Riverchase-2/PP-DR 880329DRC I~TE: P&Z ~TE: CC I);tTE'. Revie~l~ ~: Taryo~ ~n Pl~ning & Z~ing Coc, r~i~ I]E~EI.D;qqBN REVI~ CO~llTTEE Planni~ ~~ Comments for RIVERCHI~ CL~ I~BDITION~ PRELI#IN~RY PU~T Indicate zoning on surrounding p~operties. Revisions sust be subeitted by 12:00 noon on I~nda~ 415188, in order to be ~evie~ed by the Development Revi~ Co.mitres on 4/5/88. (Plea~ subeit tso (2) folded plans) Respond to all come,ts by ~y of letter addressed to Taryon Bowman, D~ Chairperson, L~o5 Parkmay Blvd. Copl~ll~ TX 75019. This itm is scheduled on the Plaoning and Zoning docket on Thur~day~ i~pril 7~ 1988~ and also tentatively scheduled for the Tuesdayv P~ril 1988 City Council maeting. 1~ rep~entative eust attend both ratings. Failure to do so may result in denial of this application. If Yapia~ces are being requested for this developee~, you m~st submt a letter specifically outlining the respective requests. If you should have a~y questions regarding the above mantionsd coments, please co,tact Taryon lA,man, Plarming & Zoning Coordimtor at ~o~-O0~.