15" drainage pipe A F°R O V:ED ( BY. CiTY . Please see attached staff report for further details. BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: N/A AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY LEGAL REVIEW BY: AG~_NDA R~OU~ST ~0~ P._PV~) L'91 REVIEWED BY CM: , ' ~LT?OIiT 20CLTILYTATIOI~ FO~ ,~O~,~D~ I?~Z :T..[.~P RECEll,-~I2} BY CITY ~,~IiAGER'S OFFICE; £1_'PPORT DOCL'],ri'N~ATIOIq SL'BMITTED I,'ITR AGENDA I'rlEM: .MEMOS/LETTERS/REPORTS / B ILLS/MINDTE$: NO. OF ORIGIHALS lr~UlmmD I e~ch CO %--. F,,-'.C'T / AG~' r _~fE. ,N T ................. : C. Z.P. COffI[,,ACT ..................... : Cff..ANGE ORDERS ....................... .' 3 ortgi-ale for si$~cure 6 ori$i~le for si~ture 3 originals for signa~ure m ORDISANC£ ........................... : CAPTION ............................. : RESOLUTION .......................... : PROCLAMATION ........................ : 1 blusback for sigua=ure + 3 copies I bluebaek for sl~at~re + 3 copies 2 bluebaclm [or signature + I copy 2 blueb~ for 8i~ure + I copy each LOCATIOM MAPS ....................... : ZONING PLANS ........................ : PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLATS ............. : SITE PLANS .......................... LA~SCA?E PLANS ..................... : ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS ............ : 12 12 12 12 12 12 DATE PUBLISRED IN TIlE CITIZ~IS' ADVOCATI~,: NOTIFICATION lq): DATE/HETROD OF CO~TACT: ?:;13 SFEET. 0588DS CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT REPLAT - RIVERCHASE CLUBHOUSE ADDITION P & Z HEARING DATE: January 21, 1993 C. C. HEARING DATE: February 9, 1993 LOCATION: Along the east side of Riverchase Drive, within the Riverchase Golfcourse. SIZE OF AREA: 3.47 Acres REQUF~T: Approval of a Replat to allow the expansion of the Riverchase Clubhouse. APPLICANT: Golf Enterprises (Owner) Mr. Ken James 2000 E. Shady Grove Road Irving, TX 75060 (214) 445-0334 Nathan D. Maler Engineers (Engineer) Mr. Mike Daniel 8800 N. Central Expressway Suite #300 Dallas, TX 75231 (214) 739-4741 HISTORY: There has been no recent development history on this parcel although considerable residential activity is occurring adjacent to the golf course. TRANSPORTATION: Riverchase Drive is an improved (C4U) four-lane undivided thoroughfare which extends from MacArthur Boulevard to Sandy Lake Road, contained within 60 feet of right-of-way. ITEM 12 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - golf course & developing single-family subdivisions; SF-9 and PD-SF-9 South- vacant; MF-2 East - golf course; SF-12 S.U.P. West - golf course; SF-12 S.U.P. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows parks and open space as most appropriate here· ANALYSIS: Because the use is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and is an improvement to the existing facility, staff recommends approval of this replat subject to: · indicating the floodplain on the east and south sides of the property · procurement of a floodplain development permit (if not already received) for golf cart path construction · assurance that 15" minimum drainage pipes are included in construction documents ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the Replat 2) Deny the Replat 3) Modify the Replat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat document clubhs.sff asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Wolfe then closed the Public Hearing. Philip Segrest, Attorney for Brazos Electric, made comments to the Council concerning land that was dedicated to the City of Coppell by Brazos Electric. Mr. Segrest also spoke regarding a line down Sandy Lake Road that was traded to TU Electric for another line. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to approve the zoning change request with the four conditions and variances attached with the provision that it will not come back to Council in ordinance form and will not be effective until such time as Staff and Brazos has worked out the pertinent language for the ordinance. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; the motion was denied 3-4 with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Morton and Robertson voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Mayo and Garrison voting against the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to deny the zoning change request Case #S- 1041(A). Councilman Morton seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 17. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a replat of Pecan Hollow Addition, Block H, Lots 27 & 28 (197 and 201 Hollowtree), located approximately 450' south of Parkway Boulevard, along the west side of Lodge Road, at the request of American Surveying Company. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation. Mayor Wolfe opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Wolfe then closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve the replat of Pecan Hollow Addition, Block H, Lots 27 & 28 (197 and 201 Hollowtree). Councilman Morton seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 18. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a site plan amendment, Case #S-1037(A), Riverchase Clubhouse Addition, to allow the expansion of the Clubhouse, located along the east side of Riverchase Drive, within the Riverchase Golfcourse, at the request of Golf Enterprises. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made the presentation to the Council and stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to approve the amendment. Jim Helmn, representing applicant, also made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Wolfe opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Jerry Ragsdale, representing the owner of Riverchase, spoke in support of the change. Mayor Woffe then closed the Public Hearing. Following discusson, Councilman Mayo moved to approve a site plan amendment, Case gS-1037(A), Riverchase Clubhouse Addition, to allow the expansion of the Clubhouse. Councilman Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon abstained from the vote due to a conflict of interest. 19. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a replat of Riverchase Clubhouse Addition, to allow the expansion of the Clubhouse, located along the east side of Riverchase Drive, within the Riverchase Golfcourse, at the request of Golf Enterprises. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation. Mayor Wolfe opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Wolfe then closed the Public Hearing. Following discussion, Councilman Robertson moved to approve a replat of Riverchase Clubhouse Addition, to allow the expansion of the Clubhouse. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon abstained from the vote due to a conflict of interest. 20. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a replat of Big Cedar Addition, Block 1, Lots 8 & 9 (329 and 333 Brock Street), located north of Bethel School Road and west of Harris Street, at the request of Goodwin and Marshall Engineers. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation indicating that the Planning & Zoning Commi~ion recommended approval. Mayor Wolfe opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak against this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Wolfe then closed the Public Hearing. Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved to approve a replat of Big Cedar Addition, Block 1, Lots 8 & 9 (329 and 333 Brock Street). Councilman Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 21. Citizens Appearance Johnny Thompson, 1780 E. Beltline, addressed the Council and stated that he had purchased a City Charter for $2.00. After reviewing it, he wanted a refund on his money as, in his opinion, the Council was not following four sections of the cl~arter. Mr. Thompson did not elaborate the four sections to which he was referring. 22. Mayor's Report A® Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon stated he had attended the TML legislative update and that there are a couple of bills coming through that Council needs to be aware of. There is a move by CLEAT to introduce some legislation which would enable Councils to enact civil service by a simple majority vote of Council. TML is opposed to that bm and is continuing to work against it. The airport issue is also a major subject. Councilman Weaver spoke regarding the letter from City Manager Alan Ratliff regarding salary survey and the conclusion that the F'mance Committee does not support the hiring of City Auditors to conduct a salary survey, nor do they support the hiring of outside help to conduct a salary survey. Mr. Weaver requested an agenda item for further discussion of this matter. Mayor Wolfe conducted a consensus, and the item will appear on the next Council Agenda. Mayor Wolfe stated that Councilman Mayo will be out the next Council meeting. 23. Liaison Reports Finance Committee -- Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon stated there would be a meeting on February 16, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. CM020993 Page 6 of 8 /