Riverchase-2/PP-DR 880823 CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DRC DATE: REVIE~4 OF: BY: ~hobre Daneshmand, Civil Enj~ineer PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANS: Please make the following additions and/or corrections, as marked: ~) 3) 4) 5) The names and zoning of adjacent properties, names on record of owners of adjoining parcels. The location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, easements, fire lanes or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract. Existing and proposed zoning of the site and the surrounding properties. Topography of the site (intervals of 5 feet or less,referred to sea level datum). Per Floodplain Management Ordinance, (Art. 5, Sec. C, Item 4, Page 34), all subdivision proposals must have the following note placed on the preliminary and final plats: "Floodplain Development Permit Application No. has been filed with the City of Coppell Floodplain Administrator on , 19 (Floodplain Administrator) 6~ ~ Xo Comment. (Date) The following information, as marked, is required to be contained in the preliminary engineerinE plans. Submit preliminary engineering plans. ihe plans shall show existing structures . · utilities . . sewers . · water mains culverts · . and other under~round structures within the tract immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes and locations. 3) ~) 5) ~) Preliminary plans of proposed water distribution system . sewage collection system . . . , and their relation to the existing utilities in the area, and to the Ptility Master Plan. Provide a Drainage Area Map, covering two parts: a) show On-site Drainage Map, on a scale of 1" ~ 20', 40', 50', etc · · .; with all details as required in the Subdivision Ordinance; b) show the Off-site Drainage Map, on a scale of I" ~ I00', 200', etc. . . Delineate the project's boundary on it, plus the less detailed drainage system, to clearly demonstrate the affect of such activities, drainage outfalls, on the adjacent properties and the Drainage Master Plan. If the applicant is requesting any variance to the Subdivision Ordinance, he must submit a letter specifically outlining his respective requests. Show the boundaries of the 100-year Floodplain and Floodway clearly on the preliminary and final plats. Ail above comments must be addressed, prior to Engineering Staff's final recommendation on this plat. DRC/CO~ENTS/ENG/PRELIM MEMO1